Chapter 151 Whitebeard of Immune to Death

Lightning Style- Chakra Mode, commonly known as the armor of Lightning Style.

The master of Hokage World Cloud Shinobi Village.

The reason Cloud Shinobi’s Third Raikage and Fourth Raikage can be called human-shaped tail beasts is because of this thing, even in World War Three, their movement speed with this move is no worse than the so-called golden glitter Namikaze Minato.

But what is even more unexpected is that this powerful ninjutsu is not a secret technique…

This is a Type B ninjutsu, which everyone in Cloud Shinobi can learn.

However, the power after learning is very different!

This is mainly related to the original physical fitness.

The physical fitness of the people in the Hokage world is not comparable to that of the Pirate World.

Physical fitness does not represent combat effectiveness. It is only one aspect of combat. Speaking of ninjutsu, large-scale destructive power, and powerful illusions, these are all designed to crush the Pirate World, but they are only physical skills, Pirates. The world obviously starts from a higher point.

The system divides them into one level of worlds, and it is also telling Luo Xiu that the top combat effectiveness of the two worlds is actually the same.

It’s just that one is based on physical exercises, and the other is based on ninjutsu!

Lightning Style Chakra Mode, LV1, is an armor that winds lightning around the body, increases the hardness and speed, and revitalizes the body! Can increase 2% strength and 2% speed.

Lightning Style Chakra Mode, LV99, is an armor that wraps lightning around the body, increases the hardness and speed, and revitalizes the flesh! It can increase the strength by 200% and the speed by 200%.

Note that this is a 200% increase in strength and speed, which means that Luo Xiu’s 100% strength and speed are not counted.

The current Luo Xiu is 300% of his just now. Of course, it’s just power and speed, and it has no bonus effect on slashing and the like.

But twice as much power as this is enough!

With just one blow, and when Whitebeard was still blocking it, he hit him severely. Luo Xiu couldn’t help laughing with such strength.

Whitebeard was really embarrassed at this time. Although his Naginata prevented Luo Xiu’s slash, it still printed a deep mark on his Hungarian mouth. No need to think about it, the ribs must have been broken a few, and The shock became an internal injury.

After suffering such an injury, Whitebeard would have no strength to fight, but obviously, he didn’t intend to let it go.

“Father!” “Father!” Looking at Whitebeard on the Mobile, the pirates screamed frantically.

“Marko, look at Ace’s brother, don’t let him die!” Coughing up blood again, Whitebeard stood up slowly with a naginata while shouting at the crowd.

Hearing what Whitebeard said, everyone couldn’t help but stunned for a moment. Then they remembered their purpose of coming here. Those who should be restrained continued to restrain, and those who rushed toward Ace continued to rush toward Ace.

And Whitebeard stood up slowly at this time…

“That guy…” Looking at the seriously injured Whitebeard, Sengoku, his old opponent, couldn’t help being a little surprised. What he was surprised was Luo Xiu’s strength.

Everyone thinks that Luo Xiu, who is only 21 years old, has reached the Four Emperors level. This is a very scary thing, but it seems that Luo Xiu is telling them now that he is more than the Four Emperors level.

“Strange abilities…” On the other side, Akainu, who was arranging the plan, also looked at the Moby Dick at this time. Originally, what he thought was that the Great Vortex Spider Skuard, let him hit Whitebeard severely, but Now, it doesn’t seem to be needed anymore.

No one knows why Luo Xiu used fire for a while, and lightning was still wrapped around his body for a while, but there is no doubt that Luo Xiu’s combat power was perfectly manifested at this time.

Facing Luo Xiu in this state, even Whitebeard did not hold a knife…

The current Luo Xiu said it is the world’s first, maybe, it’s not an exaggeration!

“Hi, ha… kid, I’m not there yet, where are you looking!” In everyone’s eyes, Whitebeard slowly stood up from the spot, watching Luo Xiu panting heavily. Said seriously.

At this time, Luo Xiu also closed his gaze looking at Luffy forward.

“You won’t be my opponent in your heyday. Now, it’s even more impossible.” Looking at Whitebeard, Luo Xiu said calmly.

“Gul la la la la la, arrogant kid, you know, labor and capital are Whitebeard!” Hearing Luo Xiu’s words, Whitebeard suddenly yelled, and rushed directly towards Luo Xiu. The big knife in his hand covered it. Armament Haki slashed directly at Luo Xiu.

“Return of life, Lightning Style armor, all Armament Haki, kill the magic eye, draw the sword!” Looking at the rushing Whitebeard, Luo Xiu’s attention has also been brought to the limit. Looking at the naginata that has been hacked, Luo Xiu is the strongest The blow came out directly.

Three times the speed, three times the power, and the ability to predict the future of the full-level Observation Haki, let Luo Xiu instantly target the weakness of the Naginata in Whitebeard’s hand!

This time, Whitebeard had no strength to move the Naginata away…

“Cang! Bare!” After two consecutive sounds, Luo Xiu and Whitebeard’s body shape crossed each other, and Whitebeard’s naginata was also divided into two at this time. Luo Xiu was not cutting wood, but the head of the knife!

The broad sword was divided into two sections at this time, and the front half of the dazzling blade flew into the air, and then plunged directly onto the deck of the Moby Dick!

At the same time, Whitebeard’s Hun’s mouth exploded with a wound again, and blood was sprayed out suddenly, which made Whitebeard directly tilt his head up and fall on the deck.

If not just now, he gathered a large amount of Armament Haki to defend, Luo Xiu may have cut him into two with a single knife, but even so, Luo Xiu cut into the depth enough to his life!

Luo Xiu not only cut open the skin, muscles, and bones that protect the internal organs, but even a large part of the internal organs were also cut at this time.

This is Whitebeard, who might have died hundreds of times when replaced by someone else, but at this time his Hungarian mouth is still fluctuating.

“This era is over!” Looking at the fallen Whitebeard, Luo Xiu mentioned his flying rain and walked over. Looking at Whitebeard who was still awake, Luo Xiu’s flying rain suddenly fell, directly toward Whitebeard’s neck. Hacked past.

“Boom!” But at this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from Luo Xiu’s back. He looked back and found that he did not know when the tsunami that had been frozen by Qingzhi behind his back was cut off, and Came directly at him.

“Damn eagle eyes!” There are only two people with this ability, one is him and the other is eagle eyes, so you don’t have to think about Luo Xiu, who should carry this pot!

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