More than a month after the attack on São Mariacho, the chasing of fisherman Fisher Teg failed, as expected.

But the bounty warrant is still high, although few people carry it out.

Those pirates or other forces are not stupid, but those who want to wander in the sea will not catch the fisherman leader Fisher Teger, and his reputation among the fishmen has skyrocketed after this incident.

In particular, the freed fishman slaves were extremely crazy about Fisher Teger’s gratitude.

If they know that someone wants to execute a bounty wanted to arrest them, they will definitely rush forward and fight desperately.

Fish people are generally numerous and naturally strong, even if they can beat each other well, they can’t stand the other party tied to torpedoes and dive to the bottom of the ship to bomb in a series.

So basically no one carried out this order except the Navy.

On the side of the naval headquarters, after mobilizing a large number of troops for strict review, no trace of Fisher Teger’s accomplices was found.

This means that the murderer has left the place.

When a few Draco learned about it, they quickly ordered those navies to leave immediately, without mistake.

Living with these lowly naval soldiers during this time, noble they felt that the air became cloudy.

The Marshal of the Warring States was also accustomed to the vexatious behavior of the other side and immediately followed the order.

Pirates are rampant in the waters of the Four Directions and the New World, and it is time for the Navy to take up its mission and start a crusade against pirates.

Along the way, escort the representatives of the major member countries back to avoid any more mistakes.

Kobra and King Riku, worried about what would happen in the country, immediately got on the ship and returned at full speed.

However, Gaji and Fengzhi are more leisurely, anyway, there are several major killing weapons in the country, and they are not in a hurry to return to China for a while.

“Fengzhi has had enough of playing these days, right? When are you going to go back…”

Gaji came to the door of Fengji’s room and saw that the three sisters of Boyahan Cook were still inside, showing a meaningful smile.

“Eh… That one… I’m going to go out and make sure that there are trade routes with the big countries, so go back yourself. ”

After finally coaxing his father away, Fengji sent someone to send several sets of maid costumes to change into the three sisters of Boyahan Cook.

I have to say that the three daughters who took off their slave clothes and replaced them with maid’s clothes looked like they had a unique and stunning beauty.

Walking out of the door, let the three women follow behind, lower their heads and don’t make a sound, in the adoring and awe eyes of others, Fengzhi took Boyahan Cook and the others out of here and got on a small luxury boat.

This kind of ship does not have any weapons and equipment, but it is not needed at all, Fengzhi has Tianli in hand, and when encountering any pirate forces, it should be them who are unlucky.

Fortunately, the high-ranking cadres of the navy and the members of the Draco had left one after another, and after ten minutes with Boyahan Cook, they finally got rid of the surveillance of the naval forces.

“Lord Fengji, this trip to Daughter’s Island is dangerous, I’m really sorry to trouble you too much.”

Boya got up and bent down to salute, which can be regarded as a heartfelt thank you to Fengzhi.

In the original work, even if the three sisters successfully escaped from the Holy Land of Marie Joya, they successfully returned to the daughter island with the help of Guroliosa, Renly, and Xia Qi.

Now when you encounter Fengzhi, then it means that there is nothing to do with them.

“Danger? What does not exist in my eyes, unless you meet the strong man of the Four Emperors, this voyage will escort you back to your hometown absolutely safely. ”

Fengji replied in a flat tone, standing at the bow of the boat and looking into the distance, feeling extremely confident in himself.

Although he is not as good as Nami and Choba in terms of observing weather and medical treatment.

However, there is such a thing as the system mall, which can be obtained by consuming only a small number of points.

Along the way, the domineering energy after the enhanced mutation is released, and any danger can be predicted in advance.

Fengzhi even exchanged the black technology drone, which can detect the accurate route to the daughter’s island in minutes, and also save the boyahan cook and their guidance one after another.

“Is Lord Kazeji a Devil Fruit powerhouse? How can I become as strong as you…”

Boya Marigorud, one of the three sisters, asked with a determined look.

After being ravaged by Draco in prison, she has made up her mind to become stronger, don’t look at her slim body now, and when she returns to her daughter’s island in order to become stronger, she does not hesitate to eat a lot of food, desperately build muscles, and finally becomes a fat female man.

The weapon is even more a weapon used only by pure masters such as Guan Gongdao.

“I’m a swordsman, have Hawkeye Mihawk heard of it? Sooner or later, I will personally challenge him to see who is worthy of the title of No. 1 in the world. ”

Fengzhi said with a fighting intent in his eyes, looking at Boya’s eyes, he only felt that he was extremely domineering and heroic at this time.

After thinking about it, in order to avoid this lively and cute girl in front of him, he sacrificed his appearance in order to become stronger, and Fengzhi consumed a thousand points to exchange the “Golden Snake Sword Method” for them according to the characteristics of the three sisters eating the devil fruit in the future.

In the pirate plane, this set of sword techniques is not too advanced, but the whole set of sword moves imitates the movements and routines of snakes, and the moves are cruel and unpredictable, and with the improvement of strength, at least in close combat, they can not lag behind.

Since the sword books were all recorded in Chinese, Fengji re-copied a copy in combination with the language of this world.

After Boya Marigorud got the sword spectrum, he really practiced the kung fu harder after he went back.

In the end, under the three sisters practicing swordsmanship day and night, due to excessive imitation of snake movements, their figures were more beautiful and beautiful than in the original work, which is a scene that will only be seen after Fengzhi and the other party meet in the future.

Considering the future food and clothing of the three sisters, Feng Zhi generously took out 10,000 Bailey to fund them, and even gave away three pieces of some fashionable dresses that are currently sold in the Djerma Kingdom.

“You have been imprisoned for so many years, and you still don’t know the situation outside, right?”

The road was boring and boring, and the three Boya sisters asked Fengzhi about the east and west in order to learn more about the outside world.

Fengzhi patiently answered one by one, and explained the current situation in the world.

When everyone couldn’t sleep at night, he also had some bad taste, deliberately told the story related to snakes such as Hulu Baby, White Snake Den, Naruto Big Snake Pill, etc., and the three Boya sisters listened to it secretly, and finally everyone lost sleep collectively after one night.

More than a month has passed like this, and Boyahan Cook’s liking for wind healing has increased significantly, almost to the point of crush.

Sometimes when she eats, peeks at each other practicing swords, and sleeps, she will feel her heart beat faster and her face blush.

“Is this what it feels like to be in love?”

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