“It’s really shameful, so many people beat each other, he is still just a child!”

The battle began for several hours, but Lieutenant General Tsuru was still watching.

The naval soldiers who came with the army also felt embarrassed, and they did not know what they were here for, and they did not dare to ask more.

Anyway, it’s to be a salted fish with soy sauce, you don’t have to kill you and me with the enemy, why not?

General Fang Cai Zefa had already called, and as soon as he connected, he was scolded by the other party, and his words were full of complaining that he didn’t hurry up.

“Whose disciple is this? You have the ability to do it yourself…”

Lieutenant General Tsuru felt helpless, even if it was of any use, compared to force, his main ability was still reflected in wisdom.

Domineering cultivation is not weak, but in the face of the two strong people who are fighting fiercely in the distance, these force values are simply not enough.

It is good to have the ability to wash fruits, but it can only be used to wash clothes more neatly, or to wash and dry anyone and everything.

It is used for cleaning and sanitation on weekdays, and by the way, many vicious pirates are cleansed of their malignancy, and it is quite effective to carry out ideological transformation.

But for fighting, then forget it.

It can be said that this ability of the Devil Fruit is really not practical in battle.

The movement on the Navy’s side, Brother Ming naturally also noticed, but he had the relationship of Draco in it.

On weekdays, he likes to curry favor with those arrogant and lascivious Draco nobles, so that even if the navy really wants to do it, it will eventually have to worry about the attitude of the Draco.

Guladius, the explosive fruit ability, shot several explosive hairs from a distance, and after a series of carpet bombings, he was stunned and slashed by Fengzhi at close range.

Several silver flashes crossed in front of his eyes, and dozens of wounds suddenly appeared on Guladius’s body, and blood sprayed out, feeling full of disbelief.

Before the battle, he could still feel the strength of Fengzhi, which was equivalent to the cultivation of the highest cadre, but he did not expect that after being hit hard one after another, his combat power would increase to such a high level.

“Don’t be proud… Feel the art of explosion. ”

The steel helmet overhead continued to expand, and eventually the shock wave generated by the intense bombing carried a high-speed rotating piece of iron, directly hitting the target.

“Be careful, I suspect that this guy’s strength will increase after every serious injury, don’t plant it in this guy’s hands.”

After a few rounds of fighting with the other party, Ming Ge finally figured out Fengzhi’s fighting style, that is, when it is strong, it is strong, and the stronger it is.

It is like a cockroach with extremely tenacious vitality, as long as it is not killed by one move, it will be quickly recovered by the other party.

It may be possible to attack his soul, but there is no expert in this area in the Don Quixote family, otherwise it can perfectly restrain this kid’s self-healing ability.

To be honest, for this kind of undead physique and overspeed self-healing ability, he looked red in his eyes, and he couldn’t wait to have this kind of power.

Who doesn’t fear serious injury or incurable illness?

In this world of pirates where the strong are like clouds, having this self-healing ability can undoubtedly survive tenaciously without worrying about being easily killed.

Coupled with the fighting talent of strong people, sooner or later he will be able to reach the peak of the sea thief and become the fifth sea emperor, on an equal footing with the four emperors.

Fengzhi couldn’t dodge anyway, so he simply directly relied on the severe pain of being cut by an iron piece of iron, and directly shaved in front of Guladius.

“Arashi Foot Super Dragon Shosho Strike!”

After this period of hard training, the Navy Six has reached the point of being supernatural, and it is completely able to develop new moves on the basis of the original.

The high-speed kick rubbed against the air, and the fire of Fengzhi’s right foot burst into flames, faintly resembling the roar of a tiger and dragon, and the momentum was terrifying to the extreme.


Guladius was just about to cast a full-body explosion, when he was suddenly hit by this kick, his body suddenly rotated and flew out upside down, flying into the sky and gradually disappearing.

The ability to explode fruit is not high for Kazeji, but it is a very troublesome skill.

After all, a violent explosion will cause a loud noise, which will affect Fengzhi’s judgment in the battle, and it is easy to be successfully attacked by Brother Ming.

“Foot shaving! Super Strike Whiplash! ”

Brother Ming finally waited until Fengzhi revealed the gap, and unleashed two powerful moves in one go, first a straight kick with a sharp thread hit Fengzhi, and finally the long whip in his hand swung it, entangled the opponent and ejected towards the distant island.


Not far away, there was a loud noise on the island, and the wind ji crashed into it, and the entire island shook slightly.

Before he could make a move, the environment of the rock formations around the island changed in a large area, and Pika had been waiting here for a long time, waiting for the enemy to throw himself into the net.


A large number of stones within a kilometer range seemed to have been pulled by some kind of traction and gathered into a mudslide, gathering towards the place where the wind fell.

This guy actually planned to bury Fengzhi alive.

“Iron Vortex Tornado!”

Just when Pika thought that the other party was dead, an annoyed voice came from the thirty-meter mountain peak Xi formed by countless rock fragments.

Feng Zhi strengthened the defense of the whole body, became as hard as steel, and the domineering energy gushed out, driving the body to rotate at high speed, and immediately broke through the rock formation and rushed out.

“Not good… Hurry up and withdraw! ”

Seeing that the other party was still alive, Pika’s heart suddenly beat violently, and a dangerous warning came from his body, and he hurriedly withdrew and wanted to retreat.

“It’s too late to think about retreating now!”

Fengzhi’s figure suddenly accelerated, and the impact accumulated under the high-speed rotation immediately hit the other party, and the air rippled with a wave of qi.

The powerful Pika was defeated by Kazeji in just a few rounds.

“Damn, this self-healing ability, can it really be used without limit?”

In Mingo’s head, there is no concept of mutants.

People like this, when their abilities are stimulated, they will always become their own instincts, consuming only physical strength and ideas.

It is as if human beings are born to eat and drink Lasa, so Brother Ming’s wishful calculation of exhausting the other party’s ability is officially a failure.

Maybe after three days and three nights, Feng Zhi will die due to physical exhaustion, but he can’t last that long.

Don’t forget that the serious injuries you left in the battle have not yet healed, and you can stand here and continue to fight, all supported by precious medicines.

“I’m sure to get this little ghost’s blood sample later, and go back to the researchers to study why the wind healing ability is so strong.”

The clouds that bound the sky floated to the island, and Brother Ming was so against the wind rule, his momentum climbed, like two ancient beasts about to start a life and death duel.

This battle determined the rise and fall of the two major families, and also determined the hegemony of this North Sea in the future.

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