Chapter 319 :How to get points

“Justice value: 6673381, points: 37.”

“Huh? Where did the points come from?” Looking at the points displayed on the mall, Luo Xiu was stunned. He was already ready and prepared for blood loss, but the points that came out suddenly made him feel a little bit. Surprised and unexpected.

Where did the points come from?

Looking at these points, Luo Xiu began to remember.

“Did you kill a zombie?” Scratching his head, Luo Xiu muttered a little uncertainly, but since I don’t understand it, just go ahead and try it out.

He first went to the bathroom to wash up, then changed into something more convenient, and jumped directly from the top floor. At this time, there were more zombies on the street than yesterday.

Because at night, many people in hiding were found by these zombies, and after being found, there were only two possibilities. If they weren’t eaten by these guys, then they would become one of these guys.

So the number of these zombies on the street is increasing.

Luo Xiu randomly found a zombie and directly hit Finger Pistol with a loud bang. The zombie’s head was directly exploded. Luo Xiu immediately opened the system to check and found that his score was still 37. This Luo Xiu was a little puzzled.

Because just as he thought, the number of zombies he killed yesterday was actually more than 37, and there should be nearly a hundred smaller. This point is obviously wrong.

Just when he was puzzled, the sound of that zombie’s head exploding also attracted other zombies. Luo Xiu looked at these zombies, and there was nothing to entangle, so he clicked his fingers again and exploded several zombies’ heads one after another. .

Just when he thought that these zombies would not provide him with points, he unexpectedly discovered that the points had changed from 37 to 41…

“What’s going on?” Scratching his head, Luo Xiu looked at the points. Could it be that the number of kills was wrong? Killing two or three will give you a point?

But it’s not right. Yesterday I killed about a hundred animals and only had 37 points, but today I killed the first, fourth, fifth, no, second, third, and sixth. There is also the seventh one, and there is no rule at all.

Out of curiosity, Luo Xiu began to kill zombies on the street. After killing about a hundred zombies, Luo Xiu slowly researched some patterns.

The reason why this world is not divided into camps is mainly because one is a human being and the other is a zombie. Luo Xiu is now a human, so he naturally joins the camp of the living. If he is a zombie, he will join the zombie. Among the camps.

This is a natural faction assignment, so Luo Xiu does not need to choose it himself.

And most people who have just become zombies have actually never done bad things, which means that they have never eaten people. In this case, the system determines that such zombies who have not done bad things have no points. Earned.

So many zombies that Luo Xiu killed did not exist, but those zombies with blood in their mouths and even some shredded meat on their hands were those who had eaten or killed people. The system judges such zombies. After killing, There will be points.

In any case, there is a way to earn points in this world.

Although a zombie that has killed people will only provide a few points, it can’t hold up too many people.

How many zombies are there in this city, how about the entire island country? What about the whole world?

“Damn, thinking about it this way, this world is a good place to earn points ah”! “Thinking of this, Luo Xiu couldn’t help but tremble, but then he had to make sure of one thing, and that was whether he could leave this place.

He remembers that the copy is not the same as the real world and has a limited scope.

For example, in the last copy, he never left Hokage Village. Now he wants to see if he can leave the island country, or even this city.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu directly found a right direction, and then rushed towards that direction. Although he did not exhaust all his strength, his speed was also extremely terrifying after using the power of Momoguo. He is now There is no way to drive, because the road is full of abandoned cars, so he can run fast instead of driving.

After running for about an hour, he left the confines of the city, but when he left the city, the imaginary rural scene did not appear.

Not to mention people, even if there are no houses or animals…

Except for the road under his feet and the abandoned cars parked on the side of the road from time to time, there was nothing outside of the city. He ran in one direction. After running for another two hours, Luo Xiu stopped because of this. When the sea appeared in front of him again.

But there was nothing but the sea and the road underneath.

“It seems that the world view of this world is not very good. At least now although this copy does not restrict me from leaving the city, or even leaving the island country, there is nothing else except this city. “Squatting down on the beach again, Luo Xiu muttered helplessly while looking at the sea in front of him.

It seems that this loophole is not so easy to exploit.

With a sigh, Luo Xiu stood up again. It seems that he can only pin his hopes on that city. Luo Xiu doesn’t know how many people there are in that city. He doesn’t know how many zombies there are, but he does. In that big city, there are millions of zombies that are not a problem. What he needs to do now is to make sure that those zombies have killed people.

Of course, if it is some crazy people, they may catch ordinary people to kill the zombies in order to achieve the purpose of accumulating points, but this idea was in Luo Xiu’s mind, after only a flash, he gave up.

Just kidding, although he is not a good person, he is not so crazy. When a person can do everything in order to become stronger, it proves that this person has become a captive of power. He has no bottom line now. There will be no bottom line.

Luo Xiu said that he is still alone, so it is impossible for him to do so.

At best, he is indifferent. He is going to enjoy life these days, let the zombies find out the survivors by himself, and then wait for a few days when there are almost no living people in the city. Gather these zombies in one place and destroy them directly. As for how to tell whether there are living people, hehe, for Luo Xiu’s Observation Haki, it is actually not a very troublesome thing.

“…” Hey, today is just like riding a roller coaster, forget it and go back! With a sigh, Luo Xiu stood up from the beach, looked at the direction he was coming from, and ran back directly.

Although the result is not as perfect as he thought, at least he will not lose blood.

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