Chapter 422 : Framed?

“I’m going back first!” Because today’s Queen Nido suffered serious injuries, Luo Xiu did not go to dinner with Xiaozhi and the others, although Xiaozhi was very excited and wondering why Luo Xiu didn’t treat the elf Give it to Joey?

But they still had no reason to stop Luo Xiu, so after Luo Xiu talked to them, he went straight back to his room.

Before his ultimate goal this time, to become Uranus in the Kanto region, there is only one day left, so he will not allow anything bad to happen during this time.

After returning to the room, Luo Xiu released his elves. Of course, the giant stinger jellyfish does not have this treatment. In fact, it does not stay in Luo Xiu’s elven ball now. Luo Xiu Put it in the small lake in front of the quartz conference residential area.

This place was originally intended to be a place for those water-based Pokémon to play, but now “six six seven” along with the entire residential area is left with only Luo Xiu who challenged Uranus four, naturally this small lake is his, as long as Don’t let the giant stinging jellyfish surface, then there is no problem.

After releasing Nido, Luo Xiu first treated him for his injuries. Of course, he should also talk to him during the treatment. Today’s performance can be said to be remarkable, but there are also some minor flaws, such as it. When fighting against Meng Yao, it was clear that the battle could be resolved quickly, but half of his physical strength was still consumed.

Of course, there is also Luo Xiu’s problem. Luo Xiu told them not to show too much what he taught, because he was also afraid that some of the things he taught would attract the attention of the Elf Alliance. Yes, but now is not the time to consider this matter. If he defeats Du tomorrow, he will become the champion of Kanto, and then he can receive points and leave the world. He has been abstinent in this world for a long time.

He already misses Hina and the others. Of course, this time he can not only bring back a lot of points, but also a few good combat powers.

In fact, it seems to Luo Xiu that although only a few months of training, under the care of the law, the combat effectiveness of these little elves may no longer be worse than Rob Luchi and the others. Of course, don’t think this. The elves of the world are above the humans in the world of One Piece.

It can only be said that they grow very fast, but when it comes to potential, no matter in any world, humans will always have the strongest potential, uh, the prehistoric world is not counted…

To use an analogy, for example, the fast dragon, its level has reached its limit, and its effort value has also reached its limit. After it has learned the two-color Haki, then it will be like this no matter how it is trained, this is its The limit, and Rob Luchi, as long as he can continue to grow stronger and continue to develop, let alone 30,000 power, even 50,000 or 60,000 have a chance to reach, so this is the biggest difference.

While talking to the elves, chatting, summarizing the results of the battle, Luo Xiu also took out some food he prepared from his backpack. The more critical the time, the more he needs to pay attention, because Some people might take the risk.

But at night there was no problem.

After Luo Xiu had fed all the elves, he went to the lake specially to collect the giant stinger jellyfish there. At the same time, he decided that his main job tomorrow morning was to go to SHOPING, which is the legendary buying! purchase! purchase!

There are still a lot of things he wants to buy, such as a variety of evolution stones. He discovered that there are some special energies in the evolution stones, which may be guided or used by Ain and others.

In addition, there is still space for backpacks, and he plans to buy more.

There are also some wound medicine, tree fruits, energy cubes and the like.

Although these things have no effect on humans, they are good things for elves.

Needless to say about the wound medicine. After leaving here, it is estimated that Luo Xiu will find it difficult to formulate wound medicine specifically for the elf. As for the energy cube, it is mainly for the formula inside, and the fruit is Luo Xiu ready to plant. s things.

Luo Xiu has also tasted those tree fruits. To be honest, they are unpalatable and horrible. Sour is a special acid, which is dozens of times more sour than the most sour lemon. Spicy is especially spicy. Luo Xiu has never eaten anything so spicy anyway. He used to buy devil pepper curiously before, but compared to the spicy Sakura here, devil pepper is as harmless as vegetable pepper…

Now Luo Xiu still has about 20 million dollars left in the world. This is really a lot of money, so he can buy a lot of things as much as he wants.

Set up tomorrow’s itinerary, Luo Xiu also made a list of what to buy tomorrow, and then fell asleep, but when he slept in the middle of the night, suddenly a special breath emerged from Luo Xiu’s walls. Then in the dark space of the room, a gas elf with two hands slowly appeared in the air…

If someone is here at this time, you must recognize it, this elf is nothing else, it is the evolution of the ghost, the ghost stone!

But now looking at its mysterious appearance, it is known that it is not a good elf, and there is a reason for it to come.

Ghost Stone quietly opened a window in Luo Xiu’s villa. He had to admit that he was very careful and didn’t make any noise, but what he didn’t know was that Luo Xiu actually He has already woke up, and all its activities are under the control of Luo Xiu Observation Haki.

As the window opened, a set of clothes wrapped in thought power appeared outside the window. After Ghost Stone took the clothes and quietly put the clothes under the sofa cushions in the living room, its breath quickly disappeared. It seems to have ran away early.

After the spirit of the spirit disappeared, Luo Xiu also sat up from the bed. The moment he sat up, the spirit ball beside him trembled.

In fact, not only did Luo Xiu sense the existence of that elf just now, but these elf also felt it, but they didn’t say anything when they saw Luo Xiu didn’t speak.

“It’s okay, I’ll go and see.” Touching these poke balls one by one, Luo Xiu smiled and jumped off the bed, and then came to the place where Ghost Stone hid things in the living room.

Picking up the sofa cushion, 3.2 Luo Xiu saw a set of Rockets clothes placed there.

Seeing this thing, Luo Xiu couldn’t help being amused. He naturally knew why these guys put this thing into his own place.

“Who came up with this method? Hehe, it’s a young man, are all conspiracies like this?” Looking at the uniform in his hand, Luo Xiu was delighted. It was a silly conspiracy.


Someone in the book review area told me to TJ? Is this the author’s trumpet? I have no recommendation for this book, so it shouldn’t occupy other people’s resources…

Not to mention the poor grades, but I still have something to write. I am full-time and I am not in a hurry. Why are you in a hurry?

In the past two days, I have designed the follow-up plot of One Piece and the main world after One Piece. This book has to be written slowly, at least a few months before it can be written. .

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