“Next, we will begin to discuss the issue of the revolutionary army, it is reported that more than 20 kingdoms have been captured one after another, in order to eradicate this cancer, I hope that all the delegates here will jointly resist a strong enemy.”

The remarks of the Warring States were echoed by many representatives of the allied countries, but they did not see any performance from Fengzhi, and they did not know what his attitude was.

Now Fengzhi does not belong to any force of pirates and navy, and is likely to be invited to join the revolutionary army, and if he hastily agrees, I am afraid that the government will face a terrible enemy in the future.

“See what I do? Feel relieved… I have no plans to join any forces yet. ”

Kaji was speechless by Kazeji’s answer, couldn’t his attitude be affirmative? Even if it’s to deceive the other party.

Doesn’t joining any forces for the time being mean that at the same time keeping his distance from the world government, doesn’t this push him into the fire pit?

In fact, every world conference discusses matters concerning the revolutionary army.

For such terrible elements who “subvert the world government”, the degree of threat of the revolutionary army is even more terrifying than that of the four emperors.

As the pinnacle of the strength of pirates, the four emperors can still compete with the world government, but with an additional revolutionary army, no one dares to imagine what the situation will be in the future.

However, any action that is unfavorable to the government will inevitably lead to the figure of the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, and in order to arrest him, he will not hesitate to issue a bounty of five billion Bailey.

Such a huge amount has almost reached the total of the four emperors combined.

However, in the face of this kind of reward, no force dares to accept the order, and they would rather live well than money.

It is rumored that every time the dragon strikes, it will change its color and be born with a vision, and a peerless powerhouse of this level is no longer an existence that can be easily captured.

Ironically, Dragon has received numerous awards for his time in the Navy, but every few years he announces that he will overthrow the world government.

As Dragon’s father, Vice Admiral Karp, he is powerless to refute his son’s determination, because the darkness and evil behind the world government is indeed heinous.

“All right! Now that my remarks on behalf of my Government have concluded, the representatives of various countries have begun to elaborate on the problems encountered. ”

The first is the Kingdom of Goya, the Kingdom of Ilusia and other countries, considering that the number of pirate forces has continued to skyrocket in recent years, and it also faces potential threats such as revolutionary armies.

His Majesty’s policy of the Seven Wuhai, a topic that could only be discussed in secret in the past, was put up and supported by the kings of many countries.

Using powerful pirates to balance pirates, paying nothing more than equity and money, they are happy to see the reality of domestic pirate forces being suppressed.

Of course, many kings also expressed opposition, including King Riku, who had suffered from the invasion of the Seven Arms Sea, and the neighboring Kingdom of Prodins and Alabastan.

Originally, for Mingge’s seizure of his own power and land, King Liku was dissatisfied with the decision of the world government Qiwuhai, and at this moment, it was raised, of course, he must also resolutely oppose it.

King Ilizabelo of Prodins, as a neighbor of King Riku, naturally did not want such a dangerous figure stationed nearby.

Not to mention King Kobra of Alabastan, he is himself a person with a strong sense of justice and responsibility, and he cannot agree to such a decision for the safety of the people at home.

“What do you think about this?” Kaji seems to be used to asking Kazeji’s opinion, otherwise he will feel bottomless in his heart.

“It doesn’t matter, anyway, the world government has this kind of thinking, and our opinions have no effect at all.”

Feng Zhi knew that it was imperative that His Majesty the Seven Wuhai decision was approved, so there was no unnecessary opposition.

Instead of worrying about this, it is better to plan how to improve the status of the Djerma Kingdom in the world, which is the most important thing.

“Then the Seven Wuhai policy, even if it is officially established to follow the opinions of the majority, continue to switch to the next topic.”

On behalf of the will of the world government, the Warring States forcibly adopted such a policy, completely ignoring the will of the opposition to the country.

Their advice is important, but it is difficult to shake the world government and look at who is the initiator of the conference.

Some representatives of some countries began to speak one after another, and soon within two hours it was the turn of the Kingdom of Djerma, and it was also Fengzhi who gave his opinion as a representative.

“According to reliable statistics, the total strength of the current navy spread across the four seas and the new world is about 50 million, and the annual expenditure on military salaries is more than ten trillion or so, of which the Draco account for about one-tenth of it.”

Speaking of this, Fengzhi casually glanced at Charros Saint and the others, really not understanding why such a person could be eligible to enjoy so much money.

More than 170 representatives of the allied countries and even the naval forces were shocked, but they did not expect that Fengzhi could investigate so clearly, even they were still in the dark.

Then the main play began, and Fengzhi began to cut to the theme of the conference.

“First of all, in view of the great consumption of military spending by the navy every year, and the fact that various countries are invaded by pirate forces, and it is necessary to expand the naval strength, I propose to establish a naval division, unify the standard configuration of weapons, and the newly joined navy will be provided by our country, and if necessary, directly obey the orders of the country of Djerma!”

Kazeji went on to say that they provided the standard weapons and firearms technology of the navy, and all it took was a nod from the world government to allow the soldiers of the naval branch to obey their orders.

Although the territory of the North Sea is vast, there are no pirate forces under his deterrence for the time being, but who can predict that there will be no other enemies in the future?

Now expanding the navy in the North Sea to his own command will not only increase the strength of the Djerma Kingdom, but also solve the huge military expenditure for the world government.

Sengoku and Karp, Lieutenant General Tsuru and others listened to it and discussed it secretly, feeling that this plan sounded inappropriate, but it was actually very feasible.

First, the navy and allied countries are under the jurisdiction of the world government, so there is no matter of overstepping the line and mastering private soldiers.

Second, the navy distributed in various places is ostensibly under the jurisdiction of various kingdoms, but in fact, it is the naval headquarters that ultimately has the final say.

Third, there are major allied countries sharing military expenditures, which can undoubtedly greatly alleviate the financial shortage problem on the side of the navy and further expand development.

Anyway, it is impossible to let those Draco who consider themselves noble pay for themselves, and this matter can only be found by the world government.

“I object, our country is already short of funds in order to pay taxes, so before the pirates can attack, we will be eaten up by the navy first.”

“This matter is really not appropriate, anyway, we are close to the naval headquarters, so we won’t spend these unjust money, right?”

“It sounds feasible, but you also have to consider the economic strength of each country.”

Fengzhi stood up directly and said with a generous voice: “That’s your business, we in the Jerma Kingdom don’t matter, as long as the government agrees, we can immediately allocate a million navy and we can afford it.” ”

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