“This one! Hahahaha! The old man also guessed, there should be this function! ”

Karp was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and laughed a little awkwardly.

“Karp! What else are you hiding from me? ”

As an old comrade-in-arms for many years, he knows Karp very well, and he can immediately hear that something seems to be hidden in the middle. To know that Dewey’s affairs are not a trivial matter, and the Warring States do not want to hide everything they know.

Karp knew that he couldn’t hide it from the Warring States, but he really didn’t want to tell the Warring States about this, so he could only say helplessly:

“Warring States, there really is nothing else, I told you everything that has something to do with Dewey!”

“Karp.” Sengoku frowned, he could hear that Karp was obviously bitter, although he didn’t know what he was hiding, but it should be something that would not affect his judgment.

“Then if there is nothing else, I will hang up!” Karp saw that the Warring States fell silent, and quickly hung up the phone worm.

Karp is upset! I originally wanted to correct Dewey’s three views, let him understand not to stand directly against the world government, and told him that there were various ways to protect Nicole Robin.

As a result, Dewey did not persuade him to come back, and met his son and grandson, one was the leader of the revolutionary army, and the other wanted to be One Piece, causing him to watch Dewey leave so much. With the dragon outside, I can’t stop it! Otherwise, the kid directly let himself cooperate in the capture of the revolutionary army, and he himself would not know what to do.

And this time he can be said to have done nothing, not only did not stop Dewey, but even his grandson did not look at it. It was clear that he planned to capture him back, but in the end he let them go.

“What the hell happened, with Karp’s personality, it would actually be like this!”

Although Sengoku can’t think of a reason for Karp’s concealment, Dewey’s approach has touched his bottom line. If it was to secretly shelter Nicole Robin Warring States, he didn’t care, but he put Nicole Robin on the warship with such fanfare, and also cleared his eyeliner Julian, and did this kind of action that was obviously defective, and he could only inform the world government of the matter.

“Hey!” A thick voice came from the phone worm.

“Air Marshal! I am Sengoku, and I contacted you this time because a huge thing happened. ”

“Huge thing? What happened to make you so serious! When he heard Warring States’ words, he immediately understood that something had happened, and quickly asked.

“Vice Admiral Dewey, he protected O’Hara’s orphan Nicole Robin.” Sengoku paused and said in a low tone:

“Not the kind of covert protection, but brought her to the ship to protect herself, and left Major Julian, who had been passing on news to me, on the island, suspected that she might be preparing to defect.”

“Why did he protect Robin? Did you investigate this matter? The possible defection of Dewey was no small matter, so Kong quickly said cautiously:

“If it’s because of pity for her background, or some words, it’s actually understandable.” At that time, Nicole Robin can be imprisoned in Ringforde forever and not let her touch the calendar. ”

Although Nicole Robin is a great threat to the government, that threat is only knowledge. Kong is very optimistic about Dewey’s future growth, so strong combat effectiveness can even become the strongest shield of the world government in the future. As long as Nicole Robin is not allowed to touch the text of history. In fact, her threat is not as big as expected, as long as she sends naval soldiers to supervise it every day.

“This, Karp did not explain to me in detail, but with his personality, he should have said something similar.” Sengoku hesitated and said with some uncertainty.

“You ask Karp in detail, if Dewey can’t even accept this condition, then there is no way but to send the admiral to arrest him secretly.” Kong Wenyan gave the order.

“Yes! I’ll contact Karp! Sengoku replied.

The sky is blue, snow-white seagulls flutter their wings in flocks, and the sun shines on the endless sea, reflecting the beautiful brilliance.

At this time, a warship was quietly sailing on the sea, and Dewey looked at the seagulls flying in the sky with his crutches, yawning boredly.

“Boom! Boom! ”

Footsteps sounded behind Dewey, and the sound was getting closer.

Dewey turned around, and saw Robin walking to his side, grabbing Chuanxuan with both hands, and looking at the sky and saying:

“Why did you go to the empty island? Although your course is purposeless in the eyes of others, I don’t think so, and your every step must have some deep meaning. ”

“Oh?” Dewey said with some surprise:

“Why do you think that?”

You must know that since he left Alabastan, the routes he chose were all according to the route given by the system task, but now Robin saw it, is there any unknown trajectory of his own?

“Isn’t that obvious!” Robin smiled at Dewey and analyzed:

“The previous practice of driving the dragon out of Rogue Town was too obvious, and I also asked Nami, you obviously didn’t want to go to the empty island before, but now you take the initiative to go, there must be your purpose.”

“Just that?” Dewey looked at Robin a little strangely.

Although his own performance is obvious, but others are at most a little suspicious, after all, he drove the dragon out of Rogue Town and left immediately, in the eyes of others, it may just be anger, and the empty island can also be cultivated a flying trick, and want to experiment.

Robin looked directly at Dewey and said:

“The main reason is your reason to protect me. You are definitely not protecting me out of pity, nor are you looking at my body, you obviously have your own purpose. If you have your own goals, the location you choose must have its own deep meaning. ”

“Nicole Robin, I didn’t expect you to be able to see so thoroughly. Yes, this trip to the empty island did have its own purpose. Dewey walked slowly to Robin’s side, ruffled her hair, brought it to her ear and whispered:

“However, you are a little mistaken, how can I not look at such a beautiful and moving beauty as you!”

Robin was overwhelmed by Dewey’s sudden action, felt the heat in his ears, and quickly took a few steps back, his face slightly flushed red:

“I’m not kidding you, I want to know why you are taking me with you, as long as your purpose can definitely be done more easily without me.” Protecting me is tantamount to being an enemy of the world government, and you can’t possibly fail to understand this kind of thing, or can you get benefits from me that go beyond that? ”

Robin, who has experienced countless betrayals, can read people’s hearts better than many people, and although Dewey has just teased himself, if he can’t bring him great benefits, even if he really has that kind of idea about himself, he won’t openly disobey the world government. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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