Chapter 115 nickname?

Looking at the big man in a purple striped suit in front of him, Luo Xiu had some doubts.

Although the relationship between him and the flying squirrels was not good before, it was not bad either. After all, his relationship with Garp was very close. After Luo Xiu entered Naval Headquarters, he was branded with Garp’s name. , And he was unwilling to change the gate and the like.

However, since the incident of Colonel Mouse in East Blue, Luo Xiu and his relationship seem to have some problems. Should Colonel Mouse deserve to die? Of course it’s damn it.

However, human feelings are sometimes above the law.

For example, if one day Ingrid kills someone, the other party finds it, if the other party is an enemy, then Luo Xiu will naturally kill the other party, but if the opponent is a civilian or something, what will Luo Xiu do? ?

He is not as great as Garp, he will do his best to protect Ingrid.

In fact, this is also something in the bones of Chinese people. China has not ruled the world by law since ancient times. Since the Han Dynasty, China has governed the world with filial piety.

The father is the concealment of the son, and the son is the concealment of the father. This is what Confucius said, not for fun. In ancient times, there was no righteousness to destroy relatives.

If the father commits a crime and the son goes to report it, 287 then the father must die and the son must die. The father died because of the crime, and the son died because of unfilial piety!

This kind of governance lasted until the Manchu Qing Dynasty and it was only a little closer to a paragraph, but it is still the case in the folks. Luo Xiu is such a traditional selfish person.

Comparing heart to heart, Luo Xiu thinks that he is such a person, so he thinks that flying squirrel is also such a person. He heard that because of the matter of Colonel Mouse, Flying Squirrel Vice Admiral has been suspended.

The ban was just lifted last month, and now he is looking for himself, not for revenge!

“I don’t know if Luo Xiu Vice Admiral has time, let’s go have a drink, I invite you.” But the imaginary yelling and rattling situation did not happen, the flying squirrel looked at Luo Xiu, but showed a smile, and then took the initiative to respond Luo Xiu invited.

“Huh? Uh, okay…” Luo Xiu was taken aback when he heard the flying squirrel, and then nodded. Luo Xiu likes to go straight to each other, he doesn’t like to circumspect.

So if the flying squirrel has anything to deal with himself, just come directly, he is lazy to think about some conspiracy and tricks, since the flying squirrel wants to talk about it alone, then just talk about it!

As Luo Xiu and flying squirrels left the Naval Headquarters building, they went to a small-looking tavern in the town.

Although the bistro is not big, it is very clean.   Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that flying squirrels don’t like Luo Xiu. If flying squirrels ask Luo Xiu to eat in a big restaurant, it’s actually a kind of alienation from a small place like j. It’s a place to make friends.


Obviously, flying squirrels are very familiar with this place. He just came in, and the boss enthusiastically cleaned out a place by the window for him. After ordering food, Luo Xiu and flying squirrels just sat here, and neither of them arrived. What to say.

After waiting for about ten minutes, as the dishes began to be served, the two people could be regarded as having some interaction.

“Come on, taste this food, his food is still very good.” Said to Luo Xiu enthusiastically, and the flying squirrel also picked up the chopsticks.

Luo Xiu tasted it and raised his eyebrows. The food here is really good, there is nothing too greasy, it tastes refreshing and delicious, and it is good to pair with wine.

The dishes are served, and the wine will naturally be served soon.

What they are drinking now is sake from the island country.

The wine culture in this world is very good, basically all kinds of wine are available.

Sake, beer, red wine, whiskey, brandy, rum, etc.

As long as you want to spend money to buy it, you can buy any kind of wine, but such a place is undoubtedly a good place to drink sake.

Sake is actually like low-grade white wine. Luo Xiu didn’t drink white wine in his previous life, because he was allergic to white wine, and a lot of small red envelopes would grow on his body after a sip, which was itchy and uncomfortable.

But in this world, his problem is gone, and he can drink sake.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the original awkward atmosphere between the two slowly disappeared.

“I am very grateful to you for the mouse thing.” The flying squirrel drank the wine in the glass with a sip, and when he heard what Luo Xiu said, Luo Xiu’s hand also shook. He was thinking, what the flying squirrel said is The truth or the lie?

“Hahahaha, don’t doubt, I’m telling the truth, he’s a Marine scum, it’s not a pity to die. If you didn’t catch him, not only me, but also Marine’s reputation would be damaged. I have to be right. I wore this cloak of justice!” Seeing the doubt in Luo Xiu’s eyes, the flying squirrel couldn’t help laughing loudly.

Seeing him not acting like this, Luo Xiu couldn’t help but put a thumbs up in his heart.

Although he couldn’t make him righteously kill him, he admired these people who could argue clearly for the ideals in their hearts. The hearts of the people were all fleshy, and he did it, it was really amazing.

“By the way, you don’t have a nickname yet, you have to think about one.” The topic was stopped by the flying squirrel, and then he changed the topic and asked about another one.

“Nickname?” Luo Xiu asked curiously when he heard the flying squirrel.

“Yes, nicknames, Pirates have their own nicknames, not to mention Marine, in fact, with your strength, you should have been nicknamed long ago, but Marshal Sengoku has not mentioned it. Think about it yourself!” After taking a bite of the whitebait, the flying squirrel smiled and talked to Luo Xiu.

“This thing, just do whatever you want.” He waved his hand indifferently, Luo Xiu really didn’t have too many demands on the nickname, as long as it wasn’t unpleasant.

“You can’t do it anyway. The quality of the nickname is actually directly linked to your future.” Looking at Luo Xiu, the flying squirrel said seriously.

“What does this mean?” Luo Xiu asked hesitantly when he heard the flying squirrel.

“Haha, Marine’s nickname is actually linked to your ambitions. Whatever you want to do, you have to choose what kind of nickname. If you want to be Admiral, then you have to give your own nickname. Add an animal, it doesn’t matter what animal it is. It’s a question of attitude, and if you don’t want to be Admiral, just give it a plain name.” While drinking sake, the flying squirrel introduced Luo Xiu about his nickname. matter.

After hearing what the flying squirrel said, Luo Xiu couldn’t help blinking his eyes in surprise. Is there still… such a statement? But if you recall carefully, it seems to be the case.

The current three Admiral, Kizaru, Akainu, and Qingzhi, are monkeys, dogs, and pheasants, and the two Admiral candidates Momousagi and tea dolphin, one is a rabbit and the other is a pig, all of which are related to animals.

“Then what is my name?” Luo Xiu thought about it while gently biting the head of his chopsticks…

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