Chapter 297 : The undercurrent of The fish men island

“Because the little girl is still young, she can’t control that kind of power, so…” With her head down, Neptune looked at Luo Xiu with a helpless look on her face.

In fact, he has to tell Luo Xiu about this matter. There is no way. People are under the low eaves and have to bow their heads. Let alone what Luo Xiu wants to do, no one can stop him in The fish men island. It means that Luo Xiu shelters The fish men island, and it is not impossible to tell him some of the secrets of The fish men island.

But after talking about it, will Luo Xiu do anything because of this? It’s a bet.

So after Neptune finished speaking, the gaze at Luo Xiu became more complicated.

“Oh, that’s it, little princess, you still can’t control your power?” Luo Xiu said to Shirahoshi next to her.

“I, I…”Seven Four Seven”…” Looking at Luo Xiu entangledly, Shirahoshi looked at her father again. Now she really doesn’t know if she wants to talk to Luo Xiu.

“Mr. Luo Xiu is a great benefactor who shelters our island. If he asks you, you can answer truthfully.” Looking at his daughter’s timid appearance, Neptune looked at her with comforting eyes, then smiled and said, he heard What Neptune said, Shirahoshi also took a deep breath.

“I haven’t been able to control it…” Although he summoned up the courage to say, his voice was small and pitiful, almost like a mosquito.

“If your character is not very good, I am like Whitebeard. I can protect this island for one year, two years, ten years, but I will always get old, and there will always be times when I no longer protect this island. If you are really the king of the sea, then you have to learn to be strong first.” Looking at Shirahoshi’s timid appearance, Luo Xiu shook his head.

This is completely different from the Poseidon he imagined. It doesn’t matter how much Haki you have to be Poseidon, but without the heart of a strong person like this, it is really hard to imagine her development in the future.

For example, a junior high school student bullies an elementary school student. If the elementary school student is bullied because of his young age and swallows his anger, then he will never be able to beat the junior high school student in his life. If he doesn’t care about his young age, he dare to go and fight. If the other party does…then he will be beaten even worse, well, this analogy does not hold.

But it is very important to have a heart that dares to shine a sword to anyone.

But Shirahoshi, obviously not.

“Okay, take care of your baby girl!” Looking at Shirahoshi, he nodded without understanding, Luo Xiu said nothing, and waved his hand and walked outside.

Looking at Luo Xiu’s back, Shirahoshi seemed to have made some determination, but this expression did not let the relieved Neptune see.

After Luo Xiu left the hard shell tower again, he returned to the banquet hall. At this time, the atmosphere in the banquet hall was not very good. Except for Luo Xiu’s woman, only the ministers and ministers remained here, but the expressions on both sides But they are not so good-looking.

The expressions of Luo Xiu’s women were quite relaxed, sitting together chatting quietly, while the faces of the left and right ministers were quite ugly. They were really afraid that Luo Xiu suddenly went crazy.

If anything goes wrong between Neptune and Princess Shirahoshi, they will be dead to death. Yes, they just don’t believe in Luo Xiu, to be precise, they should not believe in humans.

On The fish men island, whether it’s a mermaid or a murloc, there is actually no shortage of kind people. It may be that too much talent has given their bodies to them, so that most of the mermaid and murloc’s brains are relatively straightforward. People, kindness is kindness, and evilness is evil. They are not the kind of people who can act. Therefore, there are not many kind people on The fish men island.

But no matter what their xinxing is, none of these guys will believe in humans.

This is also a problem left over from history. Although the human slaves promoted by the evil dragon were saved by Fisher Tiger, they were unwilling to give Fisher Tiger a blood transfusion, and the murder of Princess Ouhime. It hurts the hearts of the people of The fish men island.

So even if they have a good heart, they will never have anything to do with humans. Although the fish men island is under the protection of Luo Xiu, they still don’t believe in Luo Xiu, but when they see Luo After Xiu and Neptune came out together, the two of them were relieved and looked at each other at the same time.

They don’t know what Neptune and Luo Xiu said, but they can be sure, absolutely, to stare at Luo Xiu, in case he has any other thoughts.

If Luo Xiu knew what the ministers of the left and right thought so, he would have to return to his army and leave. He is not a Virgin, nor does he have the idea of ​​putting a hot face on someone’s cold ass………

I have to admit that sometimes listening to the sound of everything is quite useful, although the effect is not as great as foreseeing the future when fighting.

Sitting back in his position, Luo Xiu started to eat as if nothing had happened, but he was thinking about Shirahoshi in his head.

He didn’t take Shirahoshi Poseidon’s identity too seriously, because even if she developed that power to Ultimate, the threat to Luo Xiu was not too much, at least when Luo Xiu reached the strongest state, it was impossible for her. With a punch and a knife.

What he was thinking about was whether Shirahoshi’s identity would cause him any trouble.

Although he is not afraid of any trouble, he hates trouble, but this idea just came out and he pressed it down because he felt it was troublesome to think about this kind of thing.

Luo Xiu didn’t speak, and everyone else in the room didn’t speak. Everyone sat there dullly, thinking secretly in their hearts.

But at this moment, a sudden noise came in from the outside of the Dragon King Palace.

“What’s the matter?” Hearing the noise, Neptune raised his head unexpectedly and asked the soldiers outside.

“That’s it. Today, there are 5.1 children with straw hats who came here with Master Luo Xiu.” No soldiers were needed to answer, the Minister Zuo here had already spoken.

“Straw hat boy? Monkey-D-Luffy? Is that Garp Vice Admiral’s grandson?” Hina here couldn’t help asking with some doubts after hearing the words of Minister Zuo.

“Yes, originally they were Megalo’s benefactors and should be treated, but Mrs. Shyarly did a fortune-telling not long ago and said that they might destroy The fish men island, so we arrested them. Now It should be their swordsman who is making trouble outside.” Hearing Hina’s question, Minister Right also spoke respectfully.

“Hey, is this your way of hospitality?” Before the right minister’s voice fell, a knife flashed suddenly. The next second Luo Xiu and the main hall door was cut open, followed by Luo Xiu The familiar green algae head appeared in front of him. .

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