Chapter 121 Nothing but no cut

“He, what is he doing? He is going to split the cloud?” Charlotte-Opela couldn’t help but said amusedly as she watched Luo Xiu’s movements and her son on the Charlotte-Linlin boat.

Everyone knows that although the slash is sharp, it doesn’t do much harm to these things. Does he really expect that the sword can split the cloud? Give me a break!

In fact, it is not only him, but also the other people on the court. In addition to Luo Xiu’s people on the boat who believe in him, even the bastards of G-5 think Luo Xiu is crazy.

But is Luo Xiu really crazy? Naturally not.

Because at this time, in his eyes, the cloud in the sky is full of white dots and lines.

Seeing this, it is estimated that someone already knows that Luo Xiu’s ability to spend 300,000 justice value exchanges is the Demon Eye of Straight Death.

This is a niche ability in a niche anime.

Appeared in a total of two works, one is called Tsukihime, and the other is called the realm of the sky.

When mentioning these two works, there are probably not many people who know about them, except for the Tieban Zishenzhen.

The main reason why Luo Xiu can find this thing in the objects of the four-level world is because these two works are divided according to a set of main works.

The author of these two stories is a person named Nasu Mushroom, and the reason why his work can be ranked in the fourth world is because of his most important role, called “fate/stayNight”, also It is the holy grail war that everyone is familiar with.

With my king’s curry stick and golden glitter, it is not an exaggeration that he ranks in the fourth world.

Although niche, Luo Xiu has also heard of this name.

It is difficult to open the eye of death, but it is not difficult for Luo Xiu.

It is difficult to upgrade the Eye of Straight Death, but for Luo Xiu, it is also very simple.

‘The Demon Eye of Straight Death, Eye Art, LV1, can see the dead line of the object, and the ability of causality. If the opponent’s strength is too much, it cannot be activated. ’

‘The Demon Eye of Straight Death, Eye Art, LV99, can see the dead line and dead point of an object, the ability of causality, regardless of everything in the world, you can see the dead line and dead point. ’

Power beyond life and death? Luo Xiu doesn’t need it. Although his system is not smart, its effect is quite good.

Seeing the slash in the sky and swiftly heading towards the dead line he was aiming at, Luo Xiu’s mouth grinned unconsciously, what he wanted was such a result.

With a soft sound of “Swipe!”, the clouds dispersed in the sky instantly. The huge thundercloud had no chance to show its powerful side of thunder and lightning attack. It was directly cut into pieces by Luo Xiu’s slash, and everyone was horrified. In his eyes, the thunderclouds that originally covered this sea area disappeared instantly.

“This, what’s going on…”

“How could it be, Mom’s Thundercloud…”

Watching this scene, the people of the BIGMOM Pirate Group were scared and stupid. They had never seen anyone who could break the thundercloud of Charlotte-Linlin so easily, and Charlotte-Linlin, who was standing on the bow of the ship, also saw it at this time. It’s even crazier.

“Kata Kuri…” Charlotte Smoky, who was standing behind Charlotte Linlin, walked to Kata Kuri’s side, and said with some worry.

“He really got stronger again!” Kata Kuri also narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice.

The current Luo Xiu is obviously much stronger than when he was fighting with him. If he still had the confidence before that, with the power of so many people in the BIGMOM Pirate Group, if Luo Xiu was left behind, then he would be confident now. It has disappeared without a trace.

“Keep on attacking!” Seeing the thunderclouds in the sky disappear, Luo Xiu also picked up the phone worm and ordered directly to the other four ships.

When Leiyun came just now, the four G-5 ships were already shocked. In the entire sea area, only Luo Xiu’s ships were still firing. This was not what Luo Xiu wanted to see.

“Yes!” Although they didn’t like Luo Xiu’s eyes, they really admired Luo Xiu’s combat effectiveness. Luo Xiu could cut through the big cloud.

This has a great motivational effect on morale, so the four boats behind Luo Xiu exploded with astonishing fighting power, began to quickly fill the artillery shells, and blasted towards the boats of the BIGMOM Pirate Group.

“Bastard boy!” Looking at the cannonballs flying over, and Zeus who has temporarily been unable to accumulate thunderclouds in the sky, Charlotte-Linlin’s face was gloomy and terrifying, and her figure suddenly shook, and a powerful momentum was directed towards her. Coming from all around.

Even Kata Kuri’s Conqueror’s Haki can cause physical damage to the surroundings, not to mention Charlotte- Linlin’s, and the powerful Conqueror’s Haki immediately swept in.

The shells that came over were almost immediately shattered by her Conqueror’s Haki, and at the same time the Haki rushed towards the five warships where Luo Xiu was.

“Conqueror’s…” Luo Xiu’s eyes narrowed as he looked at the imposing waves that came and swept in. If there is anything that upsets him the most, it is that he doesn’t have Conqueror’s Haki. People, but he really didn’t.

To redeem this thing, you need 10 million justice value.

This is the top combat style in the One Piece world. Although it is not like Rinnegan, Tenseigan, and Nine Gou Jade Sharingan, it can jump directly to the top combat power as soon as it is installed, but if it is fully developed, it may not be impossible to compete with these. The eyes are contending.

But obviously the current Luo Xiu doesn’t have it, so even if he wants to play a Conqueror’s collision with Charlotte-Linlin, he has no chance.

But fortunately, the death of the Demon Eye can not only cut a physical attack, but also Conqueror’s! Under Luo Xiu’s gaze, on the colorless volley Haki, there were also a few more lines and a few small dots.

If Luo Xiu really had no choice but to suppress Conqueror’s before that, it would be like Doflamingo back then, but now everything is different.

“Draw a knife and cut it!” Looking at the Conqueror’s that was pressing over quickly, Luo Xiu pulled out the Feiyu that had originally retracted again. Suddenly, the force struck directly on the Conqueror’s Haki in front of him, and he heard something like glass. After the cracking click.

With a blast in the air, Charlotte-Linlin was surprised to find that her Conqueror’s Haki shock was directly crushed by Luo Xiu.

“This guy’s swordsmanship has definitely reached another level. There is nothing in this world that he can’t cut!” The crushed Conqueror’s not only shocked Charlotte- Linlin, but also shocked Kata Kuri, the world. The number one swordsman really deserves its reputation!

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