Early the next morning, at the seaport of the Kingdom of Djerma.

Fengzhi’s exclusive Titanic luxury cruise ship is extremely dazzling when docked here, attracting a large number of people to stop and watch every day.

With such a large volume and the luxurious level of decoration, I don’t know that I thought that Draco had come here as a guest.

Only his own prince Fengji is worthy of this level of cruise ship.

“When you go to Justice Island this time, you still have to pay attention to proportions and stay calm, mainly to negotiate with the other party, as a prince, you must always deal with problems from the perspective of the kingdom, but don’t be very killer.”

Gaji persuaded bitterly, fearing that in a few days the news of Spandaine’s death would come out, and that would have been impossible to wash by jumping into the Yellow River.

The rash killing of world government officials, if held accountable at the top, is also a major crime.

Maybe the wind rule is strong, even in the face of the world government’s pursuit, it feels disdainful, but in the end it is the Djerma Kingdom that is unlucky.

“Don’t worry, I promise not to kill him.”

Feng Zhi said this on his lips, but in his heart, he said that it was okay to beat the other party to half death, right?

Subsequently, the 10,000 naval soldiers who disembarked were rectified, and the Titanic officially began to depart.

Justice Island is near the headquarters of the Great Route Navy and not far from the Undersea Propulsion City.

It is known as the “island that never sleeps” all year round, and all those who are escorted here are prisoners recognized by the world government, usually returning and returning.

In the original book, only the Straw Hat Pirates managed to escape once.

There are often 10,000 troops stationed on the island, usually of the soy sauce type.

But this time I went there, Fengji is not for the war, so there is no need to worry too much in terms of numbers.

On the way to Justice Island, the previous people found out Spandyne’s pigtails, and finally had results, combined with the understanding of the plot, it is not difficult to do this.

On this day, Spandyne again threatens Gaji to raise the fee, and then goes to drink at the bar in what is now the town.

Since the pocket is not bad for money, he ordered some expensive wine, and he also sat down with several beautiful women smoothly, and smashed money hard to make them obey him.

There are many women in this world who fancy material life, and many beautiful women present saw Spandyne generous, and they were even more noble, and they all smiled and walked over to pull each other to drink.

“This kind of drunken gold fan life is enjoyment, and I really have to thank that guy Kaji.”

Spandyne said maniacally, sounding a little arrogant.

After the tea was full, Spandyne called the waiter, ready to call the “special service”

After the money and status were satisfied, he naturally thought of asking a beautiful woman to accompany him.

At this time, Fengzhi also came to the outside of the tavern with the Tianli sword, and his costume was very secret.

Under the domineering perception of seeing and smelling, it is very easy to find a person’s whereabouts.

“That person must be Spandyne, right?”

Seeing the man in the tavern, who was hugging his sister left and right, laughing wantonly, Fengji quickly determined the identity of the other party based on the comparison in the photo.

“Overlord color domineering!”

A wave of overwhelming momentum shocked the audience, and everyone present was stunned.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Feng Zhi quickly stepped forward to mention Spandyne and left.

Ordinary Spandyne would come here to spend, often for several days, so as not to let his members follow, so as not to disturb his good deeds.

His guards also felt accustomed to it, and did not feel suspicious, not knowing that Spandyne had been abducted by the other party and did not react for a long time.

“Who are you? What do you want to tie me up here? ”

Inside a secret room, the lights are dim, the cold wind blows, and the candles on the strong are illuminated by the terrifying torture instruments.

As soon as Spandyne woke up, he saw himself in a horror movie-like scene and panicked.

Kazeji wears a black cloak that covers his entire figure and puts down the bucket that splashes the other party awake.

“You bastard! Do you know what kind of existence you are provoking? ”

“Let go of me! Otherwise, I’ll ask my men to tear you to pieces. ”

“It’s really unreasonable, you will die if you fall into my hands in the future!”

Although Kaji instructs him to kill people with his passive hands, Kazeji has the means to make the other party live worse than death.

Hiding in the shadows and watching Spandyne yelling like a mad dog, he began to think about how to deal with it.

After shouting for a long time, Spandyne never saw anyone coming, and his heart couldn’t help but feel a little flustered.

He has offended too many enemies in his life, so it is difficult to guess the identity of the other party.

Moreover, in these years, if you want to take revenge on people, sometimes you don’t need to do it yourself, just hire a killer to do it.

Spandyne now really regretted that he had too much fun with the beautiful women in the tavern and drove his men far away, which caused the guards he brought to the rescue at the first time.

It is no wonder that who in this world dares to wantonly provoke the officials of the world government, even if those pirates have this boldness, they will never use this method of tying themselves up.

Just now he said his identity, but he didn’t even deter the other party, which made Spandyne not know what to do.

Being able to be fearless of naval majesty, an enemy of this level is quite troublesome to deal with.

He can only pray now that the other party is not the kind of sea thief who has a mortal feud with him, so there is still room for negotiation.

As the saying goes, “the richer the person, the more afraid of death”, Spandyin finally climbed the cash cow of the Jericho Kingdom, and hundreds of millions of Baileys are waiting to spend in the future, but they don’t want to die here.

Not to mention that when he died, he didn’t even know the identity of the other party.

This time, in order to give Spandyne a little color, Fengzhi specially asked a blacksmith to take out all the torture tools of the “Ten Tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty” in his previous life, and each one made people’s scalps numb.

Spandyne saw the shape of some torture instruments, and even the cruel use of these tools came to mind.

Hours passed, and Fengji didn’t even provide each other with food and fresh water.

Who let this guy be too noisy at the beginning, not to consume the other party’s strength, and then it will not be able to continue.

As for the other party’s personal entourage, he had already handed it over to several elite guards to deal with.

If the news of Spandarin’s disappearance spreads, it will attract the attention of the Navy on Justice Island, and it will be a headache to attract a large number of officers and soldiers to deal with.

“This guy really looks like a beating up the more he looks.”

Looking into such a villain’s face really makes people look at it with half a good feeling.

If you want to blame, blame him for being too greedy, knowing that he is not easy to mess with and blackmail threats, just wait to face hell!

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