“Maybe you can learn what Payne is used to collect six powerful corpses. Then make the corpse into six avatars, and throw these six avatars to the Holy Land of Mary Joa, so that they can feel the real pain. ”

Ye Chen rubbed his chin, and his eyes showed a hint of interest.

But after thinking about it, he decided to be conservative.

“…… Collecting corpses or something, it’s a bit of a bad taste… Or, create an avatar to test the water. ”

Ye Chen thought about it and decided to create an Asura Dao avatar.

The reason is very simple, the ability of the Asura Dao is to transform itself into the ultimate weapon.

Ye Chen took great care of his body, even if he didn’t have a ten-second switch in the future, he was not prepared to use this six abilities to transform himself into a weapon.

“Then where should I find the materials needed to refine the body of the Six Dao?”

Ye Chen fell into deep thought, and after a few breaths, his eyes lit up and he thought of something.

“I seem to know where the real materials for making this avatar exist!”

The person Ye Chen thought of was Moonlight Moria, one of the Seven Martial Seas in 953.

Moonlight Moria, is the ability of the Shadow Fruit.

Its ability is to cut the shadow of others. Those who have been minus shadows will be burned to ashes by the sunlight if they are exposed to the sun.

However, if the shadow of the person is fused with the corpse, a powerful zombie with the combat power of the original owner will be formed.

More importantly, the location of Moonlight Moria, Ye Chen also knew, that was the Misty Sea area.

“Okay, then go and talk to Moonlight Moriah about it!” A strange smile appeared at the corner of Ye Chen’s mouth.

After making a decision, Ye Chen said goodbye to Han Cook’s mother-in-law, and then he went directly to the side room of the Nine Snake Palace.

Here, the Osiris Sky Dragon is well taken care of.

There were three or four Amazonian female warriors waiting at all times, taking care of the sky dragon of Osiris.

Whether it is from the perspective that Osiris’s sky dragon is Ye Chen’s sent to me, or Osiris’s sky dragon itself is a strong person at the level of the four emperors, it is worthy of the respect of her daughter’s country.

“Lord Ye Chen, you are here!” The Sky Dragon of Osiris’s suddenly opened his eyes, using his telepathy to make a deep voice, looking at Ye Chen’s gaze with some surprise.

Ye Chen smiled and nodded at the Sky Dragon of Osiris, and then glanced around a few times.

The warriors of the daughter country saw Ye Chen’s eyes, immediately understood what Ye Chen meant, and bowed down.

Ye Chen directly stepped into the sky of Osiris, reached out and patted the body of Osiris’s sky dragon.

“Let’s go to the Misty Sea!”

After Osiris’ Sky Dragon pondered for a moment, he nodded, and the next moment, he suddenly got up.

With a long sound, Osiris’s sky dragon soared above the sky, turned into a red lightning, and disappeared into invisibility in a few breaths.

Hancock stood at the door of the Nine Snakes Palace, silently watching the direction where the Ossie Sky Dragon left, and clenched his fists.

Mother-in-law appeared silently behind Hancock, saw Hancock’s appearance, sighed, and her eyes showed a touch of distress. Because she has long regarded Han Cook as her granddaughter.

Hancock suddenly turned around and looked at his mother-in-law seriously.

“Let’s start cultivating, I must become stronger and become enough… Follow him until you go! ”

Then, without waiting for Granny Zhao’s answer, Hancock passed Granny Cha and entered the Nine (CHBF) Serpent Palace.

Mother-in-law looked at Han Cook, happy again, and with a hint of complexity, and finally turned her head to look at the direction where Ye Chen left, with a helpless smile at the corner of her mouth.

“…… I want to keep up with Lord Ye Chen… How easy it is to catch up with that adult! ”

How terrifying is the speed of the Sky Dragon of Osiris? That’s recognized by the world! Some people even vaguely praised the Osiris Sky Dragon as the overlord of the sky.

But the Sky Dragon of Osiriss does not value this title, because it is a god in itself.

Summoned to this world and became Ye Chen’s mount, the sky of Osiris, familiar with the map of One Piece’s world.

At dusk, the Sky Dragon of Osiriss had already arrived in the Misty Sea.

Tomorrow is not yet dark, the fog is already pervasive, covering all the vision, very mysterious.

Ye Chen got up and opened his eyes, seeing that the domineering aura spread on his body.

Ye Chen’s domineering is to listen to the voice of all things. Even the thick fog in front of him could not stop his detection.

After gaining the confidence conveyed by listening to the sound of all things, Ye Chen quickly found a huge sailing ship.

This is a very large and luxurious sailing ship.

On top of the sailing ship is a huge castle, from which you can imagine the huge size of the ship.

“Terror three-track sailboat… Where Moonlight Moria is…” A faint smile was outlined at the corner of Ye Chen’s mouth.

“Our goal! Over there. Ye Chen pointed in the direction of the terrifying three-track sailing ship he had obtained.

The Sky Dragon of Osiriss understood Ye Chen’s thoughts, and a sharp light suddenly flashed in his eyes, turning into a red light, and quickly rushed into the dense fog.

The wings of Osiris’s Sky Dragon swept through a terrifying storm.

This terrifying storm penetrated the endless fog.

Even if the situation in this sea area is special, under this terrifying storm, the fog is still quickly torn open.

A luxurious room in a huge castle.

Moonlight Moria lay lazily on the chuang, and suddenly, he felt the chuang under him vibrating, and suddenly opened his eyes.

“What’s going on… What happened? ”

Soon, Moonlight Moriah found that it was not the chuan vibration under him, but the entire terrifying three-track sailing ship shaking. ……………..

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