Chapter 493 : Rare kindness

“Mrs. Charles, I’m here, where is your company?”

As Luo Xiu and Geral continued to wander around here, they soon came to a relatively high-end CBD area. Of course, compared with Wall Street, this place is worse than Wall Street. I don’t know how many grades, but New York is very Big, Wall Street is small.

Naturally, people with American dreams and New York dreams in this world cannot be all concentrated on Wall Street. Because of this, in addition to Manhattan, several other districts have also built CBD office areas, even here. The office area in Queens.

Walking into this area, Luo Xiu and Geral’s clothes are really out of place. Luo Xiu is used to casually. Now he wears ordinary short-sleeved T-shirts, big pants, and feet. Wearing a pair of sandals, New York has just started to get cold this month, so this suit is fine except for morning and evening.

But compared to him, he was surrounded by professional successful people in formal attire, pretending to be in a hurry.

Because of Luo Xiu’s relationship, so along the way, these people will also look at Luo Xiu with suspicion, maybe they are also thinking, why Luo Xiu is so unprofessional.

However, in Luo Xiu, these talents seem to be stupid. Now they are at least twenty-five or six degrees outside. These people are wearing three-piece suits and tie their ties so tightly, which is too stupid.

However, these people are obviously not interested in Luo Xiu, who is dressed in hanging silk. Although they look at him curiously, they still talk about current affairs, such as the white light that appeared on the Statue of Liberty last night. Although the news was blocked by the government, Luo Xiu estimated that it was related to the X-Men.

In this way, after both sides watched each other, Luo Xiu and the others also went deep into this area, looking around, they did not see any sign of the massage parlor.

After arriving at the place he had called last night, Geral took out his cell phone and called the woman named Charles.

Less than ten minutes after the call, a woman walked out of a building.

However, if you are not mistaken, this building should be the building where people who work here live. According to the laws of the United States, it seems that no commercial activities are allowed here.

And when this woman appeared in front of Luo Xiu, Luo Xiu couldn’t help frowning, because his Observation Haki felt that the breath of this woman was very messy.

This is the first time he encountered…

His sixth sense told him that maybe this is not what he imagined.

However, although Luo Xiu had some entanglements in his heart, he did not explain, but stood beside him. As for this woman named Charles, after seeing Geral, she was very excited, and she took her and said that she had been waiting for her for a long time. Like that.

When Geral introduced Luo Xiu, she couldn’t help but was taken aback. It was obvious that she didn’t expect Geral to bring Luo Xiu.

But this shocking surprise did not last long, and then she took Geral and Luo Xiu into the house together and got on the elevator.

“Mrs. Charles, I don’t seem to see the sign of our massage parlor from the outside.” Standing in the elevator, Geral looked around carefully. After making sure that he didn’t see any sign about the massage parlor, he couldn’t help but whispered to him. The woman asked.

“Hey, I’m also a small business. If you have to pay taxes, it’s a big expense. What’s more, we are not allowed to list for business here in New York!” Hearing Geral’s words, Charles said with a smile.

Not long after, the elevator stopped. Charles took Luo Xiu and Geral out of the elevator and walked into a house directly opposite the elevator door. The door of this house had been opened, and the light inside was very obvious. It is dim.

As the two walked into the room, Geral’s head went blank.

Because at this time in the living room of this room, there are a few women sitting at this time. These women are all wearing very light clothes. When Geral and Luo Xiu came in, they couldn’t help looking at Luo. Xiu and Geral.

And after smelling the weird smell in this room, Geral and Luo Xiu understood at once what was being pressed here, and Geral directly took Charles by the arm.

“Mrs. Charles, are you doing that kind of thing here?” Gerald asked in a low voice looking at Charles.

“Yeah, how else would you make a lot of money?” Charles was stunned when he heard Geral say that. She thought that Geral knew what she did.

Because she told Geral that she might even earn tens of thousands of dollars a month to work here. She thought she had said it very clearly, but who knew Geral did not know.

“Sorry, Mrs. Charles, I think I came to the wrong place.” With an awkward smile, Geral pulled Luo Xiu directly and exited the room.

I don’t know if it was because Luo Xiu was following, or the other party really didn’t think about using a strong one. After Luo Xiu and Geralle left, Mrs. Charles did not chase it out.

When the two got on the elevator, Geral breathed a sigh of relief, and then some helplessly looked at Luo Xiu. As they left here and walked home, Geral returned to yesterday. It feels like that at night.

For her, finding a job is very important.

Seeing Geral’s appearance, Luo Xiu was walking and thinking.

Luo Xiu is not short of money. Not to mention the house he rents now, the Bureau of National Land Strategic Attack Defense and Logistics Security has bought it and gave it to him. Just the gold in his backpack, the cash he got from Jinbin, Diamonds and gold are enough for him.

But he is not the kind of person who gives money to others for no reason. Of course, his women spend his money, that is justified, so he never considers how much money his women spend, but for Jie 497 Lal, after all, he didn’t want to have any relationship with her, he was just playing the image of a good neighbor.

So he didn’t have a reason to give her money, but looking at her like this, if Luo Xiu said that he could not help, then he really couldn’t justify it.

So along the way, both of them showed some serious thoughts.

When he was about to walk outside the community, suddenly Luo Xiu spoke.

“Otherwise, you can help me clean up, ten thousand dollars a month.”

Listening to Luo Xiu’s mouth suddenly speaking, Geral’s footsteps couldn’t help but froze, and then he was visibly stunned, looking at Luo Xiu in surprise.

“Your house is the same size as ours. It doesn’t cost much to clean it, and you don’t need money. When I have time, I will clean it for you.”

After being surprised, Geral shook her head. She knew Luo Xiu wanted to help herself, but it was difficult for her to accept such help.

“Don’t be entangled, let’s do it like that, you know, I don’t need money.” But Luo Xiu has already decided what is so easy to refute. He patted Geral on the shoulder directly, Luo Xiu made a unilateral decision directly, and then he walked quickly towards the community. He is a rare good person, and he doesn’t want others to refute his face.

And Geral, who looked at Luo Xiu’s back from behind, also opened his mouth at this moment, and then chuckled lightly. Although she didn’t know what to say, her heart was sweet. .

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