Chapter 175 End point

“Luo Xiu Vice Admiral, hello!” Seeing Luo Xiu walk in, the two colonels closest to the door stood up and said with a serious expression QΙ

“Oh, hello! After hearing these two people’s words, Luo Xiu also nodded in response.

And after hearing what Luo Xiu said, other people also came over and asked Luo Xiu about it. Luo Xiu did not refuse this, but after saying hello to everyone, he looked for it. Sit down in an empty seat.

But just as he and Hina sat down, a figure walked over.

“Long time no see, Luo Xiu.” Hearing this voice, Luo Xiu also raised his head and looked at the other person. Luo Xiu is really familiar with this person. He is not someone else but a flying squirrel.

“Oh, Vice Admiral, flying squirrel, sit…” With a smile, Luo Xiu pointed to the other side of the dining table. The flying squirrel was not welcome and sat down directly.

“Did you also come under the order of the headquarters this time? I don’t seem to see your name…” After a few conversations, the flying squirrel cut directly into the subject. He came to find Luo Xiu, one to continue. Old, the second is also a little curious about what Luo Xiu is doing here.

“No, I came here privately. Teacher 173 Zephyr is kind to me, so I can’t watch him make mistakes.” Luo Xiu poured a glass of sake for the flying squirrel and said.

“Teacher Zephyr is also a great kindness to us. If it weren’t for the order of the headquarters, we really don’t want to be an enemy…” Now almost 95% of Marine’s generals are inextricably linked to Zephyr. To be honest, there are too few people who will oppose him.

“So I want to find him before you find him, and then stop him, but then again, what does teacher Zephyr do to get dynamite rock this time?” Looking at the flying squirrel in front of him, Luo Xiu really didn’t understand.

“Don’t you know? Well, let me tell you. Anyway, at your level, as long as you want to know, it is estimated that the high-level will not hide from you…Do you know ENDpoint?” Hearing Luo Xiu’s question, gliding The Mouse also smiled and put down the wine glass, which is not too secretive.

“ENDpoint? Isn’t that a lie to the child?” Luo Xiu didn’t know the term when he heard the flying squirrel. He heard it for the first time, but Hina knew it.

According to Hina’s words, this is a story that scares children. According to legend, there are three ENDPOINTs in this world, which are the so-called end points.

Just destroy these three endpoints, and the world will perish.

When I was young, parents often used this story to scare their children, but when I grew up, no one believed it.

Hearing Hina’s explanation, Luo Xiu also looked at the flying squirrel. Is this story true?

Seeing Luo Xiu’s searching gaze, the flying squirrel also nodded.

“It’s true, but it’s not as terrible as destroying the world. The three endpoints are actually connected volcanoes. If these three endpoints are destroyed, they will cause underground volcanoes to erupt, or at least destroy them. There are dozens of small islands, and the entire New World will be implicated. The volcanic ash alone is probably enough to cause New World’s casualties.” Hearing Luo Xiu’s words, the flying squirrel also said solemnly.

When Luo Xiu opened his mouth when he heard the flying squirrel say this, it was hard for him to imagine that this plan was made by the one who did not kill Admiral Zephyr.

You must know that he is someone who doesn’t even kill pirates, but if his plan is successful, only pirates will die. Marine and civilians will be implicated, especially civilians, they have nothing to avoid. Method.

“Ms. Zephyr… crazy?” After hearing the explanation of the flying squirrel, both Luo Xiu and Hina looked confused. This is different from the teacher Zephyr they know.

“Hey, this is actually related to the government, because the government recently announced the quota of the new Shichibukai, and that Edward Weibull, this time 99% will be filled…” He sighed, and the flying squirrel looked at him. Said helplessly.

In fact, he felt that teacher Zephyr’s inner disappointment with Marine and the World government has gradually turned into despair, otherwise he would not be able to use such a bad method to retaliate against the world. Yes, this is no longer possible. Calling it a battle, this can only be regarded as revenge, and Luo Xiu also fell silent when he heard the flying squirrel.

“Edward Weibull, I have killed.” Luo Xiu spoke after a while, but as soon as he said this, the chopsticks of the flying squirrel who was eating in front of him fell off.

“You, what did you say?” Looking at Luo Xiu in surprise, the flying squirrel looked confused.

“I mean Edward Weibull, I have killed. When he just came, he robbed a small town where the sea train stopped. I just slaughtered him. Originally, I thought there was this meeting ceremony, which might let Zephyr The teacher was more relieved and gave up NEO Marine and went to find a place to take care of the elderly, but now it seems that I also have some bottomless…” Luo Xiu shook his head while eating in a small bite. He did not hide that he killed Edward- Weibull’s matter only changed the course.

However, it seemed to him that the things that were stable enough were also shaken as the flying squirrel exposed Teacher Zephyr’s goal.

Zephyr hates Edward Weibull, but at present it seems that his hatred has spread from Edward Weibull to New World, to all the pirates and the World government, a head of Edward Weibull. Can you calm him down? Luo Xiu doesn’t know, but if it doesn’t work, then he can only stop him by force.

“You really… dare to do anything, but this is also an opportunity to persuade the teacher back, a Shichibukai, the headquarters will not blame you for this, and I will pay attention to it recently. If the teacher shows up, Then I beg you!” Looking at Luo Xiu in surprise for a long time, the flying squirrel finally lowered his head.

He naturally understands the purpose of Luo Xiu’s coming here. Although he is very just and principled, he still decided to give Luo Xiu some help within the scope of principle in the case of Zephyr. If it can be discordant Zephyr fights, who is willing to fight him?

“I will stop him.” Hearing what the flying squirrel said, Luo Xiu also raised his head and said seriously. Just now he has done a good job of mental construction and can make sense, then he will go and say it, if it doesn’t make sense , Then he will use force!

Now Luo Xiu is very confident. Zephyr alone, even if Ain and Binz are added, these people will not be his opponents.

Not to mention Hina!

And Hina, who was sitting next to him, looked at Luo Xiu’s determination and laughed. She wanted to see who is stronger now, Ain or herself!

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