“Hmph! It was really right by this kid Feng Zhi, according to their route forward, Brother Ming definitely wanted to attack Dressrosa, but they couldn’t let them succeed so easily. ”

Vice Admiral Tsuru stood in front of the ship, the binoculars in his hand down, and his tone was extremely cold.

Seeing that the other party had discovered his tracks and was running with all his might, he also began to order the ship to speed up.

Now if you don’t bow down to the other party, and wait until Brother Ming escapes into the Great Passage, it will be difficult to capture him at that time.

“The whole army attacked, if you can capture Brother Ming, your official rank will be raised by one level, and your monthly salary will increase tenfold!”

The naval soldiers next to him listened, and now sailed harder.

The Navy wants to be promoted and raised, unless the strength is improved or major achievements are made, otherwise it does not want to improve much in old age.

Even if Vice Admiral Karp has such strength, it was only after he promoted the One Piece Roger to his current status after he was in a desperate situation many times, and the navy at the same time had long retired at his age.

Seeing his subordinates working so hard, Lieutenant General Tsuru felt very relieved, and he went directly to Dressrosa to support if he couldn’t do it.

He didn’t believe it, and he personally sat in Brother Ming and had the courage to come and sneak attack.

You know, the strength of the green pheasant, yellow ape, and red dog of the naval headquarters is not weak, if they are urgently summoned, they will arrive in less than an hour.

At that time, Brother Ming, who saw that his vitality was greatly injured, had several lives to resist.

Thinking of this, in order to add a few more layers of security, he began to call the naval patrol fleet to intercept Mingo’s ships along the way.

Kingdom of Djerma, inside the conference hall.

King Gaji was gleefully preparing to devour all the forces in the North Sea and strengthen the international status of the Djerma Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, when he sent envoys to various countries to lobby, the rest of the countries were okay and quite cooperative, but only the kings of the Kingdom of Mary, the Kingdom of Ujin, the Kingdom of Half Moon and the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Beasts refused to submit.

Not only that, but they also beat the envoys to half death, which can be regarded as directly giving the Jerma Kingdom a dismount.

Before being ruled by Mingge, they endured cruel exploitation and were inhumane, and they were no longer willing to submit to others and wanted to be the masters of their own household.

The four major countries jointly submitted a letter and applied for a separate alliance, and even the taxes paid in the future were directly handed over to the world government, not the Djerma Kingdom.

“How can it make sense! This group of bastards dared to resist the rule of the Vince Mock family, did they really think they were bullies? ”

Gaji saw the letter brought back by the envoy, which clearly stated his dissatisfaction with the kingdom of Djerma, and even mocked them for defeating Mingo only because of the power of Jericho’s missiles.

He didn’t expect to encounter this situation, but he didn’t expect that the other party had the audacity to do so that the people he sent dared to beat.

“Gather an army for me, and I am not worthy of being this king if I do not beat them to my knees and beg for mercy this time.”

Kaji was angry and was about to lead his army to march, but Fengji walked over leisurely, as if he had just finished today’s practice.

“It’s just four small countries, as for such a stirring of people?”

Feng Zhi sat down on his own, and already knew the cause and effect of the matter.

This kind of similar thing often happens in the war-torn and divided Warring States, after all, who is born willing to condescend to people?

However, if they do not have this strength, they will have to resist, and the consequences will be unbearable.

“You came just right! Now is the time for you to establish your prestige, and the task of negotiating this time will be entrusted to you. ”

Considering that after the North Sea War, Fengzhi had a high prestige in the North Sea, it was most appropriate to leave this matter to him.

Not only can you deal with these princes and nobles in advance, but you can also establish your own prestige, and it is convenient to use strong force to suppress it when necessary.

“It’s okay, anyway, I’ve been bored lately, so it’s good to find something to do.”

Kaji asked Kazeharu how he planned to respond, but was speechless by the other party’s words that he had directly destroyed them all.

What is this kid good about? It’s a bit violent and even extremely belligerent.

He didn’t want his kingdom to be slaughtered by the wind, so he had to frequently tell him that he had to be measured and leave a line in everything… It is good to collect money in the future.

There are so many national forces in the North Sea, and they are still expected to pay taxes to send to the world government, but they cannot be destroyed for no reason.

“Got it… Fang Cai is just kidding. ”

Kazeji responded lukewarmly, asked the fleet for a one-man speedboat, and sailed towards the location of the Four Kingdoms.

An archipelago somewhere in the North Sea, on an island shaped like a meteorite.

King Half Moon was a richly dressed middle-aged noblewoman who was discussing important matters with King Ugin, King Mary, and King of Ten Thousand Beasts.

“Have you heard? The Kingdom of Djerma has once again sent people to negotiate, and it is simply in vain. ”

“Is it? Really think that it is great that he defeated Brother Ming? If I had that new type of missile, I could have won. The King of Ten Thousand Beasts said with a disdainful look.

They did not know the specific battle situation, and almost subconsciously believed that the victory of the Djerma Kingdom was all because of the dependence on Jericho missiles.

After all, the earth-shattering explosion sound can be felt from a hundred miles away.

And thankfully, according to reliable intelligence, the kingdom of Jerma, which is a powerful missile, is no longer available.

This is also the reason why they have the confidence to have a showdown with each other.

King Ugin had always acted meticulously, holding the beard on the side of his mouth and said, “I heard that Gaji will send his eldest son to negotiate this time, how should we deal with such a powerful person at that time?” ”

“Afraid of what? Even if we are not protected by the world government, we are afraid that their Vince Mock family will not be able to go to war? ”

King Mary said nonchalantly, how could a person who was almost a hundred years old together not be able to cope with even a child?

Moreover, they have privately raised tens of millions of Bailey hired killers, preparing to intercept and kill Fengzhi halfway, and the whole process is extremely secretive, and no one will suspect them.

It is inevitable that Fengji defeated so many people of the Don Quixote Pirate Group, and it was inevitable that many pirate forces would be retaliated against.

As everyone knows, the killer they sent has been trampled under the feet of Fengzhi, and the whole person is half-dead and weak.

“It’s really funny, what’s the use of sending an invisible fruit ability to come, isn’t it very good to have this spare money directly to me?”

Kazeji bent down, took the tens of millions of Baileys from the killer, stretched, and felt that it was not challenging at all.

However, the four major countries dare to send killers to intercept, you can imagine how bold they are.

For this kind of person, Fengzhi planned to go up and give each of the four silly hanging kings a slap and wake them up.

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