Chapter 391 : The battle to surpass yourself

“Puff!” This tank skunk is definitely A Ju’s main force, not only because of its effort and level, but also because of its tacit understanding with A Ju and his confidence in A Ju.

Hearing Aju’s command, this tank skunk didn’t need to react. He turned his head and sprayed directly with a jet of flame.

Hu Di also didn’t expect that the other party’s reaction was so fast, and it was too late to teleport away, so it could only use its own ~ life-saving tricks in advance.

In an instant, a transparent light curtain appeared in front of it, blocking the male flame from the light curtain, but when the flame was about to burn out, suddenly the body of the tank skunk fell from the flame. Suddenly rushed over.

It played quite well at this point of time. It just happened to defend and disappear, but Hu Di did not have the opportunity to use the teleportation space. Looking at the big teeth emerging from the tank skunk, even Hu Di was a little panicked, but in At this moment, it remembered the practice it had done with Luo Xiu.

Some turbulent hearts calmed down in an instant, and the IQ of up to 5000 suddenly remembered how to crack this trick at this time.

If Luo Xiu’s elves are the most hard-trained, they are naturally Weird Power, because they treat training as a game. The strongest is naturally the giant fast dragon, whether it is because of its race value or because it has almost reached the end. Level, if you say the most obedient, it is naturally Empress Nido, after all, it is Luo Xiu’s first elf…

But if you say the smartest, then it must be Hu Di. It can also be said that in this world, there are almost no elves or humans who are smarter than Hu Di, except for those in the legend.

Looking at the tank skunk about to attack in front of him, Hudi suddenly waved his right hand to fight the grass festival!

This is a grass-based move. Generally speaking, it is used to trip up those very heavy elves. This move is actually useless for the tank skunk.

Although the trick came suddenly, the tank skunk only stumbled, and then immediately recovered his balance, opened his mouth directly, and bit into Hu Di.

But at this moment, there may be only a few tenths of a second, but it is enough for Hu Di, only seeing its body, instantly disappeared in place, and then suddenly appeared on the left side of the tank skunk. Below.

“Seven o’clock position!” Seeing Hu Di’s movements, Aju reminded the tank skunk for the first time, and the tank skunk also shook his head suddenly. A poisonous trick was used to hiccup, but at this moment , Hu Di’s body shape has disappeared again.

“How is it possible, the skill interval?” Seeing Hu Di disappeared again, Aju and the tank skunk were both stunned. Only Luo Xiu laughed after a moment of stunned.

Indeed, Hu Di doesn’t like physical exercises, but Luo Xiu’s Hu Di has also done physical exercises for a while. Let’s not say anything else, it may not be Grandmaster, but it will, it will still do. of.

Just now, the first time it disappeared, it was not a momentary movement, but a shave. In this case, using the momentary naturalness again will naturally cause no problem.

At this time, he appeared in front of the tank skunk again, very close to the tank skunk, but unfortunately the tank skunk’s head was not pointed in its direction.

At this moment, its right hand suddenly condensed a ball, and Hu Di’s hand directly pressed the ball and hit the tank skunk’s body.

“Rasengan? No, the form is a bit similar, but it has the attributes of fighting inside. Infuriate!” Seeing that ball of light suddenly exploded, Luo Xiu couldn’t help but feel a little moved. This move is indeed very impressive. powerful!

“Woo!” And the tank skunk didn’t think that Hu Di would appear here at this time. The only thing it can do is to get out of its fragile neck when it is attacked, but that qi The bullet still hit its belly directly.

The huge power instantly smashed the tank skunk out of the sky and hit a wall not far away. Although it was only one blow, Hu Di directly knocked it out of the field.

In addition to the field battles in Pokémon battles, such battles in the arena have boundary restrictions, so even after taking this blow, the tank skunk did not directly lose its combat effectiveness. It was still working hard on the ground, and stood up shaking. , But in fact it has already lost.

“Very novel style of play, very novel skills, it seems that you are not an ordinary person.” Looking at Luo Xiu, Aju took back the tank skunk, which meant that his second elf had also lost.


“Acceptance, Uranus, the city’s poison system is really strong.” A polite compliment to Aju, Luo Xiu also looked at Hu Di, his gaze was asking if it should fight again.

But Hu Di obviously hasn’t enjoyed it yet. It actually has some feelings of liking this kind of fighting, and to be honest, it is usually in the wild, even if it encounters elves in battle, those elves are of low level. pitful.

It likes such a close battle.

“Let’s go on!” Seeing that Hu Di didn’t mean to end, Luo Xiu also spoke directly. Hearing Luo Xiu’s words, Aju didn’t persuade Luo Xiu to do anything, and directly threw out the third elf. An end-entry moth.


Don’t underestimate this moth. Don’t look at the strength of the moth. The race value is not too high, but it is very powerful after it has been cultivated.

The last moth is an elf with both insect and poison attributes, but in fact, this elf is very, very, very difficult to deal with, because after this elf is cultivated, it will have too many skills…and so many heinous. .

It can learn the skills of insects, general, flying, poison, grass, and superpowers. It can also learn powerful offensive skills such as sun flames and destructive rays through learning machines. The thief who can learn the evil element is indeed a very troublesome opponent, after all, this moth is the second main force of Aju.

However, it seems to Luo Xiu that although this moth is strong, it is not too difficult for Hu Di, because the insect system does twice the damage to the super power system.

However, the super power system will not halve the insect-killing system. On the contrary, because of the attributes of the moth-venom system, hitting it in a wild way will also double the damage.

Double vs. Double, full skill vs. full skill, even if the level of this moth is higher than Hu Di, according to Luo Xiu’s idea, Hu Di wants to win it but it’s not too difficult. .

“Come on what you are best at!” Seeing his opponent, Luo Xiu laughed.

“At the end of the moth, paralyze the powder!” At this moment, Orange’s attack also came! .

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