A few days later.

In Aaron Paradise.

Aaron sat on the ornate chair and handed out a stack of Baileys and said

“This is this month’s serving, please accept it!”

In front of Aaron, Captain Mouse with a hood sat on a chair, and behind him stood two navymen, and he took Bailey, who was handed over by Aaron, and said with a smile

“Twitter! Aaron, your mind is really completely different from other pirates! I really understand people! ”

“Hahahaha! Oh to each other! As long as you are willing to be my friend, you can taste the endless sweetness of this East China Sea! Aaron said with a laugh, paused and continued

“To understand this proves that you are also a smart naval colonel!”

At this moment, a strong fishman ran in the distance and shouted at Aaron:

“Boss! A warship is coming towards us, and it is already very close! ”

“Warship? What’s going on? Aaron looked at Colonel Mouse.

Colonel Rat shook his head and said in panic

“Impossible! No one informed me that I would have a navy coming, I’ll go and see where the navy is! ”

At this time, on the warship.

Dewey looked at the island in the distance and said to Nami beside him

“It’s finally coming, let you see my power today, save you from doubting my strength all the time!”

Nami leaned against the side of the boat, dragged her chin with her left hand, and said in a heavy tone

“Those navies are willing to coax you, don’t take yourself seriously, meteorites are random, don’t feel good about yourself!” Just don’t make trouble for me for a while! ”

During this time, Nami did not run away, she already had the wealth to buy the village, and planned to go back with the navy. I also heard that the Navy retold the details of Dewey’s recruit Dabi, but Nami thought that the meteorite must be random, but Dewey’s luck.

“You don’t believe it! This distance should be about the same, the fish man is there! I’ll show you! ”

Hearing that Nami didn’t trust herself at all, Dewey formed a handprint in his hand and shouted:

“Oh my God…”

“Ensign Dewey! Stop for a moment! The major panicked and pounced, interrupting Dewey’s release.

“Ensign Dewey, the situation is not clear now, if there are some villagers there, and the range of that meteorite is too large, smashing into such a place may cause some earthquake, living tsunami and other things!” The major hurriedly persuaded.

Nami glanced at the major and said defiantly

“You let him go! He is also pretending! ”

“Major, there seems to be a navy shouting on the shore!” At this time, a navy with binoculars interrupted the conversation of several people.

“It will be clear when you go ashore!” The major replied.

The warship finally arrived at Aaron Paradise.

Dewey had just jumped out of the boat when he heard a reprimand.

“Where are you navy? Why is it here? ”

Dewey glanced at the navy in front of him, and had roughly guessed who the other party was, and said

“I’m Second Lieutenant Dewey, I came here to capture the pirate Aaron, I don’t know who you are?”

“I’m Captain Rat, who gave you the order, I’m going to talk to your superior!”

Hearing the identity of Ensign Dewey, the mouse breathed a sigh of relief and shouted commandingly.

Dewey didn’t bother to take care of him, walked forward, and when he passed Colonel Mouse, his shoulder charged and hit the mouse.


Colonel Mouse’s body seemed to be made of plastic, and his whole body flew up, landing face on the ground several meters away.

“Colonel! Captain! ”

The two navies behind him hurriedly ran over and picked up the rat with a bloody face.

“You wait for me! Don’t think I’ll let you go! ”

Colonel Mouse, whose face was covered in blood, shouted viciously.

On the warship, Nami and a famous navy also jumped down with Dewey, they completely ignored Colonel Mouse and followed Dewey towards Aaron Land.

Although Colonel Rat has a high rank, the colonel of Tokai and the major of the headquarters have no right to govern at all, and the rat can’t help them at all.

Dewey was walking when he suddenly turned around and said

“Tie them all! Several navies appeared in the forces of pirates, and there is no collusion! ”


The navy obeyed Dewey’s order and surrounded Colonel Rat and tied them up.

“You guys wait for me! When I go back, I will definitely clean you up!” Colonel Rat kept shouting loudly.

“It’s finally here!”

Dewey ignored Colonel Mouse’s shouts, walked to a huge ornate door, and kicked it out.


The gate was as if it had been hit by a barbaric beast, carrying the rolling wind and waves, and the gorgeous door bent and flew inside.

The huge door slammed into the pond in the courtyard, splashing the sky.

Along and the fish people in the yard followed the sound, and saw a young sailor walking into the courtyard, and as he walked, he said to a fish man with a sharp nose and a jagged shape sitting on a chair

“You’re Aaron!”

“Good! Who are you again? Aaron sat in his chair, staring at Dewey fiercely, and asked.

The fish people saw that Dewey still did not stop walking, and spontaneously gathered in front of Along, taking out various weapons in their hands.

Dewey’s steps finally stopped in front of the fish, and he said as a matter of course

“I’m a navyman, what do you think I’m here for?” Speaking of this, Dewey looked at Aaron’s arrogant gaze, paused and continued:

“Of course, bring all of you back to Push City again, or make this your grave!”

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