“Less proud there, I don’t believe you can be restored when you turn into mashed meat.”

Brother Ming attacked fiercely and quickly, constantly swinging several sharp and abnormally thick line attacks.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, his attack speed at this moment has decreased significantly, and the arm that had been cut off has been initially stitched up, but his combat power has not been as good as before.

From the increasingly brisk and comfortable pace of Feng Zhi, it can be seen that the gap in combat power between the two people has gradually decreased.

If someone has sharp eyes, they can find that the Tianli in Fengzhi’s hand is constantly covered with more and more brilliant sword radiance while resisting Mingge’s attack.

In the state of chivalry, Feng Zhi has accumulated more than a dozen sword qi, and he is ready to wait for the other party to give the other party a heavy blow when he is tired of playing.

“The taste of being pierced in the heart just now is not bad, you can also feel it!”

Feng Zhi raised the long sword in his hand, and a sword attack contained the Qinglian sword intent, fast as electricity, sharp and decisive, straight towards the opponent’s heart.

“Rock barrier!”

“High-speed blocking!”

“Spider Giant Wall!”

Seeing that his master was in trouble, Pika did his best to exert the power of the fruit, and heavy rock barriers continued to emerge from the ground, enveloping Mingo in it.

Baby5 endured serious injuries and fired several sniper bullets to try to block the opponent’s path.

In the end, Brother Ming also noticed that something was wrong, thousands of silk threads shot out in front of him to weave a spider wall, and he was also quickly retreating.


However, these obstacles were easily penetrated in front of Fengzhi’s sword radiance, passing through layer after layer, almost blocking him for less than a second.

When Feng Zhi stabbed the blade into Brother Ming’s heart, this figure who had been in the North Sea for decades realized that he was so close to death.

“Speeding whip!”

When his life was in danger, the power that Brother Ming burst out was also extremely powerful, and he directly released his skill to blast Feng Zhi thousands of meters away.

Don Quixote Pirate Group combatant Buffalo, who turned fruit ability, saw that Mingo was seriously injured and hurried to help.

Brother Ming also took this opportunity to wrap the injured heart pulse with domineering, using silk thread to stitch it up in surprise, and the retreat in his heart began to become stronger.

“It’s now, give me a quick cut into the battlefield!”

Vice Admiral Tsuru waited for a long time, and just when his naval soldiers were about to fall asleep, he suddenly heard this order and immediately drove the naval warship to attack at full speed.

Especially seeing that Brother Ming was seriously injured, these naval soldiers saw that there was an opportunity to pick up leaks, and they worked harder to do things.

Anyway, originally most of the members of the Don Quixote Pirates were defeated, and now it is easy to join the battlefield to defeat the other party.

Brother Ming heard the report from his subordinates that Vice Admiral He, chief of staff of the naval headquarters, was leading his subordinates to rush over, and he was hesitant to retreat, but now he had made a decision.

In the early years, he often fought with Lieutenant General Tsuru, and knew that the other party’s strategy and tactics were very difficult, so he had to announce a retreat.

“Abominable! Today’s enemies will be returned a hundredfold in the future! ”

As Feng Zhi said, Brother Ming was in the prime of life and was at the peak of his rapid improvement in strength, not to mention that he had already comprehended the ability to awaken fruits.

After a few months, the strength skyrocketed, and after mastering the awakening mode, the combat power would definitely soar dozens of times.

Now that he is dying here, Brother Ming feels cold sweat breaking out behind his back when he thinks about it.

When Fang Cai was hit in the heart, he realized that these were not as important as being alive than dignity and face.

“Pass on my order, and all the staff quickly retreat!”

Bararo was shocked to hear this, and those who are familiar with Mingge’s personality know that he belongs to the kind of guy who will never admit defeat and is cold and arrogant.

Now to hear him say that he is going to retreat, it is simply incredible.

“Got it!”

The rest of the senior cadres of the Don Quixote family, hearing the order to retreat, fled the battlefield without the slightest hesitation with the seriously wounded Mingo.

Fortunately, there was still a ship left on the battlefield, which was used to lead everyone to escape.

In order to prevent the wind from chasing and killing, the fruit ability on the other side, Saignol Pique, activated the wandering fruit ability, accelerated the ship’s sailing speed, and quickly left the battlefield.

In fact, Fengzhi did not intend to continue the pursuit, after fighting for so long, even if he was physically strong and could hold it mentally, he would feel tired.

“It’s hurt so badly, are you okay?”

Kaji walked over, his face solemnly concerned.

However, seeing that the terrifying scars on the other party’s body were rapidly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, he found that this son’s physique was simply like a monster.

Even now, he still feels that Fengji has become so strong because of the genetic modification he received back then.

At the same time, he was very glad that it was his eldest son who had this power.

“Big brother is really good! Taking advantage of this opportunity, we should take advantage of the victory and pursue. ”

“One person can defeat so many enemies, it seems that the cultivation will be more assiduous in the future, and you can’t let the eldest brother throw it too far.”

“Let’s kill the fleeing enemy and leave it behind!”

When the three Iji brothers stepped forward, expressing their admiration for the strength of Fengji in their words, they all advocated chasing after the victory.

When Kaji saw this scene, he opened his mouth in anger and said, “What kind of angry words are you talking about?” If you want to send it to death, go yourself, didn’t you see that this battle has been won? ”

From the perspective of the Djerma Kingdom, it is enough to be able to repel the mighty Don Quixote army and completely drive out of this North Sea.

Instead, killing all the top of the enemy army is not only unrealistic, but also contrary to the original intention of this battle.

Moreover, Fengzhi has been fighting continuously for so long, and he is already quite mentally exhausted, and it is not suitable to continue fighting, and without him sitting in the town to attack rashly, isn’t this a death in vain?

“Thanks to the courage and good battle of Fengzhi, this is the victory of this battle, it seems that tonight we must hold a celebration banquet.”

When the power of the Don Quixote family withdraws from the North Sea, it is the time when the kingdom of Djerma really rises and is expected to return to its former glory.

Originally, in this war, the combat strength of the two sides was very different, and Kaji faced the battle with the mentality of breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat, and did not expect to win.

However, the young and powerful Feng Zhi once again brought him a surprise.

Not only did he contain Brother Ming, a figure who dominated the North Sea, but also killed two high-ranking enemy cadres and seriously injured many people.

This achievement, looking at the entire sea, is simply unmatched.

Just when the kingdom of Djerma was celebrating, Vice Admiral Tsuru led a naval warship to pursue Mingo, intending to come to Fengzhi’s side as a guest afterwards.

For this young hero with high combat power at a young age, a personal disciple of General Zefa, he felt the need to come and say hello.

Maybe there is a chance to persuade the other party to serve the Navy.

Although the navy now has the strength of Kuzan, Yellow Ape, Red Dog and other generals, which force will dislike too many masters under him?

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