“See? There is a super powerful teenager on the island, who has already killed a lot of Don Quixote people, and I feel that the better days are coming. ”

“Really? Each of those people is a person with extraordinary combat power, so that they can also kill this amazing character on the spot. ”

“I heard that the other party is Feng Zhi from the North Sea Derma Kingdom, and this Dressrosa is completely saved.”

In the streets and alleys of Dressrosa, countless people hid here and discussed the situation of the battle, all hoping that Fengzhi would win the final victory and drive those arrogant and arrogant guys out of this land.

They have also heard a little about the name of Fengzhi, whether in cultivation or business, they are wizards, and even millions of naval soldiers under his jurisdiction are under his jurisdiction.

Such a handsome man with extraordinary potential is simply the crush of all the girls in the entire sea.

Legend has it that Fengji is seventeen years old this year, and he has long reached the age of talking about marriage, and many girls with expectations are secretly praying in their hearts, even if they are concubines.

Fengzhi, who was on the battlefield, did not expect that he was so popular with the girl at this time, and many of the remaining Don Quixote senior cadres still had combat capabilities, and seemed to have begun to desperately stop their steps.

“Final blast!”

Guladius raised his hands and threw a boulder-sized bomb towards Fengji, only to be dodged by the opponent’s wit, and the last kick flew high in the air and exploded, as if it was setting off fireworks.

“It’s really annoying, isn’t it good to pay attention to environmental protection with less bombs and gunpowder and the like?”

“Finger gun, vacuum fire bolt!”

The right hand is likened to the shape of a pistol, and the wind rule points towards the ancient Ladius in the distance, and the power of the fierce shot is comparable to that of the Desert Eagle, and it is shot in the form of high-speed continuous fire, which is very terrifying.

Bang bang!

Guladius had never seen this kind of move, and his body was covered in dozens of blood holes, and it seemed obvious that he would not survive this kind of damage.

“I didn’t expect… I actually died this way! ”

Closing his eyes wearily, he had done everything he could to stop the other party, even if he was about to die.

It seems that the Don Quixote family is in trouble today, and I only hope that Brother Ming can ask for his own blessings.

“You bastard, you actually gave all my companions!”

Since the beginning of the battle, three partners have died, and they can work together under the same organization, and they have some feelings for each other, and the death of their partners has caused their extreme indignation.

“Battle is like this, if you are afraid of death, then go and be an ordinary person, and as Brother Ming’s subordinates, you should have such an awareness a long time ago.”

Fengzhi said contemptuously and indifferently, touching the Tianli in his hand and preparing to destroy the Don Quixote family today.

At this time, Señor, an underground fruit realm, is secretly lurking, ready to quietly approach the wind rule, his ability is to be able to swim on the surface of any object, and ripples will ripple around him when moving.

The ability of the water fruit is not very prominent in battle, and at most it can only achieve the effect of surprise attack.

At this moment, seeing Kazeji standing still, Seignol took the opportunity to rush out of the ground, grabbed the other party’s feet, and shouted: “It’s now!” Hurry up and attack his vital point, don’t worry about my life or death! ”

It seems that in order to kill the other party, Seignol is ready to sacrifice at any time.

“This way of fighting is really tricky.”

Feng Zhi tried to break free, but he didn’t expect that the opponent’s wrist strength was amazing, and it seemed that he had stimulated all his strength.

“Well done! That’s how we continue to hold him, let’s hurry up! ”

Jorah is an artistic fruit power, able to turn any fantasy into reality, and a large amount of transparent smoke like bubble clouds is sprayed from the palm of his hand to Fengji, and as long as he is touched by this smoke, he will be assimilated into a work of art and left to his own slaughter.

“Moon Step Volley!”

For this peculiar ability, Kazeji felt that it was better to dodge far away, and a few qi bursts shot out from under his feet, driving Senior to rush into the air, and his speed was not affected in the slightest.

“Get out of my way!”

After a 360-degree backflip in the air and spinning, he kicked Seignol violently and flew away, and the contained force directly crushed the opponent’s heart, vomiting blood and flying upside down, which was already dead

“Sword Qi Storm!”

Drawing out the Tianli sword and spinning and flying in the air, a wave of air like a howling wind directly dispersed Jora’s artistic spray, driving straight into the chest of Jora.

Two high-ranking cadres were lost one after another, and all the remaining combatants did not dare to step forward, and even felt the urge to escape.

Even the cadres who ranked high in combat power in the family died tragically, not to mention these war scum.

“Without the permission of Lord Fengzhi, you are not allowed to escape!”

Although he can’t intervene in the battle, but if he wants to stop the enemy from escaping, Hancock blows a pink heart to catch it with his index finger, and shoots it towards the escape route of baby5 in the position of a pistol.

Everything that was shot was petrified, which made Baby5 feel a little alarmed.

Perhaps it was too violent, Hancock carelessly shot baby5’s body directly, and suddenly the place where it hit continued to petrify around, and it turned into a stone statue in a few seconds.

“Oh, sorry! The concubine seems to have lost her hand. ”

Hancock covered his mouth and said in panic, Fang Cai Fengzhi specially instructed not to make a move, she didn’t want to be the kind of disobedient woman.

