Chapter 477 : Aegis at home

“Mr. Luo Xiu, come over for breakfast, you have already made your portion.” The next morning, when Luo Xiu got up and brushed his teeth there, Geral had already pushed away from their home opposite Luo Xiu’s bathroom. He smiled at Luo Xiu’s window and said.

“Ah? Oh, okay.” Although it seemed that it was not good to go to the neighbor’s house for a meal every day, Luo Xiu thought for a while and did not refuse. There is a free breakfast, which is actually quite good. I heard Luo Xiu agreed, and Geral closed the window with a smile. As for Luo Xiu, he finished brushing his teeth and washed his face. After going to the toilet, he put on his coat and came to Geral’s house. Today, when he came At the time, there were still those four people in the room.

Geral was busy in front of the stove, while her three daughters were sitting in the same position as yesterday.

“Hey, good morning, girls.” Luo Xiu said hello to the crowd of “Nine Zero Three” with a smile, but only Tai Beisha received the response.

Hannah looked at him with an awkward smile and nodded. As for the girl named Hetty-George, she just looked up at him, which made Luo Xiu a little embarrassed.

“No, don’t get me wrong. Heidi has some language disorders. She actually wants to talk to you. You can see by looking at her hand with a fork.” Maybe you can see that Luo Xiu is a little embarrassed. When Hannah actually opened her mouth to explain to Luo Xiu.

Hearing what Hannah said, Luo Xiu also glanced at Hetty-George’s other hand that did not hold the phone. Sure enough, she was holding the fork fiercely at this time. After hearing Hannah’s words, she again Put the fork back on the plate, but his hands are a little at a loss.

“Oh, that’s it. In fact, this type of disease is still quite easy to treat, but only if you are willing to speak.” Looked at Heidi-George and Luo Xiu, then said with a smile, he is People who know this kind of disease actually have some in the past.

But his is a house at best, and Heidi-George is already sick.

“Don’t waste your time. I have known her for five years, and she only started to say the whole sentence to me two years ago. Otherwise, she studies so well, and I won’t be doing it during the exam… Well, yes. Yes, I thanked you last night.” Hearing Luo Xiu’s words, Hannah waved her hand and said helplessly.

“It’s okay, I just did what a good neighbor should do.” She shrugged indifferently. Anyway, Luo Xiu’s main task now is to integrate into the world. He has also considered it over the past two days and estimated what the system said. Ronglin should mean that it can be recognized by OAA without system protection, and it should be considered a success.

But this obviously still has a big gap.

“Luo Xiu Luo Xiu, did you have good grades in school? There are Chinese in our school, and their academic grades are very good.” When Luo Xiu and Hannah had nothing to talk about, then Tai Beisha got together Coming over, he asked Luo Xiu curiously.

“Uh, then you should go to the universities that specialize in foreign students, hahahaha, my academic performance, ah, how do you say it? Terrible? It should, almost…” Hearing Tai Beisha’s words, Luo Xiu He laughed awkwardly, his academic performance, tut.

“Okay, kids, breakfast is ready!” While Luo Xiu and Taibesha were chatting there, Geral came over with a pot. This is breakfast today, spaghetti, I have to Admit it, American breakfast is real…not bad.

Fortunately, I don’t need Luo Xiu to make it, and he also likes to eat sweet and sour. It doesn’t matter. There are only four people eating the noodles, Luo Xiu, Geral, Tai Beisha and Heidi-George, Han Na still eats salad, and hardly puts olive oil and salad dressing. When Luo Xiu looks at her eating like this, she feels like eating grass and can’t bear it.

“In fact, if you want to stay in shape, you don’t prevent you from trying to exercise…” After eating halfway, Luo Xiu smiled and said to her as Hannah frowned while eating grass.

“Hey, don’t mention it, it’s not that I’m lazy. I can even eat these things. I can exercise. But our model can’t exercise. Running legs will become thicker. The arms and buttocks of the exercise equipment will become thicker. The muscles of the abdomen in yoga will stand out and look very ugly…” Upon hearing Luo Xiu’s words, Hannah began to complain.

It may be because of the incident yesterday, so Hannah seems to have a much closer relationship with Luo Xiu, and Luo Xiu is not a real uncle, so she still likes talking to Luo Xiu, especially It is complaining 0.

After listening to Hannah, Luo Xiu knew how to get those beautiful figures.

Maybe on social media, there will be some plump girls who post some fitness videos, but in fact, real models rarely work out. They are basically famous. They will only have their own style and fame. Start working out.

Because at that time, the model is no longer a model, but a supermodel, a star.

The designer invited her not only to show off her clothes, but also to impress her, but the young model who is just entering the industry can’t do it.

Like Hannah, she must be thin, dry and thin, because what a designer needs is a perfect hanger, not a star. They want to show off their clothes, so the model industry is so. It’s hard to get ahead, it’s too bitter.

Hearing this, Luo Xiu didn’t say anything more. The two intersect, and they are very taboo to talk shallowly, so Luo Xiu just smiled and continued to eat breakfast.

After eating breakfast, Luo Xiu also returned to his room. As for the four girls in this family, they all went to work.

For the next two days, nothing happened. Luo Xiu had the same life every day. He got up in the morning and went to Jeral’s house for 4.1 breakfast, then stayed at home for the whole day. In the evening, he went out for a stroll and picked Jela by the way. You go home from get off work.

Luo Xiu didn’t mean much to Geral. After all, he was not a woman without women. His women were still frozen in the passage of time. He did this to see if he could integrate himself into this. world.

After all, integrating into the lives of ordinary people is considered as integrating into this world…

In this way, two days passed, but on the third day, when Luo Xiu was eating at Geral’s house in the morning, a doorbell rang suddenly.

Hearing the door bell, Luo Xiu’s Observation Haki swept through the door almost consciously, but the situation outside the door couldn’t help but shock him, because he found that the two houses were already surrounded! .

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