Chapter 222 : Who was in the game?

“Luo Xiu will have nothing to do with them!” Running on the spiral staircase, BABY5 couldn’t help asking Carina in front of him with some worry.

“It should be fine, after all, that is Luo Xiu!” Hearing BABY5’s words, Violet here also said with some worry.

“I really don’t understand what you are worried about. If you look at the two in front, you don’t worry at all, because we have absolute confidence in him.” At this time, Monet’s figure also flashed over. Then said with a smile.

“Uh, that’s what I said.” After hearing Monet’s words, BABY5 and Violet looked at each other, worrying about Luo Xiu. One is because they care about Luo Xiu.

The second reason is that they don’t recognize themselves and feel insecure.

Although I don’t want to admit it now, among the women around Luo Xiu, the strongest are the two of them. They don’t have confidence in themselves, and it is difficult for them to have any confidence in Luo Xiu.

“Well, the door to the treasure house is now ahead. Let’s hurry up.” At this moment, Carina, who was running in the front, suddenly said.

After hearing Carina’s words, Monet and the others increased their speed again.

As everyone came to the huge treasure house, Carina also used her key to open the door of the huge treasure house, but when they walked out of the treasure house, the imaginary Jinshan Yinshan did not appear. Instead, they appeared. Above a platform.

Around this platform, there were guests everywhere, crowded sitting on the stands, watching them appear, these people also cheered excitedly.

On the other side of the platform, there are their enemies this time, Gilder Tezolo, Mr. Tanaka, Baccarat, Dess, and Carina who jumped directly to that platform after coming out.

“We got it…” Looking at the situation outside, Ain and the others stopped directly, and looked at the cheering people around them, and their faces became ugly.

“Hahahaha, do you still know that you are in the game? You don’t naively think that Carina will really take refuge in you, right? Your goal is heavenly gold. At this time, it has been sent to the Celestial Dragons ship, and it is you who are responsible for the escort. The only saviour, Cha Dolphin and Momousagi…” Gilder Tezolo couldn’t help laughing excitedly after hearing Ain’s words.

“It seems that my acting skills have improved a lot!” After hearing Gilder Tezolo’s words, Carina here also smiled and said with pride.

“Do you think you are determined to win? Are you a little too underestimated by us, go and solve them!” Hearing Gilder Tezolo’s words, Hina stepped up and said with a serious face, following her With a flick of both arms, she made two iron prisons.

As her voice fell, Hina, Ain, Monet, BABY5, Kalifa and Violet attacked almost simultaneously.

The first to attack was the long-range attack of BABY5 and Violet. As their firepower suppressed, the other people suddenly jumped up, using Moonwalk to rush towards the people over there, but the other side Gilder Tezolo just grinned and waved his right hand. In an instant, a metal shield was mobilized by him, directly blocking the long-range attacks of BABY5 and Violet, while the other side’s left hand was raised, flying in the air. Several of them suddenly discovered that their bodies were quickly being wrapped in gold.

The people who had flown halfway, because they could not move, suddenly flew towards the bottom, but at this moment, an overturned snow-covered house appeared below and directly caught these people, and Monet Taking this opportunity, she went directly to Gilder Tezolo. Although Monet was not transformed into such a harpy by Luo as in the original book, she had been fighting with Hina and the others. Relationship.

Her own strength is constantly improving.

With a wave of his right hand, a wing made of snow suddenly condensed, and covered with Armament Haki, and cut directly to Gilder Tezolo in front of him.

“Drink!” Looking at the cut of Monet’s wings, Dess here suddenly jumped up, and the arm-covered head directly hit Monet’s feather knife.

“Bang!” With a loud noise, although Dess was beaten and flew back, he also smashed Monet’s feather knife. Just as Monet was about to retreat, Mr. Tanaka here also started… ….

The gun in his hand fired several shots, limiting the direction of Monet’s movement. At the same time, Gilder Tezolo’s hands also waved, and suddenly there was an existence like liquid metal, which was wrapped towards Monet. .

“Not good!” Although Gilder Tezolo’s strength is not strong, but with one-to-three, and because of mental arithmetic and unintentional, Monet also got into trouble, although most of her body escaped this. Hit, but her feet were still wrapped in metal.

“Frozen space!” Watching the metal surrounding his feet condense in an instant, Monet did not hesitate, and directly transformed a large amount of snowflakes onto the metal.

The metal froze almost instantaneously, and it became very brittle. As her foot wrapped Armament Haki shook, it also shook the liquid metal.

She flew again, but it was difficult when she wanted to chase the opponent again.

Because Gilder Tezolo’s metal really made them very tough to defend.

“Hahahaha, don’t you give up? Logia is tricky, but you are not strong enough to compete with all of us. If I were you, then I would choose to run away at this time, because you are The only one who has a chance to escape.” Seeing Monet dodge his attack in mid-air, Gilder Tezolo also said with a grinning smile.

“Nonsense, we still have Luo Xiu!” Hearing what Gilder Tezolo said, the B5.8ABY5 over there couldn’t help firing a gun while shouting loudly.

“Are you talking about… him?” When he heard BABY5’s words, Gilder Tezolo smiled and looked at the big screen. The picture flashed there and it happened to go to the water pump room, where Luo Xiu had arrived and directly I used Finger Pistol and burst the water pipe.

“It’s done!” As the body was poured over by the sea, Luo Xiu and Yingli both saw some gold powder flowing out of their bodies, and their faces became excited.

At this time, everyone here can listen to their words truly.

“Huh, we have to leave as soon as possible. I don’t need any effort now.” Although the gold powder was flowing out, Luo Xiu staggered forward and said to Ingrid. .

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