Chapter 437 : Conceit the crime

Ferrite ore is a very special ore in the world of One Piece.

This ore looks no different from ordinary iron ore, but if it is soaked in water, the ore can make the water taste like wine. Of course, it has no effect on alcohol, but it can make wine. The taste comes.

But this kind of wine is not drunk. This kind of wine that has been soaked in ferrite is actually toxic. The toxicity is not too great, but it is definitely not small.

So in this world, ferrite ore is actually not a good thing for ordinary people, just like radioactive substances, it is harmful to people.

But this kind of ore, like radioactive material, has a special ability.

Radioactive materials can undergo fission, such as uranium, which can be made into atomic bombs, and this kind of ferrite can increase the flexibility of weapons.

“Five-seven-seven” a weapon, whether it is a good thing, the first thing to look at is steel.

A good knife must not only be hard enough, profitable, and thin enough, but also soft enough, yes, soft enough, flexibility is very important.

It is easy to increase the hardness of steel. It is not difficult to grind the steel thinly. If it is thin enough, it is good enough, but it is the hardest if it is soft enough.

If two weapons collide, if they are both hard enough and good enough, the only result will be a collapse or even a broken blade. When Zoro and Hawkeye first met, why did the two ordinary knives break directly? Now, this is their relationship that is profitable but not tenacious.

Take the earth as an example. Although China’s steel production is extremely high on the earth, the two recognized steel-producing countries in the world are only the dé country and the island country, not the United States.

The reason is that these two countries respectively control the manufacture of the only two super-super-grade steels in the world. Someone said, that’s not right. The man-made bridge of dé country still needs to import steel from China. If their steel is so good, why? Do you want to import it?

Because… it doesn’t need such a good one. It is extremely difficult to make this kind of steel, and the cost is horribly high. For the same piece of steel, it costs 10,000 US dollars to make the same piece of steel, but it only needs 100 dollars for imported Chinese. U.S. dollars, the price gap is appalling.

For the bridge, 100 dollars of steel is enough, not 10,000 dollars.

It’s as if the ying people were experimenting in space, saying that ballpoint pens could not write characters, because there is no gravity, so they spent decades researching a ballpoint pen that can write in space. At the same time, Americans and The Russians have always used pencils…

This is one thing, it can be solved with a pencil, there is no need to use such a good ballpoint pen, but if the pencil and this ballpoint pen come together, everyone will say that the ballpoint pen is better, of course, the price is also let Awe-inspiring.

Luo Xiu remembers that his mother used to like cooking, so he wanted to buy a set of knives for his mother during the Chinese New Year one year. As a result, whether it was an online shop or a physical store, a set of kitchen knives by Déguo Zhuangli, 26988…

Second, buy a knife from the island country, a 1500, then you have to pick it…

In the end, Luo Xiu spent a thousand and one and bought his mother an island country knife. After returning home, his mother almost didn’t scold him, because for his mother, what kind of knife is not a dish? No need.

Therefore, it is precisely because of this that the talents of dé country need to import usable steel from China.

But undoubtedly, if you touch this knife with a domestically made kitchen knife, it must be domestically made.

In fact, in ancient China, there were also top wrought iron skills, the world’s three most recognized wrought iron techniques, Damascus steel, Uz steel and wrought iron.

The first two are forging techniques handed down from ancient India, but they should not be confused.

Damascus steel, also known as crystalline pattern steel, is a product of the perfect combination of ancient powder metallurgy and forging technology. This pattern is born, unlike the ancient craftsmen in China who used forging technology to smash out layer by layer. , It is made with such a pattern, so it is expensive.

Uzi steel is also called crucible smelting of ultra-high carbon steel, this one was produced.

Later it spread to Europe and West Asia. Countries like Rest on China’s ancient Silk Road all had this kind of technology. Because the road was too far away, China could not send troops to attack and obtain this kind of technology.

However, China has its own training skills, which is the method of building iron.

This style of play originated from the Tang Dynasty, but it was later lost. By the Song Dynasty, there were only a hundred forged steels. Instead, it was an island country, which has been preserved since the Tang Dynasty acquired the skill of iron and steel, and allowed them to join Damascus steel and steel. Uzigang’s skills, so that on the current earth, they are the only ones that can be compared with dé Guogang…

Of course, these are just some small knowledge, Luo Xiu has only heard of it.

Compared with the steel of the earth, the quality of steel in One Piece World is better.

For example, the Feiyu in Luo Xiu’s hands, although it is only one of the 50 good knives, but if it is taken to the earth, it may be the best cold weapon on the earth.

The reason is that it contains ferrite ore.

Ferrite ore is the best combination material in the world. It can perfectly enhance the original flexibility of the weapon, as long as the gap between the users is not particularly large.

There is no need to worry about things like breaking or breaking.

Everyone knows that Kaido is doing business with Doflamingo, and the main business is arms sales.

In this world without a global arms embargo, why do Framingo’s weapons sell well? It is because Kaido Master owns the largest country in the world with ferritic iron, Wanokuni!

Yes, this is the information collected by Luo Xiu’s men.

Before that, although the Kozuki family also knew the usefulness of ferrite ore, they did not exploit it on a large scale because the pollution of ferrite ore was too serious. 3.5 The water flowing out of mining veins is poisonous. It is also the cause of the wasteland.

Kozuki’s family is kind, but they ignore people’s greed. Compared with healthy starvation, people are more eager to live barely.

It is precisely because of this that after the black snake launched the coup, in addition to some samurai and ninjas who were able to eat before, they still resisted. The people quickly accepted this fact because they had jobs. I also have money to eat.

Except for the very few people who are totally unwilling to leave the village, it is not difficult to live here.

With the information collected by Hina and the others, Luo Xiu gently knocked on the dessert table, then shrugged indifferently.

“These are not what we need to manage, our goal… is Kaido!”.

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