Chapter 310 :unexpected result

Don’t get me wrong, Luo Xiu is not a pervert, because after killing so many people, he is very happy to face him at this time. He is happy because he just glanced at his justice value.

Before coming to The fish men island, Luo Xiu’s justice value had risen to 2.33 million by virtue of his furious killing of the ‘real’ pirates nine months ago.

This is also the reason why he doesn’t like Luffy and their small justice values.

But just now, when his slash killed these murlocs and pirates, the situation was different, not because he killed too many and deducted a lot of justice.

But because he suddenly doubled the justice value.

These 100,000 mobs also mentioned earlier that 70,000 are residents of Fishman Street. Fishman Street actually means the same slums or black areas in modern society.

The people who live here, except for those desperate, are basically committed criminals.

What’s more, the young and old did not enter here at this time.

The bastards on Murloc Street here are all young adults.

The young and middle-aged in the dark zone, whether it is to resist others or for themselves, have actually done some bad things.

In addition, since they chose to seek refuge in Hodie Jones, they have not done any evil in 843, so they are also pirates, with an evil value of fifty points.

The exchange of evil value and justice value is to exchange a little evil value for a little justice value. If the evil value of fifty is replaced by a justice value, it is fifty. Among the remaining 30,000 human pirates, it is the same sentence, even if it is the same as Luffy. , It is said that adventurers are more than these people who are like pirates, and their identity is also a pirate.

These 100,000 people, even if they are worth fifty justice each, it is worth five million justice worth.

With Luo Xiu’s cut, the justice value directly increased to 4.91 million. That is to say, he just increased a total of 2.58 million justice value. Converted to adults, that is more than 51,600 people. In Luo Xiu this is also the case. If you die directly, you can’t die anymore.

The rest of the people did not die, so Luo Xiu did not write down the justice value.

But even if he didn’t kill the remaining people, Luo Xiu was surprised. Originally, he thought that saving The fish men island was more a matter of his own face. Unexpectedly, there were unexpected gains.

So seeing this, the corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth rose unconsciously.

It’s just that at this moment, the people who are still alive in the square are going crazy after seeing the corner of Luo Xiu’s mouth.

A guy who killed more than 50,000 people while waving his hands was laughing at this moment. Is there anything more terrifying than this?

“Devil, devil!” “He is the devil!” Looking at Luo Xiu in front of him, everyone who is still alive here, whether it is a murloc or a human, roared from the lungs, and then tried to stay away as much as possible. Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu was also awakened by their screams, and shook his head at Rob Luqi next to him. CP9 over there already rushed over with someone.

“Mr. Luo Xiu, please stop killing, it’s enough.” Seeing the Marine next to him suddenly rushed out, Shirahoshi thought Luo Xiu was going to kill him, so he couldn’t help but immediately grabbed Luo Xiu’s hand. Said to Luo Xiu with excitement on his face.

When Luo Xiu heard her words, Luo Xiu was stunned for a moment. Although he was very interested in the justice value that these remaining people could provide, it seemed that if he really killed like this, it would not seem very good, even more. What’s more, he hadn’t thought about driving these people out.

Luo Xiu’s strength is strong, but first of all, he is a person, and he also has his own bottom line of human nature. It is not what he will do to kill these people who have no ability to resist.

What’s more, as long as he catches these people, he can get justice.

For example, when he caught Jack and the others, he didn’t kill Jack, but he still got the justice value, but now he can also borrow the donkey.

“Just punish the first evil.” After speaking to the people around him, Shirahoshi let go of the hand that was holding him, and looked at him with gratitude.

“Yes!” Hearing Luo Xiu’s order, the people who had already rushed out also responded loudly, and then these people stepped on Moonwalk and flew directly to the deep pit over there. At this time, the new murloc sea The thieves have crawled out of the pit.

But as soon as they climbed out, they were attacked by Luo Xiu’s men.

The way for these people to improve their strength is to take evil medicine, but now the evil medicine is of no use to Luo Xiu and the others. In the original book, the Straw Hat Pirates can easily destroy them, let alone Luo Xiu.

Although Rob Luck was unfortunately defeated by Luffy, his and Luffy’s hard power is very close.

Luffy played Hodie Jones and he naturally did.

Kaku and Ingrid are also at the same level as Zoro. Besides, Luo Xiu also has Jabra, Blueno, Kumadori, Hina, Monet and others.

Excluding Luo Xiu, the combat power of these people under Luo Xiu’s hands is much stronger than that of the Straw Hat Pirates. Fighting the New Murloc Pirates is really like cutting melons and vegetables.

Because the system authenticates, as long as Luo Xiu’s subordinates catch or kill, he can also get justice, so Luo Xiu doesn’t care.

Under the onlookers of the residents of The fish men island around the square, Luo Xiu’s people also showed their strong fighting power. Originally, it seemed to them that Neptune, the great knight of the sea, is already this. The strongest force in the world.

The fighting power of the three princes of sharks can definitely be regarded as the top of The fish men island.

The new murloc pirate group that easily solved the three princes of the Shark star should have a higher fighting power, but after Luo Xiu’s men played against them, they knew how outrageous they were. They knew at this time. How powerful are the humans outside.

Those who were originally in the new murloc pirate group, which seemed almost invincible, were absolutely at a disadvantage when they first met.

They don’t even need Luo Xiu to play, they are almost defeated.

And just as they thought this way, after the initial temptation, Luo Xiu’s men also discovered that these guys can be said to be doing nothing except their physical strength.

They will neither Armament Haki increase their defenses and attacks nor Observation Haki to avoid their own attacks. Although their physical fitness and reaction have improved due to the use of the murderous drug, this improvement is for Luo Xiu’s men. it’s meaningless.

No matter how strong you are, you can’t hit me, but I can hit you. Although the original spike move can no longer be directly spiked, the damage is real.

These people did not dare to take a few hundred pills at a time like Hordy Jones. Of course, they did not have the opportunity to take it. As the king squid named Icarus fell, the other cadres of the new murloc pirate group It was solved almost instantly.

The only one who is still struggling to support is Hodie Jones, but his situation is not optimistic. Just as Rob Lucci was about to kill him, suddenly a huge shadow floated towards The fish men island. Come here….

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