Halfway to the road with Dewey and the navy, they heard the cheers that resounded in the sky ahead.

They quickened their pace and walked quickly, only to see many villagers in the Kocosia village in front of them raising their arms, cheering excitedly, and even many people were crying with joy, rejoicing that they were free again.

Dewey walked over, looked at Nami with a bright smile on her face, and asked suspiciously:

“Why are the villagers here? How much damage did the tsunami just cause? ”

“It’s okay!” Nami wiped her tears and continued

“It seems that because of the fire in Aaron Paradise before, it attracted everyone’s attention, and they secretly touched over, wanting to see the situation. And the rest were waiting for news at the edge of the village for fear of what would happen. So when the tsunami came, the village was evacuated safely, but some belongings were lost. ”

Dewey sighed and said

“Then I will be relieved, when the time comes, returning Along’s treasure to the villagers should be enough for them to continue living in peace.”

“Hmm!” Nami answered, the smile on her face never fading.

Although the villagers really wanted to have a banquet, due to the impact of the tsunami, they could not relax now, so they had to carry the belongings that Aaron had looted over the years with the help of the sailors.

Dewey carried a huge box several meters long alone, containing many treasures, and walked easily to the village of Cocosia.

I don’t know how Along did it, so much wealth can be collected just in these more than 20 villages, anyway, Dewey is very incomprehensible.

“It’s really thanks to you guys this time! If you hadn’t come here, I don’t know how long Aaron would have been here! A villager said thankfully, carrying a box in his hand.

“You don’t need to thank me, I’m a naval soldier after all, and it’s natural to do this kind of thing!” It is better to say that the previous culpability was all the incompetence of the Navy! Dewey replied.

“But in our eyes, you are our benefactor! Saved us from the dire situation! The villager said seriously.

Dewey fell silent listening to the simple words of the villagers, he actually came this time just to accumulate bounties, and for Nami, a beautiful navigator, he didn’t think about these suffering villagers at all. Although he has seen scenes of villagers being bullied in anime, but anime is anime after all, it is glorified, and it is absolutely different from the real scene, and he actually has some sense of mission when he sees those villagers who cry with joy.

Although he is selfish, Dewey wants to protect the innocent villagers from pirates when he can, and he is actually the same as his own goal.

At this time, the edge of the island of the village of Cocosia.

Nami sits in front of a humble grave, the gentle sea breeze ruffling her loose hair, and behind her stands a man with a windmill in her hat and a heroic girl with blue hair.

Nami turned her head and said

“Nokigao, Ah Jian, if Bermel were still alive, do you think he would agree to let me become a navy?”

“Navy?” Ah Jian exclaimed and continued:

“Don’t say stupid things, how could she let her beloved daughter go to the navy, she will definitely not let you take risks!”

“Won’t stop it!” Nokigao suddenly interjected and continued to meet Ah Jian’s eyes

“Even if she stops you, will you listen to her?”

“Absolutely not!” So mischievous stuck out his tongue and chuckled.

“You are undoubtedly Bermel’s children!” Ah Jian sighed and turned away with a look of relief.

Dewey finished moving the goods, but never saw Nami’s shadow, but he planned to take Nami with him, if she didn’t plan to leave with him, then he would die.

Thinking of this, Dewey walked up to several navies and whispered in their ears.

“Yes!” Several navies answered and left immediately.

At night, in the dead of night.

Everyone went to sleep, and at this moment, a figure deftly turned on the navy’s warship.

Her footsteps were light, without the slightest sound, easily avoiding the patrols of the Navy, quietly coming to open the hatch and entering the Navy’s cargo stacked cabin.

“Haha! What a hassle! It’s all mine! She lowered her voice, looked at the treasure in the cabin, and smiled proudly.


At this moment, the hatch was suddenly kicked open, and several navies rushed in, raising their muskets and pointing them at the thief.

“I actually stole everything to the head of the Navy! You are so impatient! Dewey walked in in his formal clothes and gave the order with great righteousness

“You all go out, and this pirate will be handed over to me!”


The navy shook their heads and walked out, and their comments could be heard through the door.

“What are Lieutenant Colonel Dewey and Miss Nami doing?”

“You really don’t understand! It’s fun! ”

“People in the city can really play!”

When Nami heard the words outside, her pretty face showed a blush, and she asked stumblingly:

“You… What exactly do you want to do? ”

“Catch the thief! This is captured on the spot, but it won’t let you run! Dewey said with a straight face.

“Hmph! I wasn’t going to run either! Nami said indifferently.

But the blush on her face couldn’t fool anyone, and she was far less calm than she was now.

“Really?” Dewey was overjoyed and quickly asked.

“Of course, but the treasure is all mine!”

“No, I’m useful too. Let’s score 55. ”

“91 points.”



The noise of the two with laughter was constantly heard in the warehouse.

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