In order to inflict maximum damage on his Thunder Fruit ability and effectively deal blows to Wind Rule, Anilu flew to the Ark Proverbs airship and created a large number of dark clouds out of thin air, faintly flashing countless thunder and lightning.

Immediately afterwards, Anilu released all the power of thunder and lightning in the direction where the dark clouds were, and the lightning factor inside was affected, and it was induced to rage violently, forming countless lightning bolts that fell downward.

“Feel the judgment from the thunder of doom”

Countless slashing lightning bolts were pulled by some kind, and all of them gathered on the head of Feng Zhi and appeared.


A towering ancient tree-like thick lightning thunder fell, like a tide suddenly falling, and the coercion exuded made people tremble.

Nine thunder dragons in the air rushed up from all directions, wanting to engulf the wind rule, and the power of thunder and lightning contained in it was crazy, enough to destroy everything in the world.

“Good to go… Just to strengthen my Zeus power. ”

Feng Zhi let go of his whole body, allowing endless thunder to wreak havoc in his body, and the power of Zeus did his best to devour all the electricity from Anilu, providing the level of thunder and lightning power.

Then a scene that made Anilu feel stunned appeared, on the surface it looked like Feng Zhi was in pain, and he was enduring the ravages brought by thunder, but there was a hint of satisfaction in his painful expression.

On the contrary, the thunder and lightning slashed wildly for so long, and they didn’t let this guy suffer a single injury.

“Could it be that this kid has been completely immune to the power of lightning?” Anilu secretly guessed, feeling that this was unlikely, even if he was a person who controlled the fruit ability of lightning, he did not dare to have such confidence.

In the rest of the empty island, all the inhabitants of the island looked in the direction where the island of the gods was located, in awe of the amount of thunder power controlled by Anilu, unless they encountered an opponent, they could not make such a big movement.

However, in the past, many people came to provoke the majesty of Anilu, but they did not make such a big move, which is enough to see that the opponent this time is very strong.

However, they have always believed that Anilu, as the patron saint of the island, has a unique advantage, no matter what kind of enemy they face.

Living on the empty island all year round made them cut off from the outside world, not knowing that the new world outside had characters who were no less than Anilu.

The idea that Anilu is the strongest in the world has long been deeply imprinted in their hearts.

Feeling that the power of Zeus was gradually increasing, Feng Zhi was shocked, and suddenly felt that it was not so painful, but suspended in the air, closed his eyes and enjoyed the pleasure brought by the strength becoming stronger.

“Not good! The momentum on this kid…”

Sensing that something was wrong, Anilu hurriedly wanted to take back the power of thunder, but unexpectedly found that his power was being quickly absorbed by Feng Zhi, and he couldn’t retreat like a dog skin plaster.

“The power of Ding Zeus has been upgraded to S level, congratulations on reaching S level.”

With the prompt sound of the system, the wind rule stopped absorbing the amount of lightning energy, and the power of Zeus seemed to reach saturation, and it did not have much effect on absorbing it.

“You… What the hell have you done to me? ”

When Anilu recovered the power of lightning, he felt that the whole person had a feeling of collapse, as if he had been squeezed dry by unscrupulous profiteers.

“Don’t worry! In the future, the god of this island will be me, you better obediently get out of here!” ”

At this time, Fengzhi, who was full of power, felt that he could cast a large thunder net, completely covering the entire island in sight, and his control over thunder and lightning was far deeper than that of Thor, the god of thunder.

Fortunately, Anilu’s recovery ability was amazing, and after a brief reprieve, he was able to fully exert the power of the Thunder Fruit again.

Hearing the insults in the other party’s words, Anilu felt a fire, and he used his physical skills at close range, and the power that thunder and lightning covered his fists and feet could create.

Fengzhi stepped on the electric light and dodged quickly, his body constantly leaving afterimages in the air, changing his position at any time, and occasionally being able to slash a sword at them, looking very relaxed.

A blow damage of this magnitude is nothing more than raising the thunder and lightning to a terrifying current that is scary enough, followed by the formation of several animal shapes to attack the enemy, which does not have much impact.

In the original work, except for the rubber man Luffy who can restrain Anilu in terms of genus, now only his own who controls lightning and lightning can perfectly crush the other party.

For Anilu, being able to use the thunder power to 200 million volts is already the limit, and the damage of the thunder skill released by the thunder god is increased to the extreme.

“Qinglian Sword Song!”

As the wind ruled and drank, a sword pierced out, leaving countless green lotus phantoms in the void, blooming and sweeping around with sword qi, and the body was like a wind phantom rushing left and right to kill the whole scene.

The sword qi was rampant, and among them, the power of the carrier’s thunder and lightning and flame were intertwined, striking towards the key point of Anilu.

Anilu felt the fluctuations from the sword qi, and wanted to dodge, but found that his body became very stiff, and he seemed to have fallen deeply into the oppression of the opponent’s momentum.


Although she desperately urged the power of thunder to resist, Anilu still saw that her chest had been pierced by sword qi, and the extreme pain that came out made her unable to roar loudly.

A sword hit Anilu hard, and Thor’s state was lifted, falling on the Ark Proverbs, his breath was disordered, and he was constantly coughing, with a heroic apocalyptic atmosphere.

“Where did I offend you, and the good and decent did such a big thing, since there is no injustice and no hatred, why do you need to make such a fuss.”

If the inhabitants of the island saw this scene, their jaws would drop in shock, and the god-like man actually issued a willingness to compromise to a mortal teenager.

This made the Gundam image of Anilu in their hearts begin to collapse in an instant.

Anilu also felt helpless, in the face of this kind of existence that could threaten his life, no matter how cold and arrogant he was in the past, he could only show humility at this moment.

“You didn’t offend me, to be honest, I also just came here, and when I heard someone claiming to be a god, I couldn’t help but want to teach a lesson.”

Fengzhi said bluntly with his hands in his hands, in the original work, this guy was unhappy, and those who had the ability of the Devil Fruit could also call themselves gods, and they wanted to beat them up when they saw that look.

Hearing Fengji’s answer, Anilu was depressed and wanted to spray blood wildly, he just defeated the previous king and inherited his identity and name, but he did not expect that this would also attract the dissatisfaction of others.

“Don’t be too proud of you bastard.”

Anilu Qingjian was exposed, and the current released from his body actually exceeded 200 million critical points, taking a step to a higher level. _

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