Chapter 171 News from Zephyr

“The trail of Teacher Zephyr?” Looking at Tie with a surprised look on his side, Luo Xiu couldn’t help but put the juice glass in his hand aside in shock.

“Yes, according to the latest news, it should be Teacher Zephyr.” Hina nodded seriously, and then put a copy of the information in Luo Xiu’s hands.

Luo Xiu opened it and looked at it. Sure enough, from the photo, he could clearly see that the person was Zephyr, and the target Zephyr appeared was in a base of Marine.

This base is not far from Luo Xiu, but not close.

Normally there are heavily guarded, and two giant Vice Admiral was specially arranged to be stationed there all year round. The reason is that there are a lot of dynamite rocks on the island.

Luo Xiu naturally knows this thing, this thing is actually rare in the world.

This thing is actually a kind of rock produced from the deep sea in normal times. The world of One Piece is very magical. If this kind of rock itself encounters the air, it will explode.

The impact and power caused by the fragmented explosion will not even lose to the legendary Ancient Weapon, but the amount of this explosive rock itself is extremely small.

Moreover, the place of origin can only happen to be encountered in the waters near Lavrud, the final point of New World. Therefore, even if the World government has spent 800 years of accumulation, the number is not too large and cannot become a conventional strategic weapon.

But in order to prevent the pirates from using it, all these explosive rocks were sealed up deliberately. In fact, even Luo Xiu didn’t know the place where they were sealed.

In addition to the world government chief, it is estimated that only previous Admiral knows.

But so immortal, Zephyr used to be Admiral.

According to the information written above, Zephyr led NEO Marine, had stolen all the explosive rocks, and had a fight with Kizaru who came to support, regardless of the outcome.

According to the information above, the battle between the two eventually affected the unexploited and withdrawn dynamite rock on the island, which caused the destruction of the island.

But when Luo Xiu looked at this information, he always felt that something was not quite right…

Looking at the information reported by the entire army, Luo Xiu always felt that Naval Headquarters was deliberately concealing something.

But soon, he turned his attention to Ain, yes, Ain!

In addition to Zephyr, Ain, who Luo Xiu is most concerned about, also appeared in an action.

Looking at the information, Ain, who was slightly thinner than before, couldn’t help touching her face with Luo Xiu’s hand. Hina sighed while watching Luo Xiu’s movements.

= She knows that although Luo Xiu treats his women the same, every night they will be covered with rain and dew, but in his heart there is actually a seat.

She and Ingrid should be on the same level, but the most important woman in Luo Xiu’s heart may be Ain. After all, this woman and Luo Xiu met in the end. Luo Xiu’s six styles are said to be taught by Zephyr. , It is better to say that she taught.

The relationship between the two is really unclear…

“Since we got news from her, let’s go find her!” After suppressing the anger in her heart, Hina raised her head and looked at Luo Xiu seriously.

“Go find her, but she…will she come back?” Luo Xiu asked suspiciously while looking at Hina in front of him with a slightly confused expression.

“Although Tina doesn’t know if she will come back, Teacher Zephyr has now embarked on the path of confronting Marine. No matter what he wants to do, he is already hurting ordinary Marine soldiers. Hina feels that we have an obligation to stop. He.” Looking at Luo Xiu seriously, Hina said with a righteous face. When Hina said this, Luo Xiu also nodded.

Indeed, if Zephyr just leaves Marine and organizes a NEO Marine, then 99% of Marine will close one eye.

After all, the main generals of this generation of Marine are basically his students. No one would be willing to go against him, but when he attacks Marine now, he is almost sure to become an organization that is opposed to the government. At this time Marine is not soft.

A former Admiral-level old man may not care, but an old man who has really been an Admiral, they will care very much, because the strength of this person is also said that just what he knows is really important.

“Go check their next purpose, let’s find them!” Listening to Hina’s words, Luo Xiu took a deep breath, and then put the information back on the table.

“Yes, Tina will go and ask them to gather right away.” Seeing Luo Xiu made up his mind to find them, Hina also said immediately, but Luo Xiu directly stopped her.

“No, let’s go!”

Hearing Luo Xiu’s words, Hina looked at him unexpectedly. While looking at Luo Xiu’s serious face, she couldn’t help swallowing what she wanted to say, and then nodded seriously.

She knows what Luo Xiu means. If Marine is dispatched, it means that Luo Xiu went as Vice Admiral, but if it’s just two of them, it means that they went as a private person. The meaning of the expression is naturally different.

“Okay, Hina will check it out now.” Upon hearing Luo Xiu’s decision, Hina quickly left the office, and then quickly checked through the Marine internal line.

It didn’t take long. When she had dinner in the evening, she already came with an address, because, as Luo Xiu said, Naval Headquarters did conceal something, and they were pretty sure that Zephyr would be the next one. Destination.

For this reason, they also sent an army to the small island first, but the outside world didn’t know it. Looking at this address, Luo Xiu knew it too.

This is a very famous holiday island with a volcano on it. It is mainly famous for taking a relaxing vacation and soaking in hot springs.

There is a direct sea train to this small island, so there is no need to sail there, and it is very easy. After dinner, Luo Xiu told his decision to the other girls.

Naturally, they will not have any objections, especially Ingrid, who is still very familiar with Ain, is very happy that Luo Xiu has returned to Ain.

However, although Violet, Monet and BABY5 didn’t say anything, they didn’t let Luo Xiu sleep almost all night at night.

So when Luo Xiu was on the Shanghai train the next day, he kept yawning.

But fortunately, they are not short of money, so Luo Xiu specially packaged a car, they can sleep in the car, and they can also play games and so on, but it won’t be too boring.

From the G-5 base to the island, it takes a total of six hours by sea.

However, after Luo Xiu and the others had been in the car for four hours, they suddenly heard the shelling sound of “bang…bang…” in the distance before the train headed to the next island platform.

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