Chapter 491 : Economic collapse

“No, no…” “Boom…” “Ah…” “Boom…” “You demon!” “Boom…”

In the gaze of the onlookers, Luo Xiu put one arm around Geral’s waist, while holding an iron rod in one hand, and walked past these people who had fallen to the ground and lost their fighting power.

It’s just that whenever he walked past someone, the iron rod in his hand would be directly swung down and hit the limbs of these people who could still move.

Luo Xiu’s strength, kidding, when he started to exert force, these people could do nothing but scream.

The arms and legs that were still intact were already smashed by Luo Xiu at this time.

For a while, people here could move their heads, but there was no place to move them, and screams kept coming out of these people’s mouths.

Many onlookers have even begun to sympathize with these people, and they have begun to point to Luo Xiu, but Luo Xiu has never cared about these people.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu just as the time when the time when all the limbs of these people’s limbs were all interrupted, the alarm bell rang, and the police finally came.

In fact, whether at home or abroad, the speed of the police coming is really easy to make people helpless, especially in such a busy city, the speed of the police coming is really unpleasant.

Fortunately, in China, there will be special police officers on duty here, but in foreign countries, most of the police forces are to patrol in the wealthy areas. The police in the United States are similar to the nature of company employees. They work as taxpayers.

Therefore, there are quite a lot of police forces in the wealthy areas of the United States. Even in the middle of the night, there are full of police cars. If any one is stolen, it is a major case for the police, but On the other hand, those poor areas are dirty, messy, and frequent cases, but in such a place, there is almost no police, because these people can’t pay taxes, and the police don’t take their money, so naturally they don’t care about them.

Unless there is some murder, they will go to the scene to see it, but only to see it, because in such a place, the gang is chaotic, and it is normal for anyone to die.

Luo Xiu’s community is considered to be a middle-class community. The security in the community is pretty good, but the downtown area here is not where rich people live.

So after receiving the report, the police can’t get up quickly. It took nearly ten minutes to arrive. In fact, this is considered good in New York. After all, it is the face of the United States.

If you go to the central area, it is unknown whether the police will come.

Seeing the police coming, the crowd of onlookers spontaneously gave way to a gap, and the police walked in. When the police walked into the encirclement and saw the situation inside, they directly drew their guns and pointed them at Luo Xiu, and Luo Xiu looked at the people who had been smashed, and threw the iron rod in his hand to the ground, and then looked at the police.

He is not provoking the police, but waiting to see the role of S.H.I.E.L.D.. His rescue of Tony Starrk was a deal with S.H.I.E.L.D., and now he wants to see if S.H.I. .

Fortunately, the current National Land Strategic Defense Attacks and Logistics Security Bureau did not disappoint Luo Xiu. With the arrival of these policemen, two people came out from the crowd and said something to the lead policeman. After hearing what they said The police in the lead also immediately contacted the headquarters. After getting the exact order, the police also put down their guns.

In conjunction with the ambulance that drove, the people who had their limbs broken were handcuffed and sent into the car. As for Luo Xiu, it was as if he hadn’t seen him.

As the ambulance drove these people away, the police also drove away the crowd watching the lively, and then these policemen all followed and left. As for the two people, there were no other actions, let alone come to know Luo Xiu or ask for credit. , Just nodded to Luo Xiu from a distance, and disappeared into the crowd.

“Let’s go!” Seeing that the commotion had subsided, Luo Xiu also loosened the waist of Geral, who had been holding her arms, and then said with a smile to her.

“Oh, I, I’ll change my clothes and talk to the store manager.” Upon hearing Luo Xiu’s words, Geral could not help but lower his head and whisper to Luo Xiu, then walked back to the cafe. Soon she returned her clothes and came out of the dressing room, but the owner of the shop stopped her, said something to her, and handed her an envelope. Although it was across the door, but Luo Xiu’s Observation Haki still caught the boss’s words, and the boss is probably worried that those whose limbs have been broken will come to seek revenge.


So he took the initiative to lose Geral’s salary for three months, which is considered to be fired.

Geral didn’t say anything about this. The boss was very polite and treated her normally, but she knew very well that this cafe was the boss’s only source of life, and he couldn’t take such a risk. , So Geral sighed after receiving the money, nodded to the boss, and walked out of the cafe.

“Let’s go!” Reluctantly smiled at Luo Xiu, Geral said a little sullenly, and Luo Xiu didn’t say anything, just followed her and walked towards the community.


In normal times, if Luo Xiu and Geral go back together, Geral will definitely talk a lot with Luo Xiu, because Geral has a special affection for Luo Xiu.

But today, Geral didn’t say anything to Luo Xiu. He was unhappy along the way. As I thought of it, now Geral has lost his job, which means that their family has lost their financial resources. As I know, there is no one in Geral’s family who makes money. Heidi-George has language communication difficulties. Although she is very smart and strong in professional courses, it is precisely because she cannot communicate with others that she can hardly find it. Work.

Although Camilla Parker is about to join the X-Men now, she is still a student, and she has no money. Although Hannah Giles is a model, she is just a young model of the 81st line. , She doesn’t take pictures like that, and she doesn’t accept any unspoken rules. She goes home after nine o’clock every night, and she can’t even make money for her own meals.

As for Taibesha Giles, she is still in junior high school, oh, it’s called the ninth grade here in the United States.

Therefore, the burden of the whole family rests on Geral. Because of her good looks and a good personality, she usually works as a waiter in a coffee shop. In addition to salary, her main income is from customers. Even so, she was very nervous. The boss could not give her the three-month tip. In addition, the Americans did not have the habit of saving money, so now it can also be said that the Geral family’s economy The situation… collapsed. .

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