“Forget about killing and killing, just save my hand.” Kazeji shook his head to show that it didn’t matter, but instead made Hancock grateful for the other party’s tolerance and generosity.


At this time, Pika unleashed the full power of the stone fruit and turned into a fifty-zhang tall stone giant, and he was furious to see many of his companions on the field die tragically one after another, and a giant stone sword condensed in his hand and smashed down angrily towards the top of Fengzhi’s head.

“How dare to give my companion …. Go to hell! ”

With a roar of thunder, the giant stone sword wielded a gust of wind, and the powerful slash was enough to bombard the island violently, as if it was experiencing an earthquake.

“What’s the rush? The next person to accompany them on their journey is you! ”

Feng Zhi raised his hand and blasted out into the sky, and a huge fist shadow with an indomitable momentum directly bombarded the giant stone sword to smithereens, turning into scattered stone debris in the sky, instantly dissolving this powerful offensive into invisible.

“Ready to die?”

Kaido don’t look at the huge size, the speed of movement is also very amazing, the ground has been stepped on several deep pits, straight to grab the wind and fight to death.

He took the initiative to invite the other party to join the pirate group, but he didn’t give face at all, and it was difficult to vent his anger if he didn’t beat Feng Zhi fiercely.

Seeing that he was about to be caught up by the other party, Feng Zhi used the moon step and shave, and the speed of the body once again broke through the sound barrier, and the long sword in his hand was even more frequently pointed, taking the initiative to attack, and the sword drove straight in, piercing the opponent’s point.


Feng Zhi Tianli stabbed at the other party’s heart, but it was difficult to advance at all, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.

“Your weapon is good, but it’s a little worse than hurting me.”

Kaido’s words showed contempt, and he did not put the opponent’s sword move in his eyes, even Hawkeye Mihawk’s slash was difficult to hurt himself, let alone this little devil who did not know the height of the sky.

“Are you sure?”

With a chuckle, Feng Zhi Shi rushed into the wine twice in a row, and instantly came behind the other party, and the thirty sword qi accumulated in his body violently erupted, flashing a brilliant and extreme dazzling cold light, and suddenly pierced Kaido’s skin and flesh three inches, shedding a large amount of blood.

“You actually?”

Kaido covered his wounds, unable to believe that the other party could hurt himself.

Even if any of the supreme large knives in the world could not leave traces on his body, the other party could actually pierce his own flesh and skin.


Kaido was furious, and an extremely strong murderous aura rushed towards him, making the entire arena feel like they were falling into an ice cave, feeling the illusion that they were about to suffocate.

Suddenly grabbing the wind ji who was moving at high speed, Kaido’s power doubled in his hand, and he used it as a hammer to smash back and forth towards the ground, and the force of the shot was very terrifying.

Feng Zhi couldn’t break free from the other party’s restraints, and after the passive hammer smashed the ground hundreds of times, there were bloody injuries all over his body.

“The kid gives you another chance, do you want to join the Hundred Beast Pirate Group?!”

In the face of Dokaido’s fierce threat, Kazeji’s heart did not waver in the slightest, but instead burst out the power of Zeus, desperately exporting all the electricity into the opponent’s head.

Reaching a hundred thousand volts of thunder and lightning that was as powerful as the clouds on a thunderstorm day, Kaido felt a pang of pain under the ravages of Zeus, and actually opened his mouth to scream, as if he was being tortured by something.

Feeling that the power of thunder in the Western mythological system can effectively cause damage, Feng Zhi tried to integrate the power of the Samadhi True Fire, and the thunder and flame were mixed, and the number of reactions produced increased geometrically.

A wave that was almost close to a small nuclear bomb exploded, raising a small mushroom cloud in the arena.

“What a powerful power!”

Zefa and Kuzan, Yellow Ape, and Red Dog rushed to the scene, and found that after Kaido was engulfed by thunder flames, the rising mushroom cloud was about to break through the sky, and the strong explosion left a huge pit fifty meters in size on the field, and they were all moved.

The power of the Samadhi True Fire made Akainu feel very strange, as if this strange flame was even more special than his own magma, and it continued to burn on the field as if it would never be extinguished.

“What kind of freak is this, which can also exert elemental power without relying on the Devil Fruit?”

Obviously, the ability of wind rule is born outside the cultivation system of the pirate world, if this power continues to skyrocket, not only will the potential be above the devil fruit, but it can also avoid being restrained by the power of the sea.

This is already comparable to the demigods in ancient legends

After suffering the fusion bombardment of thunder and Samadhi true fire, Kaido found it difficult to extinguish this strange flame, and in anger, he directly transformed into the form of a green dragon, turning into a five-clawed true dragon and galloping in midair.

“Is this guy scared by me and transformed? All ready to defend! ”

Under the reminder of Fengzhi, everyone in the arena all took a defensive posture, looking at the green dragon Kaido who was brewing a big move, and only felt that a palpitating force was rapidly forming.

Kaido actually stormed away in the burning of the Samadhi True Fire! _

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