Chapter 216 Grant Solo’s rules

“Hahahaha, as expected of Luo Xiu, ready to come over eight billion.” After hearing Luo Xiu’s words, Gilder Tezolo laughed aloud after being silent for a while.

Eight billion Baileys are not a big deal to Gilder Tezolo.

Because he is indeed the richest person in the world, even if compared with Celestial Dragons, Four Emperors, Doflamingo, he is also a very rich person.

According to legend, he has a treasure house where 20% of the currency in circulation in the world is piled up there.

No one knows how much money he has, but according to the earth, the currency in circulation on the earth is about eighty-three trillion U.S. dollars. If this is converted into island country money, it is 83 trillion island dollars. One Piece’s world is naturally incomparable with the earth.

Regardless of population, area, or the level of technological development.

So this money has to be discounted, and even if it is reduced by eight times, there will be one trillion.

According to what Oda said on the SBS, Shimamoto and Pele basically communicate with each other.

That is to say, this Gilder Tezolo has a net worth of 200 trillion Baileys.

According to legend, the celestial gold he tributes to Celestial Dragons every year is as high as 500 billion Baileys.

You know that the heavenly gold that Luo Xiu grabbed at the beginning was only a few billion Baileys. Although it was only a tribute from a small country in West Blue, but compared to the five hundred billion, everyone understands Ha, Gilder -The celestial gold that Tezolo pays tribute alone is the same as the amount of one sea tribute in the four seas.

It is precisely because of this that the World government will give him so many privileges.

Let him take it all in black and white.

Otherwise, why should the Pirate and Marine live in peace with him?

Is it because of fear of his strength? No, his strength is actually very average. When Shichibukai has to think about it, although he is awakened, he is the same as Pika. This is Paramecia’s Devil Fruit. He can only control metal, but can’t make it out of thin air. Gold comes.

His combat effectiveness on this island is very strong, because the island is full of gold that he can control, but once he leaves the island, his combat effectiveness, ha ha.

As the old saying goes, small money can make ghosts grind, and big money can grind ghosts. In this world, although Luo Xiu doesn’t want to admit it, although money is not omnipotent, it is really useful.

“Okay, let’s go!” Luo Xiu stood up after hearing Gilder Tezolo’s words, and then walked outside.

“Mr. Luo Xiu.” Seeing Luo Xiu is about to leave, Jiyuan here can’t help standing up immediately, and wants to leave with her, but Luo Xiu is not going to go with her now. @

“Tomorrow at nine o’clock in the morning, wait for me at the bay at the entrance.” Turning his head, Luo Xiu said to Jiyuan and continued to move forward.

And Jiyuan also stopped. She knew Luo Xiu and the others should have something to discuss. Now that the time has been set, then she doesn’t have to chase too much.

Watching Luo Xiu’s back disappear with Tanaka, Tezolo just smiled, and did not do anything, watching Luo Xiu and the others leave the VIP room.

“Boss…” Seeing Luo Xiu and they left, Bacara couldn’t help but walk to Gilder Tezolo’s side and whispered to him.

“Don’t worry, he is still on this island. Sooner or later, we can catch him.” With a wave of his hand, Gilder Tezolo stopped Barcara’s words, and then said with a smile.

At this time, Luo Xiu and his party returned to the elevator with Tanaka, and then left directly. When they left the gate of this entertainment city, someone had been waiting for them for a long time.

These people are Gilder Tezolo’s men, and they are here to give Luo Xiu their money.

A total of 8.6 billion, all in cash, were put in a huge suitcase.

If ordinary people hold the money, they will be crushed to death, but Luo Xiu and the others don’t care, because with Ingrid, Ingrid easily lifted the 8.6 billion cash with one hand, and then a group of people turned towards Walked through the town.

They found one of the most luxurious hotels besides the casino, Luo Xiu and the others opened two suites, and then they moved in.

After entering the room, a few women carefully searched the corner of the room, and after confirming that there were no monitors and bugs, they began to talk.

“That Gilder Tezolo, there must be a problem.” Hina sat down on the sofa and said seriously, looking at Luo Xiu.

“We feel it too, but where is this guy’s self-confidence? Let alone Luo Xiu, we can’t be provoked by him!” Ain, who was sitting on the sofa holding his legs, recalled. People who came across along the way also said puzzledly.

If there is anything strong here, besides Gilder Tezolo, there may be only the Tanaka and the dealer Days. Although they feel a little strange about the Baccarat, this woman’s Strength should not be strong.

With these three and a half people, plus the ordinary people he recruited, do you want to compete with the people on Luo Xiu’s boat? They are afraid that they have lost their minds.

“Don’t underestimate anyone, I’ve heard of Gilder Tezolo.” Just as Ain’s voice fell, Monet suddenly began to speak.

“Do you know him?” Hearing Monet’s words, Violet couldn’t help looking at her in confusion.

“Well, I followed the young master… Oh, I followed Dover for a long time. This Gilder Tezolo was originally Dover’s subordinate. He set fire to Dover’s auction house and stole the golden fruit. Because he is good at strength and has a very good money-making mind, he slowly became Dover’s partner from Dover’s younger brother, but not many people know the news.” Gently stroked. Monet also talked about his green hair.

“Oh, that said, I remember it too, I seem to have seen him too, but I don’t know who this person is.” When Monet said this, BABY5 next to him also started talking. If it weren’t for Monetti, she wouldn’t remember such a person.

“It seems that this should be news from within the Doflamingo family. I have never heard of him.” Hearing that Monet and BABY5 both knew the existence of this person, Violet sighed as if he never walked in. The core of that family, but that’s good, she didn’t mean to walk in anyway, you must know that she and Doflamingo have hatred, and there is a huge hatred!

“Bang bang bang…” And just as Luo Xiu and the others were talking there, a knock on the door suddenly sounded from outside their room.

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