Kazeji has always been puzzled by his position, wanting to become a pirate with the relationship of the Jerma Kingdom is destined to be unlikely, becoming a navy and dissatisfied with the corruption and degeneration of the government.

After thinking for a long time, he still decided to start infiltrating from within the navy and integrate the navy into a force that truly belongs to justice, rather than the so-called vassals of the Draco.

“How many clones have been arranged to enter this time?” Kaji privately approached Kazeji after dinner and asked.

“Not too much, just five thousand…”

Kazeji put down his teacup and explained: “Let the clones infiltrate these navies in order to investigate their position clearly, and this targeted attack can ultimately ensure their loyalty to the Djerma Kingdom.” ”

“Sure enough! Do you propose this to seize naval power? ”

Gaji had been under the government’s rule for decades, and he had always felt that it was enough to obey them, and he had never thought about it.

But whoever let Feng Zhi do it is all for the Vince Mock family.

“Well… It seems that I am really old, you have your own ideas and do it. ”

It was enough for Kaji to consolidate the family’s position in the North Sea, and leave everything else to him.

Compared with the New World and the Great Shipping Route, he still felt that the North Sea was more suitable for his rule.

However, if his son is interested in such a place where the strong gather together, he will not object.

He also had confidence that as long as Fengzhi was willing, he might not be able to reach the position of the Four Emperors in the future.

Feng Zhi arranged for 5,000 clone soldiers, used the “face synthesis system” to determine their physical appearance, forged identity information, and entered the four major branch bases respectively, without arousing anyone’s suspicion.

Their main task is to quickly use their own strength to form a gang, let the soldiers around them become their companions, and avoid their blind allegiance to the world government.

After doing this, Kazeji picked up the phone worm and called Zefa, some things still had to be asked by experienced admirals to do their best.

“Hey! You smelly boy finally remembered to call the teacher? ”

Far away in the second half of the Great Route, on the naval battleship where Zefa was, he held the telephone worm and said in a dissatisfied tone.

This disciple of himself has no one to compare in his cultivation talent, but his emotional intelligence is somewhat lacking, and he does not know how to deal with the interpersonal relationships around him.

In fact, Fengzhi could take the initiative to call, and Zefa himself was a little surprised.

“Have you heard? The World Government approved my agenda and sent a million troops to the North Sea…”

Fengzhi chattered over there for a long time, just to ask Zefa to put the naval military academy in the North Sea.

Compared with the soldiers who can go to the battlefield, the naval soldiers who are still studying at the military school are still immature in terms of personality and life experience, and this kind of person is most suitable for growing into his right-hand man.

It was precisely because of this that Fengji cheekily asked Zefa, in order to further infiltrate the naval forces and install his own men in it.

If one day he could control the entire navy, the first thing Kazeji would do was to bring down the Draco, spit out all the wealth they had accumulated over the years, and bear the crimes they committed.

“So it’s business? It’s also possible… It depends on you to fund the military budget, let us old guys have a lot of pockets, this kind of request I can promise. ”

Later, in order to further discuss the establishment of the military academy, Zefa invited Fengzhi to come to the Great Voyage as a guest.

It just so happens that recently, he will lead students to conduct military exercises on practice ships.

With his previous experience teaching Sakaski, Kuzan and Yellow Ape, Zefa is confident that in his lifetime, he will be able to teach three more heroes comparable to admirals.

Judging from the current progress, it seems that only Fengzhi is almost qualified.

According to the investigation at the World Conference, Zefa can be sure that even if the admiral fights him, he may not be able to subdue him easily.

Now that he is older, if he can personally make a demonstration for these interns, a simple teaching will benefit them in the future.

“Very good, I’ll leave now, you wait over there first.”

Kazeji recalled the original timeline, as if this period was the process of Zefa’s attack by the Blackbeard Pirates.

The good villain is also a master and apprentice, and Fengzhi didn’t even pick up his luggage, so he drove the speedboat non-stop, and rushed towards the great route single-handedly, not daring to delay for a moment.

If he had time, he wouldn’t mind saving the Navy interns who were about to be slaughtered.

Dressed differently, Kazeji took advantage of the night to sail on the sea, unleashing a domineering aura to avoid being noticed by the people of the world government.

As long as he conspired with Zefa to establish a military military school, attract the attention of the government, and introduce a large number of talents into it to study, it can fundamentally clear up the misunderstanding of the word justice among naval soldiers.

Blindly obeying their superiors makes even the absurd and wrong decisions in their original works resolutely and resolutely implemented.

This kind of fight that can’t tell right from wrong, just looking at me is tired.

In the next few years, Fengzhi will be able to initially feel the results, catch the naval high-ranking by surprise, and even if you want to regret it, it is too late.

At the same time, on the Great Voyage, Edward Weibull is leading his pirate group to attack at full speed.

“Rush me! I heard that the old guy Zepha is interning with a group of rookies, and if I can defeat it, I can also let the people on the sea know the prestige of my Edward Weibull. ”

A burly, fat, half-moon-like upturned beard shouted with a large knife in his hand.

As a powerful sea thief, Edward Weibull also has a stain in his life.

Years ago, when Edward Weibull was preparing to show his strength and become a famous sea thief, he was easily defeated by Zefa, then Admiral Zefa.

In order to survive, he did not hesitate to say such degrading words as “there are eighty old mothers and wives and children”, which allowed the other party to bypass his life.

Now he has great strength, and he has the support of many subordinates, plus now he is in the prime of life, but Zefa has slowly aged, and under the long run, it is not certain who wins and who loses in the fight.

After receiving intelligence that Zefa was taking naval interns on a military exercise at sea, he put down his affairs and rushed to it.

This time for revenge, he will definitely double the humiliation he received.

Some pirates are like this, either unappreciative or revenge for the forgiveness of others, regardless of their own right and wrong, destined to go further and further down the road of sin.

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