Chapter 398 : Xia Bo

“Huh…” Luo Xiu who soaked in the hot spring couldn’t help taking a sigh of relief. He was relieved all over his body, and beside him, the strange force, the sickle helmet and the giant fast dragon also took a sigh of relief, learning. Luo Xiu’s appearance, relax his body as much as possible.

As for his other elves, some were next door, and two, such as the giant stinger jellyfish and the lightning bird, were released by him into the wild.

Honglian Island is actually not big, so Luo Xiu also gave a holiday to the lightning bird and giant stinging jellyfish.

The giant stinging jellyfish was put into the sea, and the lightning birds did not know where they had gone. Luo Xiu was not worried that they would not come back.

First of all, not to mention that Luo Xiu serves them deliciously and deliciously. The power of Luo Xiu’s Master alone is what they desire. Although neither of these two elves can learn the physical skills of Marine Six Styles, they also have The method becomes stronger.

For example, the giant stinger jellyfish, Luo Xiu taught it to add Finger Pistol to various Water Styles. It has 80 tentacles, and each of them can use Finger Pistol. At that time, its combat power, tusk, as for lightning. Bird, although it can’t learn any guns.

But it can study the power of electricity. Recently, when Hu Di was reading the Book of Seals, he would also follow it. However, the results were not too great, but Luo Xiu taught him a trick.

Since it can’t use the Thunder-based ninjutsu like a ninja, it’s not like Enel, constantly developing its own power, and then attacking.

Recently, the voltage of the Lightning Bird has increased rapidly. It is estimated that it will not take long. Tens of volts may not trap it. Under such circumstances, the two elves will run away when they are crazy.

So Luo Xiu is not worried about the problem that they will run away.

As for the remaining elves, they are taking a bath next door…

Elves rarely wear clothes. Everyone knows that, with the exception of a few elves, most elves are naked.

In normal times, Luo Xiu didn’t care too much about the male and female situation of his elves, but as soon as he had to take a bath today, he discovered that his little elves seem to be quite a lot.

Maybe he knows that there is only Nedoran, but it is unexpected that Hudi and the fast-swimming frog are also females. No wonder these two elves fought together…

Of course, this is all bullshit. Originally it doesn’t matter if the elves take a bath together. After all, the background of this world is an island country. It is common for men and women to bathe together in an island country.

However, Luo Xiu did not let them soak together, but partitioned the pool into two parts.

Soaking in the bath, looking at the sky, to be honest, Luo Xiu felt homesick for the first time.

Of course, he didn’t just think about homes on earth, but also homes in One Piece. No, they should be relatives to be exact.

Although when he goes back, he will use points to rewind the time to one or two days after he left.

For Hina and the others, Luo Xiu just left for a few days.

But for him, he really stayed in this world for a few months.

Judging from the current progress, it is estimated that he will have to stay for about two months before he can return.

The rest of the journey will be completed in about half a month, then one month to practice, another half month to play games, and if necessary, to play Uranus and the champion.

With such a calculation, he still has such a long time not to see his family, and he is really full of emotion when it comes to speaking.

But soon, Luo Xiu took a handful of water and poured it on his face. He wanted to force himself not to think about it, because it didn’t change anything.

He didn’t want his dreams before entering the dungeon to come true, so he had to find a way to become stronger, although he did not have a strong heart, but this did not mean that he would shrink.

“Challenge Xia Bo tomorrow!” Wiping the water off his face, Luo Xiu took a deep breath and said affirmatively. After hearing Luo Xiu’s words, the strange force and the sickle helmet playing beside him glanced at each other. They didn’t understand what Luo Xiu’s determination had made, because the original order was to play Xia Bo tomorrow.

Only the giant fast dragon could see Luo Xiu’s heart, because it found that Luo Xiu was the same as himself sometimes. It had a special emotion, and this emotion was called loneliness.

Although I don’t know what Luo Xiu has experienced, the giant fast dragon knows that such a master is very good.

There was no word for a night. Early the next morning, Luo Xiu and his little elves were all sorted out. After breakfast, he went to the beach to retrieve the giant stinging jellyfish and lightning bird.

The two elves who played for a night were very happy when they saw Luo Xiu again, but obviously although they have not followed Luo Xiu for too long, they have some feelings that are not very accustomed to being alone, and they were taken back to the elven ball by Luo Xiu. After that, Luo Xiu walked towards Xia Bo’s Red Lotus Gym.

Although Xia Bo’s Red Lotus Gymnasium was a smash hit, it has long since fallen, and Xia Bo’s Gymnasium has also been converted into a private hot spring hotel by Xia Bo.

There isn’t even a waiter here. Of course, it’s not that Xia Bo can’t afford it. As the former owner of the Red Lotus Gymnasium, even if he is now in a semi-retired state, whether it’s the money he made before, or the elves. The annual subsidy of the alliance will not be less.

The reason why he didn’t hire waiters was to entertain those who are predestined, and to clean himself, but when Luo Xiu came to the door, he did not refuse Luo Xiu’s proposal.

They came to the underground battle arena, the rule is three 473 to three.

Luo Xiu naturally has no objection to this point.

But when the game started, Luo Xiu did feel that Xia Bo was old, and his elf also had some meanings of not picking up.

Xia Bo’s three elves, the first is just one Nine Tails. To be honest, for the gym trainer, the water level is already low, almost more than forty levels, but the effort value is not Too high. Facing Luo Xiu, he has already been promoted to Uranus. No, now it can almost be said that when it is a semi-championship fast swimming frog, this kind of strength is naturally not enough.

Less than a minute after the battle began, Nine Tails was shot directly by a water cannon from a short distance by the fast swimming frog.

Xia Bo’s second elf was a tyrannosaurus armored on the ground and rocks. The level and effort of this tyrannosaurus were both around level 50. It can be said to be a very good elf.

But what is there to say about the ground and rock properties of Tyrannosaurus, and the properties of Sheung Shui are four times restrained?

This armored tyrannosaurus is not even as good as that Nine Tails.

The battle was ended by the fast-swimming frog’s Great Waterfall Technique, and the gap was too big.

However, the appearance of Xia Bo’s last elf duck-billed fire dragon made Luo Xiu and the fast swimming frog stunned, because this elf is indeed very powerful! .

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