The North Sea territory occupies nearly a quarter of the area of this Wang Yang Sea.

There are thousands of large and small countries living in this sea, and tens of thousands of islands, which are governed by the King of Djerma and the Don Quixote family.

The news that the two families were about to go to war spread by thousands of news birds, making all the forces of large and small kingdoms known to everyone.

The major countries under’s jurisdiction were all sensational when they heard this news, and they couldn’t wait to shake the flag and encourage the Jerma Kingdom to win.

The truth is that if they do this, they will be mercilessly eliminated by Brother Min.

So in this matter, they can only express support in their hearts.

It is really under the jurisdiction of Langmingko, and the taxes that need to be paid every year are too large, and almost every family rarely has a family that can feed and clothe well.

Even if he is the king of the dynasty, he does not dare to be too generous in his daily expenses, because he is discovered by Mingge’s subordinates, and it will definitely be a large expense at that time.

In addition, Mingge also pursues various huge fines, which is simply like a vampire exploiting them.

Although Doflamingo withdrew from Draco, he still regarded himself as a world nobleman in his bones.

It can be said that it perfectly inherits the arrogance and cruel tyranny of the Draco.

Instead, he heard about the national forces that also live in the North Sea and belong to the Kingdom of Djerma.

The annual tax payment is only one-third of theirs, which makes them very envious and jealous, and their hearts are upset.

Many times, they wished that the kingdom of Djerma would rise quickly and go to war with Mingo to end his tyranny, but this is more than twenty years later.

The large and small countries belonging to the Kingdom of Djerma felt very uneasy while transferring troops and financing military expenses.

The prestige of the Don Quixote family is too loud, and it may be possible to win the battle in the end.

Some countries began to bribe privately, and through various connections, they wanted to betray the kingdom of Djerma and join Mingo.

When Kazeji learned the news, he attacked these traitors and annihilated them all on the sea.

Kaji wears the latest upgraded combat suit and appears in front of Kazeji in old form.

“How? Have confidence in this war? ”

Hearing Kaji’s question, Kazeji nodded without hesitation, his eyes full of fighting intent.

The other party is a powerful figure who is enough to rank among the seven martial seas under the king, and only a strong person of this level can arouse his interest.

After experiencing a wealth of Kaji, he naturally felt the mood of Fengzhi for the first time, and his heart was dumbfounded.

This child, like himself back then, began to inspire a belligerent talent in his bones after he had strength, and even the strongest opponent was fearless, and he didn’t know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

“Don’t be careless, Brother Ming has dominated the sea for decades, and he has developed from the period of white hands to the present, and he is also a dangerous person.”

Speaking of this, Kaji talked about Brother Min’s magnificent achievements in the past, and told how scary the opponent’s strength was.

“Of course, if our father and son join forces, maybe we can defeat this guy.”

Kaji said with relief on his lips, in fact, he was bottomless, but unexpectedly, Kazeji shook his head directly and asked him to fight alone, obviously listing the other party as his prey.

“Just you? War is not a child’s play, if you are a little careless, you will be torn apart by the other side, but don’t be stubborn. ”

He really couldn’t think of where his son’s confidence came from.


Feng Zhi directly showed the Tianli Divine Sword, the whole body of royal blue light, the casting technique of the ghostly work, and faintly felt the amazing sword intent circulating in it, as if it was a peerless divine weapon that did not belong to the world.

This is the strength of the wind rule that is enough to defeat the opponent, and the high-quality divine weapon in hand, the combat power bonus brought by it is not a star and a half.

“Hold the grass! Where did you get this blade. ”

Kaji burst out with foul language that he learned from Kazeji, and was shocked.

Obviously, he also felt the extraordinary nature of this divine weapon, and it seemed to be more outstanding than the “Night Blade” in the hands of the world’s number one swordsman.

Trying to hold the Divine Sword of the End of the World, Gaji felt a palpitation in his soul, and he seemed to feel that this sword was resisting him who was not the owner.

Excalibur is psychic, and thoughts are conveyed.

Gaji had never seen such a magical blade, and it seemed that he could communicate with his master spiritually.

“Look at the power of this sword.”

Feng Zhi drew his sword and slashed, and the sword qi released turned into silver light outside the sky, streaked across the sea at great speed, and immediately caused terrifying waves, splashing six or seven stories high, and the power was terrifying.

“I see, since that’s the case… Brother Ming will leave it to you to deal with alone, remember to pay attention to safety. ”

Navy headquarters, in the conference hall.

Vice Admiral Karp, Chief of Staff Tsuru, Sengoku and others were present.

Only then did he learn that Corazon’s identity was exposed and he was brutally killed by Brother Min, and the Warring States were in a very solemn mood.

“According to my investigation of the Djerma Kingdom, if you start a war at this time, I am afraid that there is a seventy percent chance of losing, I really don’t know what Gaji guy is doing.” The crane dressed as a wise man is very unfavorable to Jerma.

However, Doflamingo, the criminal transactions made over the years, have indeed touched the bottom line of the Navy.

If they let it go, then their navy, under the banner of justice, actually connived at each other’s evil deeds, which is no different from pirates.

“In any case, the evidence of the crimes committed by Brother Ming is conclusive, and if you don’t unite with Jerma to surround and suppress him at this time, I am afraid that it will be difficult in the future.”

Also present were Kuzan, Red Dog, Yellow Ape and others, but they said that it didn’t matter, it didn’t matter to them to fight or not, they just had to obey the order.

After a long day of intense discussion, Sengoku finally convinced the others to participate in the battle.

After a while, dozens of naval fleets began to set off, preparing to go to the North Sea for a joint siege of Mingo.

Ding dong! System Task Release: Mingo’s Revenge.

Conditions: Successfully resisted the attack of Don Quixote led by Mingo.

Complete the reward “50,000 evolution points, 10,000 lottery opportunities. ”

“There are a lot of points to be credited to the account, I really look forward to the war starting soon.”

Fengzhi stretched out, not afraid of Brother Ming’s attack.

With his own strong strength and the Tianli Divine Sword, he can use a variety of means to contain the other party.

Don’t forget that the Devil Fruit ability is the natural enemy of the sea, and after testing, the Tianli Divine Sword can absorb some of the characteristics of the sea lou stone to strengthen the sword body.

If there is a five-percent probability unless there is a special effect, it may be possible to defeat Mingo on the spot at that time.

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