Chapter 481 :misunderstanding

“One, two, three, four, five… Hey? We only have five people. Why are there six sets of tableware? Is anyone else coming?”

Seeing the sisters sitting next to him and Geral who was busy in the kitchen, Camilla Pike asked Geral with a puzzled look.

Camilla Parker is the nominal second daughter of Geral. She was abandoned by her parents when she was awakened by the mutant gene at the age of twelve. She was originally Camilla’s school girl, but she was later rejected by Camilla. Ra and her first husband, Hetty-George’s father, adopted her and became her second daughter.

Although it has nothing to do with anyone in this family, it is obvious that the atmosphere of Geral and his family is quite good. Camila Parker is back, not only Geral is very happy, Hannah and Tai Beisha are very happy. Even Hetty, who is usually taciturn, took his sister’s hand and said a few to ten words.

It can also be seen that the atmosphere of Geral and his family is quite good.

Hearing Camilla Parker’s words, Geral’s eyes flickered…

In recent days, since getting acquainted with Luo Xiu, Geral seems to have really produced something that shouldn’t have happened to Luo Xiu…

Speaking of Luo Xiu, this person is actually very bored. He is not very good at chasing girls. He doesn’t use rhetoric to please girls, and he doesn’t have any eyesight.

If he has anything to please girls, one is his power, and the other is that he is really willing to give something to others, such as money.

His character, to be honest, if you face those little girls who dream about being a princess all day, and think about marrying Prince Charming’s school girl all the time, his attraction is almost zero, and he has to wait for the dead house. Number of…

Well, originally Luo Xiu was also in this rank…

But his personality is very attractive to women who are eager to be stable, know that money is hard to make shit, and have entered the society.

Because he can not only give you a stable environment, but also give you abundant material enjoyment.

Coupled with Luo Xiu’s strong combat power that Geral has seen, it gives people a sense of security.

The addition of these things made Geral produce something that is not yet love for Luo Xiu, but can be regarded as a good impression.

But those who have a good impression of Luo Xiu seem to be more than just her…

“Yes, it’s still a good neighbor from our house that didn’t come.” Listening to Camilla Parker, Hannah Giles said with a grin.

“Good neighbor?” Camilla Pike couldn’t help but hesitate to say after hearing Hannah’s words. In her mind, she remembered the person she saw this morning.

But to be honest, the first impression that person gave her was that it was dangerous.

Yes, ordinary people don’t feel this way when they watch Luo Xiu, because their level is not enough and they can’t feel how strong Luo Xiu is. It’s like those talkers who watch NBA games and think of themselves. In fact, he was almost like them.

But in fact, their level is far worse than that of CUBA college students.

Only after truly surpassing the level of ordinary people, and reaching a certain level, can one feel how strong those things that originally seem to be ordinary are.

Although Camilla Parker is not a professional combat mutant, it is obvious that her level is not too bad, at least she can feel that Luo Xiu’s strength is terrifying.

“Ding tom.” Just as Camila Parker was thinking there, Luo Xiu moved to his own home, did Luo Xiu threaten his family or have some conspiracy, suddenly a doorbell rang, and Tai Bei over there. Sha jumped up for the first time, and quickly went to open the door.

“At this point, it should be Luo Xiu. Saying him, he will be here. What a coincidence.” Hannah Giles couldn’t help laughing while watching Taibesha’s movements.

As Taibesha opened the door, as expected, Luo Xiu’s figure also entered Camilla Parker’s sight. In the morning, it was just a quick glance, but now when she really saw Luo Xiu, she Unexpectedly, his heart started beating wildly.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that she fell in love with Luo Xiu at first sight. Although Luo Xiu is pretty good, it is far from the point where a woman can become idiots at first sight.

The reason why her heart beats wildly is also related to her ability. Camilla Parker is a well-known perceptual mutant at Xavier College of Talented Youth.

Her mutant level is not high, and she can only be regarded as a second-level mutant. She can perceive the strength and weakness of a person through some shock waves emitted by herself. Her attack methods are very common, similar to those of shock waves. It just caused a shock, but its power was hundreds of grades weaker than the Shock Girl, and it could shake the atmosphere like Shock Fruit.


At best, she shattered a glass or something.

However, although the attack method is very simple, but her perception is very strong.

In the morning, she felt that Luo Xiu was dangerous. Now when Luo Xiu walked in, she felt even more terrifying. She knew very well that if she shot Luo Xiu at this time, he would instantly kill him. Own.

“Don’t be so nervous, take it easy, hello, Camilla, my name is Luo Xiu.” But just as Camilla Parker was there in a daze, suddenly Luo Xiu’s hand was slapped on her shoulder. Camilla only reacted.


It turned out that her family had introduced Luo Xiu to herself just now, but she fell into that state and couldn’t get over. At this time, she was awakened by Luo Xiu. She also looked at her family’s concerned eyes and Camilla was embarrassed. He smiled and nodded to Luo Xiu.

“Camilla has been a little scared since she was a child, don’t mind.” Seeing Luo Xiu sit on the other side of the table, Geral also walked over with the pot at this time, and while serving Luo Xiu with oatmeal, he was right. Said Luo Xiu.

“It’s okay, it’s fine if you are familiar with it.” Luo Xiu said with a slight chuckle.

Seeing Luo Xiu really didn’t care, Geral also smiled and went to cook again.

As Luo Xiu and the others started to eat breakfast, the atmosphere at the table became better again.

However, Camilla Parker, who had been very active, calmed down at this time, because she had been thinking about Luo Xiu.

In her impression, there are only two people who have given her this feeling, one is Professor X, the other is Professor Qin-Gele, who almost failed to control her heart, and the third is Luo Xiu. In her cognition, a person with such strength must be a mutant.

And how could a mutant with such strength come over to be his neighbor?

“He must have some ulterior motive!” Looking at Luo Xiu quietly, Camila Parker whispered in her heart, she was going to talk to him for a while. .

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