Zefa looked at the drawings of the old assault rifle in his hand and felt that it was a good thing, much superior to the guns equipped with the navy now, and believed that with this as a bargaining chip, he should be able to complete the affairs of wind governance.

When Zefa left, Fengzhi began to try to rectify domestic affairs and improve the laws and regulations.

Beihai is so big, it will obviously take a lot of effort to cultivate forces to penetrate into various fields.

Unconsciously, two years have passed, during this period, no force dares to attack, even if you occasionally encounter someone who is not afraid of death, send Genobia out, basically you can win the battle.

Since his debut, the opponents that Feng Zhi has encountered are extremely strong existences, and he has not bothered to pay attention to the provocations of some cats and dogs, and Genobia is a good follower.

After a period of observation, it was found that this guy had been tortured by himself to the point of temper, and Kazeji allowed him to re-establish the pirate group, responsible for patrolling the sea area and eradicating all the invading criminals.

After waiting for more than a year, news came from the world government, which can be regarded as tacit approval of the construction of military schools.

Under the great joy of Fengzhi, he once again gathered craftsmen to build a military academy base, which was completely built according to the standards of modern military camps in the previous life.

Anyone who responds to the recruitment and participates in the enlistment assessment can have a monthly subsidy of two thousand Baileys, but they need to meet the standard of physical fitness, which is comparable to the level of a gym coach in the previous life.

After completing the physical fitness test, speed, shooting, hand-to-hand combat and other events, as long as you achieve 60 points or more, you can pass.

Among them, about 79% of the new recruits are recruited every year, and the rest are new recruits from various countries.

The number of people enrolled is controlled at about 8,000 per year, and only these people need to graduate successfully in the later stage and participate in the fight against pirates.

In order to exercise their will, physique and comprehensive strength, Fengzhi simply taught a few moves such as military killing fists and modern fighting techniques, at least when they were against pirates, they would not attack blindly and disorderly.

The overall training intensity is controlled at about 50% higher than that of the Navy, and both men and women can join military schools as long as they are in good health, meet the standards, and are between the ages of 16 and 45.

Just because of these welfare systems, almost all the registration locations in June every year will be crowded, rushing to enter and register.

It is said that the military school is not only fully equipped and has equal status, but also has meat and full of nutrition, which is extremely rare in the pirate plane of general food and clothing.

In fact, this point is not difficult to solve, Feng Zhi will go to the sea to find sea kings to fight in order to exercise his strength on weekdays, and bring back ten heads after defeating, which is enough for these students to eat for several months.

As long as the fish in the sea are not enough to eat, so that now the fish in the North Sea have shadows in this area.

In terms of the scientific research department, the self-healing serum produced according to the blood of Feng Zhi can produce fifty serums every year, which can have one-tenth of his self-healing ability.

Nevertheless, it can also effectively alleviate the condition of some people with amputated limbs and disabled and terminally ill diseases.

In addition to leaving ten spares, the remaining forty will be personally sent by Fengzhi to the Chambord Islands for heavy gold auction, almost each of which has a market price of about 100 million, and the most generous ones are naturally those Draco who are very afraid of death.

If it weren’t for the strength not allowing, they even wanted to send someone to directly inquire about the source of this batch of serum.

Soldiers of the North Sea Division of the Navy with excellent results can also be given priority to use self-healing serum if they are severely damaged.

Originally, firearms have been eliminated, and now the weapons and guns of the Navy and the North Sea side are Type 56 and sniper rifles, which look similar in appearance, but in fact, it is clear that the performance of the North Sea side will be superior.

Time passed slowly, and after graduation, a group of students joined the North Sea Division of the Navy, and then Feng Zhi personally selected outstanding talents to be placed in it, and now two-thirds of the soldiers are people on their side.

In order to incite the active atmosphere of naval soldiers, Fengzhi holds an annual competition every year, and the top three winners will be rewarded with Devil Fruit, one of the six styles of the navy, and personally teach one-day cultivation and other benefits.

If nothing else, just taking out the devil fruit as a reward is enough to see the heritage of the Djerma Kingdom.

Even if a waste firewood is eaten, it can grow into a powerful combat force in a short time.

Since he decided to turn the Beihai Navy into his exclusive force, Fengzhi naturally would not skimp on funds to train them.

On the side of the naval headquarters, there is still nothing known about the movements on this side of the North Sea, after all, it is also a million troops, and it is impossible for each of them to do a detailed investigation of their identity background.

Fengzhi expected that the navy would also install undercover agents here, and according to the methods learned from “Infernal Affairs” in his previous life, he easily found these people, and finally made them have to surrender.

Whenever intelligence needs to be provided on the headquarters side, these undercover agents who have long since defected will pass back those painless news, causing the Warring States to sit there and also relax their hearts.

In this way, the naval headquarters does not have to worry about the problems on the North Sea side, and can concentrate on handling the affairs of the New World and the Great Shipping Route, and even the extra cost can train a brigadier general-level subordinate.

During the two years, after the affairs of the military academy, Fengji will stay alone in the exclusive training dojo, striving to use his various abilities more skillfully to cope with the battles that will come later.

On the other side, there are already three sea trains built by the chief of the iceberg shi, the capital of water, which is already in operation.

The maritime trade routes for the Kingdom of Djerma to cooperate with more than a dozen allied countries have also been determined, and there is a looming momentum of becoming the number one power among the member countries, and its position in the international community is growing day by day.

“Very good… In this way, the top management of Beihai has almost been erected by itself. ”

A giant luxury cruise ship with a length of 500 meters in the North Sea is drifting, which was designed by Fengji based on the shape of the Titanic in a previous life, which incorporates the shipbuilding technology of steel ships.

10,000 elite soldiers were selected from the Beihai military base and stationed on the ship, and then 2,000 trainees were transferred from the military academy to do sundries in peacetime, and did work such as serving tea and water in logistics.

Now Fengzhi can be regarded as having his own exclusive troops, just standing by the railing in a row of besieged cities, passing through major kingdoms on the way will cause a large number of people to watch, and the limelight is more eye-catching than Draco.

Today, I returned from the military base, picked out several undercover naval agents and severely punished them, and then returned on a cruise ship, making those people dare to be angry and dare not speak, who let the family provide a lot of money on military salaries over the years.

In these years, if you have money, you are a big guy, but the government cannot afford to pay salaries and secretly control the command.

Who is fit to be the master and judge highly!

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