Chapter 389 : The Hudi of Luo Xiu

“Game start!”

“Go, double bomb gas!” “Go, Yunjira!”

With the order from Ayako, the referee, Luo Xiu and Orange threw the poke ball at almost the same time, and as the poke ball flashed, Luo Xiu’s Yongjila and Aju’s double bomb gas at the same time. Appeared on the field.

Looking at this double-bomb gas, Luo Xiu also knew its condition through Observation Haki.

This world is a real world, not a game world, so there is no data stream or the like, but no matter what the world is, data is a very important benchmark.

This is like the earth where Luo Xiu is located, and data is everywhere.

For example, in NBA games, are James and Kobe all stats?

This is naturally not. The data in the games made by the NBA is mainly reflected in the average value of the data presented by these people.

Although this world is also a real world, the elves are also real.

But they are also represented by data.

According to what Luo Xiu has learned these days, the main data in this world is divided into two types, one is the level, and the other is the effort value.

People in this world divide the level and effort of the elf into one hundred points.

The level represents the bottom-line basic strength of this elf, and the effort value represents its actual strength, for example, such as a wild elf.

Their levels may be different, but the effort value is basically below 10.

Except for the abandoned elves, most elves will not practice on their own, because they don’t have time to practice, and without a trainer to feed them, they spend more time looking for food, except Outside of the time to find food and eat, little elves can train themselves. The wrist strength is because what they call’play’ is exercise, so they will train.

Therefore, the elves with an effort value of ten or less, even if they are raised by a trainer, are also called wild elves, regardless of their level.

And the elves whose effort value reaches ten or more and thirty or less are called ordinary elves, and this is also the level of most elves.

However, the elite level above the ordinary level is something that ordinary people can reach.

Because there are many requirements.

There are not only requirements for effort value, but also requirements for level.

Only when the effort value reaches 30 or more, and the most important thing is that the level also reaches 30 or more, that is, the elf that has evolved into the final evolution type, will it be called the elite level. These two rigid conditions Indispensable.

Only those spirits whose effort value has reached sixty or more, and their level has reached sixty or higher, are called Uranus levels. The same two requirements are impossible.

It’s not that the effort has reached eighty, but the level is only fifty-five. Such an elf is also an elite level, and only a double sixty is a Uranus level.

And if there is one item that meets the standard, and the other one that has not yet been reached, it will be called quasi. For example, if there is an elf with an effort of 65 and a level of 50, such an elf will be called quasi-Uranus. Such elves may not be much worse than Uranus-class elves in combat effectiveness, but at least they were overwhelmed in name.

The reason why Nazi is called Uranus level is because her Hudi is more than double sixty. Of course, if Nazi’s mental power is connected, her Hudi level can even reach 80th level. It is the champion level. Calculated by this standard, it is the quasi-championship level wizard, but Hu Di’s own effort value will not increase.

The prospective champion and the champion are only a word difference, but they are not quite big…

And the limit of this world, the value of effort has reached 80 or more, the level has reached 80 or more, will be called champion level.

Although Aju knows that Luo Xiu is not easy to deal with, he did not directly take out his trump card or can be said to be the elf of the first camp. This double bomb gas, in the perception of Luo Xiu’s Observation Haki, has a level of probably More than forty levels, the effort value may be higher than the level, but it is definitely less than sixty, such an elves can be said to be the elves of the late elite.

But compared with Luo Xiu’s elves, it’s far worse.

These days, Luo Xiu is not just visiting the mountains and playing water, he is also training his elves. In addition to the Lightning Bird, he just taught a little bit. After all, it is positioned as a mount or a battlefield supplement. Luo Xiu Did not expect it to become stronger.

With the exception of Lightning Bird, Luo Xiu’s other elves have made considerable progress.

At present, Luo Xiu’s elves, except for the giant fast dragon and giant stinging jelly, are actually not high in level. After Nido with the highest level, it is estimated that Baba’s will reach level 60, which is Uranus. Level only.

However, their effort value is quite scary. If the limit of effort value is 100, the spirits of Luo Xiu, after more than a month of hard work, the effort value is less than 80, compared to others. , It’s easy to increase the level, but it’s difficult to increase the effort value.

After all, the effort value can only be obtained by breaking through the limit of the elf.

However, for Luo Xiu, what he has to become stronger is to increase his level.

Now Luo Xiu’s Yongjila is also the same. This Yongjila’s level is estimated to be no lower than the double bomb gas on the opposite side, but the effort value is much higher than it.

The reason why the current Yongjila has not evolved is to wait to learn its big moves and tricks, and according to Luo Xiu’s estimation, its big moves should be fast.

“. 〃 濃雲々〃!” With Ayako’s order, the game started, and the orange over there did not give Luo Xiu the opportunity to consider these things, and directly gave the order to attack.

After hearing Aju’s words, the double bomb gas opened his two mouths in an instant, and two large clusters of purple gas spread directly toward the venue.

To be honest, this skill of controlling the field is very annoying, but it is not a big deal for Yongjira. Luo Xiu is not needed to give orders. Suddenly, Yongjira disappeared in the same place and appeared at the same time. Behind the double bomb gas.

The right hand was already aimed at the head of the double bomb gas.

“No, double bomb gas flash…” Seeing Yongjira’s movements, A-ju immediately wanted to remind the double bomb gas, but unfortunately, before he finished his words, Yunjira’s illusion technique was released directly. Out!

At the same level, the attribute of the phase resistance is much higher than the double-bomb gas. The result is that when the phantom technique hits the double-bomb gas, it will be directly blown out and landed. Has lost consciousness.

And at this moment, Luo Xiu’s Yongjila also appeared white light, this time it did not suppress this evolutionary impulse, because just now it had to upgrade its own big move, finished it! It is now moving towards a new form! .

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