Off the coast of Sirius Island, aboard the Moby Dick.

On the huge deck of Moby Dick, the huge body of the white beard sat on the deck, Marko and the others sat behind him, and on each side of him sat the red-haired Shanks and Ye Chen, and the crew of both sides sat next to them.

The position of the three people is like three ~ angles, corresponding to each other, and each can see the other two.

According to common sense, it is understandable that Shanks sits in this position, but Ye Chen is also in the same position as them, which is a little strange, after all, Di Lin has only just been born, and Shanks and Whitebeard are the four emperors of King’s Landing New World.

The status of the three is inherently unequal.

It’s just that from such a sitting posture, Shanks and Whitebeard have regarded Ye Chen as an equal position.

After all, having seen that huge lightsaber that penetrates the sky, even if they change to it, it is difficult to hide their calm.

And judging by the move just now, Shanks and Whitebeard understood that Ye Chen’s strength was the same class as them.

Although they can also solve the awakened Heavenly Wolf, they can’t be as crisp and neat as ~ Ye Chen.

At this time, Whitebeard grinned: “Sons, – serve wine.”

“It’s Daddy.”

Not long after the white beard fell, several celebrities responded, and not long after, a lot of good food – good wine was served on the blank deck where the three of them were.

“Wow, haha, come and toast.” Whitebeard grinned, picked up the large bowl, and placed it in front of him.




The rest of the people reacted to this, holding up the wine glass with a smile on their faces, and touching each other in the air, even Ye Chen and Esders were no exception.

At this moment, everyone seemed to have forgotten their identities, whether it was the white-bearded pirate group or the red-haired pirate group.

At this moment, it seems that everyone has only one identity, that is, eating and drinking.

At this moment, all the contests are concentrated on one aspect, that is, eating food and drinking.

A red-haired crew member with fat balls competes with a big fat man under Whitebeard to eat meat, as if to prove who is stronger in this way.

Marko and Beckman blushed and competed to drink, seemingly competing in this unique way to see who was stronger.

But in the end, Marko was defeated by Beckman, and fell down drunk with a red face, lying on the deck.

Beckman complained, “Get up Marko, get up Marko.” ”

But no matter what Beckman said, Marr lay on deck like a dead pig.

To be honest, the red-haired pirate group holds banquets all year round, drinking is like homely Marko, although he has a bit of alcohol, but in front of Beckman can not be compared at all.

It is also normal that he will lose miserably.

“It’s crazy.” Ye Chen chuckled.

As soon as the words fell, he took a bowl of wine and walked to the side of the boat, a trace of the breeze blew the salty smell of the sea, ruffled Ye Chen’s hair, and under the moonlight, it was like a beautiful picture, peaceful and silent.

“Why is the wine and food not palatable?” The white-bearded heroic laughter came, and as soon as the laughter fell, the white-beard appeared on Ye Chen’s side, looking at Ye Chen with a smile.

“The food is good.” Ye Chen turned his head and replied with a smile, and after speaking, he took a sip of wine, and a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

Most of the liquor on the Whitebeard ship is sake, and although it is not as high as the liquor drunk in the previous life, it has a good taste and is considered a good sake.

“Wow, hahaha, then how to take it down, alone here.” Whitebeard questioned, just now he saw Ye Chen’s absent-minded appearance, and he looked at them with a smile the whole time.

“Get used to being quiet alone.” Ye Chen replied with a smile.

When Whitebeard heard this, he nodded, and did not ask, he knew that people’s temperaments are different, some people like to be lively, and some people like to be quiet.

Perhaps Ye Chen belongs to this kind, and the most important thing is that he is not very familiar with Ye Chen, and to put it bluntly, he has just met.

“How did you two get here.”

Ye Chen only heard a grumbling sound, and Shanks ran over a little embarrassed, still complaining in his mouth.

It’s hard to believe that someone with such free red hair would have such an expression on their faces.

········ Ask for flowers…

“Wha, why are you here.” Whitebeard smiled at Shanks.

“You all left, they couldn’t find anyone to drink, so they found me.” Shanks grumbled. It’s just that although he said so, his face didn’t mind very much.

“These two are really like comics, bold, informal, and atmospheric.” Ye Chen looked at Whitebeard and Shanks and secretly said in his heart.

In fact, he was surprised by Whitebeard’s invitation at first, after all, the two of them had never met, and they did not know each other, it can be said that if it were not for today, he and Whitebeard would be complete strangers.

However, under such circumstances, Whitebeard even invited him.


He wouldn’t be surprised if he invited someone to Shanks, after all, they had known each other.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen said to Whitebeard; “I’m curious why you invited me on board, aren’t you worried that I’ll kill all the people on your ship?”

Said, pointing to a group of people on the other side who had been drunk and dreamed to death.

“Wha.” Whitebeard let out laughter, and his gaze focused on Ye Chen: “The person I invite Whitebeard believes in him, and I dare to invite it without fear of your action.” ”

In the end, a huge momentum burst out instantly, and this momentum was full of mountain-like heaviness.

After the momentum exploded, Marko, who was originally drunk and dreamed of death, woke up instantly, his eyes condensed, and his face did not have the slightest drunkenness.

“Have the guts, not lose the white beard.” Ye Chen smiled, and his words poured out with the same momentum as the white beard.

The two momentum competed, the clouds and fog in the air were dispersed, and the sea kings in the sea all trembled ~ trembling and did not dare to raise their heads, hiding deep in the sea.

“Give me face, take back the momentum, the banquet is not over yet.” The redhead looked at Ye Chen and Whitebeard with a solemn expression.

“Your face is worth a few dollars.” Ye Chen rolled his eyes, but the momentum did retract.

“Wow, haha, Ye Chen is right, Shanks, how much your face is worth.” Whitebeard grinned and laughed loudly at the man. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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