Great shipping routes, windless seas.

Fengji drove the boat forward quickly, supporting three or four huge sea king creatures behind him.

During this period, he felt that his body size had obviously improved, which may be related to the food in the past few days.

He did not have this trouble, and practiced sword moves with the three sisters of Boyahan Cook every day.

Under such high-intensity exercises, it is extremely draining for physical strength and muscles.

Of course, there are also powerful creatures in this sea area, such as what deep-sea octopus, frost dragon, steel cancer and other sea overlords, to be comparable to the level of vice admirals in the navy.

Fifty or sixty feet tall, indestructible physical defense, powerful attack, if Feng Zhi was not clear in the One Piece throne, he thought that he had come to the barbaric period when ancient ferocious beasts were raging.

In order to protect the three Boya sisters and their soldiers, Feng Zhi took care of it, and it was inevitable to suffer heavy losses along the way.

After all, in addition to the fish people, human beings can only exert about 70% of their strength at most, no matter what level of cultivation they are masters.

Every time Boyahan Cook saw the injury of the deep bone of the wind cure, he was so anxious that he almost cried, and his heart was moved and full of guilt.

Fortunately, the self-healing factor quickly healed the injury, which shocked Boya and admired Fengzhi even more.

“The sword art cultivation is almost the same, so let’s let you get in touch with the domineering cultivation in advance.”

Thinking that the three Boya sisters will achieve a lot in domineering cultivation in the future, in addition to Hancock who will exhaust the three-color domineering math, the other two people have also awakened the domineering and armed domineering respectively.

After all, there will be one person with the qualifications of a king among millions of people.

Hancock wondered, shouldn’t he go all out to develop the power of the Devil Fruit? What is the use of such a thing as domineering?

Obviously, they didn’t know anything about cultivation, and even the fruit ability was very reluctant, otherwise they would not have the ability to resist in the face of the existence of the Draco.

Fengzhi didn’t explain much, in order to make them more intimate with the domineering toughness, he planned to demonstrate it himself.

The Djerma soldiers are currently equipped with rifles such as M4A1 or submachine guns, which far exceed the level of pirate world in terms of rate of fire and power.

Give the order to shoot themselves, although to the point.

At first, the Jerma soldiers did not dare to obey, after all, they had long been brainwashed, and they wanted to take the safety and interests of the members of the Vince Mock family as the highest purpose of action.

In desperation, Fengzhi had to give the gun in their hands to Boya Marigorud, and she saw the other party’s terrifying self-healing ability and directly pulled the trigger.


The gunfire rose, even she herself was startled, this kind of fire is obviously met by ordinary people, one can cause powerful destructive power to hundreds of people, of course, this is with sufficient ammunition.

The penetration brought by the high-speed spinning bullets was terrifying, but Kazeji dodged left and right as if he was nothing, dodging all these dense bullets.

“This is the role of seeing and smelling domineering, in the case of invisible sight, the surrounding environment is perceived, early warning, and the range can be expanded with the improvement of capabilities.”

Feng Zhi said, and then spread the cyan armed domineering aura around his body, as if he was wearing invisible armor, bringing amazing defense and attack power, and even extended to weapons.


This time the choice is a sniper rifle, high explosive high damage and long-range shooting, hit on the armed color domineering is bounced, only in time to spark, if not D-class peak strength, will also be hit hard by bullets.

Compared with seeing and hearing the color, Boya Marigorud is more interested in the domineering strength of the armed color.

As for the overlord color domineering… After all, Boyahan Cook is still young, and he has not experienced much warmth, and if he wants to successfully awaken, he must rely on her own to understand it in the future.

According to the setting of their abilities in the original book, Fengzhi directly took out a pen and paper to write down the moves they would practice in the future, as their goal in the future.

After completing this, there is no need for the old man Rayleigh to teach it personally in the future.

According to the current cultivation progress, the three Boya sisters will be able to cultivate to the point of A-grade powerhouses in less than ten years.

This is also one of the criteria for becoming His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas.

The rest is up to them to make the Nine Snakes Pirates famous.

Whoever makes Qi Wuhai not only have excellent strength, but also has a prestige value that will cause a significant impact.

Sure enough, when she was practicing the Golden Snake Sword Technique, she integrated the domineering and armed domineering into it, which not only increased the power of swordsmanship, but also greatly improved her perception of avoiding the enemy’s attack.

Now Feng Zhi is training against the three Boya sisters at the same time, and he has been able to hold on to supporting ten moves.

This level is extremely rare for the weak and powerless.

Considering that the members of the Seven Wuhai are not yet full, he told Boya that he could fight for it when he had the opportunity in the future.

The villain is also an official pirate recognized by the world government, which not only allows the people of Boyar to be sheltered, but also facilitates the future use of wind rule to contain enemy forces such as Doflamingo.

Since Feng Zhi plans to step on the strong to climb to the peak of the world in the future, he is bound to offend many forces and figures.

Among them, there are definitely not a few who have the same strength as Brother Ming, and before they grow up, it is best if they have the opportunity to help and gang more.

I forged a good relationship with Boyahan Cook today, and I will definitely be very glad of my current decision in the future.

“Daughter’s Island seems to be coming, and the road in the future will depend on you.”

Looking at the island in the distance, which was vaguely visible, Fengzhi could conclude that this was where the snake people lived.

The three Boya sisters stopped practicing and felt joy in their hearts when they saw their hometown.

“Will I see you again in the future?”

Hancock asked carefully, during this time, he could get the help of Fengzhi to go home, and he was even more guided by the other party in cultivation.

It can be said that this kindness is enough for them to repay with their lives.

Now that her daughter island is close at hand, she is a little reluctant in her heart.

“Aren’t you talking nonsense? In the future, I will personally check your cultivation results, so don’t think about being lazy, if you fail the test, I will punish you.” ”

Fengzhi replied half-jokingly and half-seriously, not wanting to cause the female emperor who should have become the Seven Wuhai to have a different ending because of himself.

“Don’t worry, I’ll watch over my sister for Lord Fengji.”

Boya Marigorud had already treated Fengji as a brother-in-law, patting his chest and making a promise.

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