Sky Barrier Shock: Level 1

Casting range: 1000 meters

Summon a huge meteorite with a diameter of more than a kilometer to fall vertically, a meteorite large enough to cover the sky and ravage the ruins for several kilometers below.

Accumulate one meteorite every 24 hours, up to 10!

Existing meteorites: 1 piece.

Skill cooldown 1 minute.

Fire Extinguishing Fire Extinguishing Fire Extinguishing


Cast range: 0

From the mouth, a huge flame that can cover a range of 100 meters is erupted, and the flame is eternal, burning everything in front of you to ashes.

Special Effect: Immortal.

Cooldown: 2 minutes

You can choose to extinguish the flame.

Man of Steel: Level 2

Body defense: Medium +++

Physical resilience: low +

Physical improvement: low +

(4 + upwards).

The super soldier’s low-level body has more than steely defense, as well as recovery power that can slowly recover from injuries.

Thunder Gun: Level 2

Release range: 0-xxx (determined by arm force).

The powerful move of the 4th blade Ulquiorra Cephala after the second stage of the blade, automatically generates a spear-like spirit child in his hand, aims at the target, and then throws an attack, which is extremely powerful! It can also be used as a melee weapon, and with just one blow it is enough to blow up parts of a particularly large Void Night Palace.

Special Effects: Since it is a Reiko weapon, it has the ability to directly attack souls.

Focus: The Thunder Gun will be more solidified. Reduce the explosion range, increase the throwing speed, increase the explosion spread speed, and increase the damage intensity in the range. The Thunder Gun will be stronger and sharper.

Cooldown: None.

The fastest step in primates: Level 1

Casting range: 5 meters centered on yourself

A five-meter circular space centered on itself is instantly formed, and the holder can make supersonic movements in space.

Cooldown: 1 second.

Dewey looked at the 5 skills on the light curtain with pride on his face, these skills are the key to his own life in this world, although there are only 5 skills now, but there will be more and more in the future, until he has the power to defeat the whole world, at that time he can act recklessly, without the slightest scruples.

“Dewey, Dewey?”

“Huh?” Dewey was stunned for a moment and woke up from the imagination he had just had.

“What were you just thinking? With that smile on your face, it’s not something disgusting! Nami wrapped her arms around her, shivered, and took a few steps back with a disgusted expression on her face.

Dewey saw Nami’s expression and hurriedly explained

“Hey! What do you think, what I think in my head must be completely different from what you think, not to mention that the two of us live together, do I use myself to think blindly? ”

“And said no, you really are secretly beating my idea!” Nami glanced at Dewey with disdain, trotted all the way back to the bedroom, the door “banged” shut, and the sound of the door locking could be clearly heard.

Dewey looked at the closed door of the bedroom with a desperate face and sighed

“Alas, the road to revolution is particularly long, and I have a long way to go!”

Just as Dewey and Nami began to live together, the news of Doflamingo’s arrest finally leaked out, and the sea instantly churned.

Doflamingo is a seven-armed sea canonized by the world government, and the seven martial sea has done so many criminal things behind the scenes, and although he was finally arrested by the navy, it still makes the world government lose face.

And because Sugar and Pika got the news and left Dressrosa urgently, the toys on the island, although not recovered, told the truth about Doflamingo’s rule.

The truth of the prosperity of the powerful country Dressrosa and the fall of Doflamingo, the world’s largest underground intermediary, finally revealed the truth of all these events.

A country at war.


“Lord King, then we won’t be able to get weapons!”

“Declare surrender! Without weapons, we simply can’t resist! The king covered his head and said with a struggling face.

Because of Doflamingo’s arrest, without the supply of weapons, the war in many countries was forced to stop, and Dewey, who defeated Doflamingo, finally officially appeared in the sight of all pirates.

PS: As long as you bring a little, you can’t send it, you will definitely not write ambiguous plots in the future, and they will all be deleted later, and now it’s too strict

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