Chapter 146 First move

“Tour Knight Thomas…” “Lei Qing Makugay…” “Brothers Dilban…” Great Vortex Spider Skuard…” “Ice Witch Pei…” “AO” “Eboi” Tower…” “Tara Kaji…” “Delakshi…” “Ayru…” “Rumba…” “Galuma…” “Pams…” “Burundi…”

Looking at the general order one by one, Luo Xiu couldn’t help talking with emotion.

It seems that Whitebeard is already ready to fight this battle. These 43 Pirate Ships are all under his New World.

Not to mention that each one is famous, but at least Luo Xiu did not see the pirates offering a bounty of less than 150 million Baileys.

Luo Xiu can only say that Whitebeard deserves to be Whitebeard.

His power, even among the Four Emperors, is the greatest.

In fact, even in the previous era, Roger, Whitebeard, Golden Lion, and Barloric Lederfield were the most powerful in their era.

After Roger became the One Piece, Whitebeard originally had the opportunity to take over the sea directly. After all, in that era, Golden Lion was captured, and the lone ranger Barloric Lederfield was also captured. Under such circumstances, he took over New World. It is just right.

But he didn’t do that. Instead, he gave up some territory to allow new pirates to flood into New World and become the overlord.

No one knew what Whitebeard was thinking, what he wanted to do, not even Marine.

For this old man who is not keen on wealth, power, status, or women, it is really difficult to describe with ordinary people’s consciousness.

“Preparing to meet the enemy…” Seeing the forty-three pirate ships approaching, all Marines also issued combat orders, especially the fifty warships in the periphery that were already active at this time, but they were still in the air. At this time, suddenly some bubbles began to rise in the Crescent Bay.

Luo Xiu’s Observation Haki immediately caught what seemed to exist under the ocean floor.

“Under the surface of the sea…” Ancient memories emerged at this time. Luo Xiu slapped his forehead and couldn’t help shouting at the people around him.

Hearing what Luo Xiu said, most of the people were still a little confused. Only Crane and Sengoku reacted first. It seems that Whitebeard and the others dived underwater with a coating.

At this moment, a huge wave hit the sky suddenly, and a huge whale-like ship emerged from the water, and three smaller warships followed it.

Looking at the people on the big ship, everyone couldn’t help but open their mouths, because that ship was Whitebeard’s seat, the Moby Dick.

And what stood on the boat were Whitebeard and his children, that is, his captains. When these people came out, the whole world couldn’t help being surprised.

“Goo la la la la…Let’s have not seen you in decades, Sengoku…” As Whitebeard slowly walked to the bow, he and Sengoku on the execution platform looked at each other.

Just like Roger and Garp, the battle between Sengoku and Whitebeard has been entangled for a long time. From the current point of view, it is likely to be a lifetime.

“My beloved son, are you okay …… cushions la la la la …… be patient for a while …… Ace!” And old rival finished speaking, Sengoku to look into the execution of the other side of the stage, where n Suo fire Fist Ace.

“Father!” Looking at Whitebeard’s figure, Ace couldn’t help yelling loudly.

To be honest, looking at this picture, Luo Xiu feels that his goose bumps are beginning to go out, and the original plot of the bloody No. 2 is beginning to surge.

But Luo Xiu did not move, because now he is not an audience, but a Marine!

With the appearance of Whitebeard, everyone in Marine also reacted at this time. They were mainly commanders of their own, either mobilizing cannons or moving ships.

The enemy in the bay is the Whitebeard Pirates, and outside the bay is about to start fighting.

But at this moment, Whitebeard’s hands suddenly waved to the sides.

Then they heard a creak, and the surrounding air seemed to be shattered in an instant. Seeing this scene, Sengoku and their faces couldn’t help but change.

Because they know that this is the root cause of Whitebeard’s reputation as the strongest in the world, the power of Shock Fruit!

And when the shock wave entered the bottom of the sea, the entire sea seemed to have been blown up by huge explosives, and a sea bubble like a hill suddenly surged.

These two sea water bubbles almost instantly disrupted the formation of the fifty warships outside, so that they could only run around and could not stop the people outside the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

The sea outside was surging, but in the harbor, there was some silence.

Looking at the people in front of him who came to save him, Ace really blamed himself at this time.

“Father, everyone, it’s because I ignored everyone’s advice and ran out by myself, why didn’t I let me fend for myself? I acted arbitrarily that made me fall to this point…” Facing these people knowingly There was an ambush and came to save himself. Ace was really about to collapse, and when he heard his roar, Whitebeard smiled slightly.

“No, I told you to go, son!”

A dull voice rang from this harbor, and Whitebeard’s voice seemed so steady.

“Liar, you obviously stopped me!” Looking at Whitebeard, Ace roared.

“Ah…I told Shi to go, right, Marco?” Whitebeard said to Marco, the captain of the first team behind him, tilting his head slightly, as if thinking.

“Oh, I heard it too, you have suffered a lot, Ace!” When he heard Whitebeard’s words, Marko also walked up, rarely looking seriously at Ace in the distance.

“On this sea, no one knows! What will happen to you if you fight against our partners! Don’t even think of any one who hurts you by renting, Ace! You wait, here comes to save you!” Listening to Marco’s roar, the pirates over there couldn’t help but become excited.

“It’s really not ashamed!” After hearing the roar of these pirates, including Luo Xiu, the faces of all the Marine seniors were not very good-looking, and Luo Xiu was also rare to withdraw from that nostalgic feeling. When he came out, his hand unconsciously pressed on his flying rain.

At this moment, there was a sudden violent earthquake. In addition to the earthquake, there was also a huge sound of water. At this time, Luo Xiu looked up and saw that the water packets that had disrupted the outer fleet of Naval Headquarters, At this time, there was a sudden surge, and two huge waves were formed in an instant. No, this is no longer a foreign term for waves, it should be said to be a tsunami!

One on the left and the other on the right, shot directly towards Naval Headquarters.

It is foreseeable that under this blow, Naval Headquarters will not say that the casualties are heavy, but at least it will also be hurt. In this world, when the strength reaches a certain level, the number of people is actually not a big deal, but fortunately, Speaking of monsters, there will only be more on Naval Headquarters!

“Ice Age!” “Fire Style, Phoenix Fire Technique!”

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