As soon as Lena listened to her mother’s words, her face instantly turned red, red to the root of her ears, where had she ever had a boyfriend, a man who had never touched her heart. Fengzhi was also flustered, thinking that they had misunderstood, and hurriedly said, “No, it’s not like this, Lena and I are just friends, I happened to see it when I was bullied just now, I saved her, I just happened to have nowhere to go, and my stomach was a little hungry, so I followed.” “In any case, it’s better to explain, anyway, you can’t let girls be wronged for their own reasons.”

Lena hasn’t come back to her senses, she thinks again, it’s so strange, why was her heart suddenly moved by being asked by her mother? Am I in love with Fengzhi, no, no, no, impossible, how could it be!

Thinking about it carefully, she was indeed a little moved when he saved herself, and at this time, watching Fengzhi so anxious to argue, she was a little disappointed in her heart, and she hoped that Fengzhi actually liked herself.

After listening to Fengzhi’s words, Lina’s mother said disappointedly: “Oh, it turned out to be like this, and then said, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s all to blame the aunt, it’s the aunt who misunderstood, thank you child.” “Actually, she still likes Fengzhi quite a lot, I really hope that she can be her son-in-law, and the two are also very compatible.”

Lena’s father also came over to Kazeji and said, “Thank you, child, hero out of boy, didn’t you say hungry just now, come and eat.” ”

So a group of people came to the table and sat down, while eating, chatting with the sky, after eating, Lena’s mother said to her daughter, “Daughter, it’s still early, you accompany Fengzhi on our island, so that you can have a good time.” How can Lena not understand her mother’s meaning, which means to let the two of you be alone, communicate and cultivate feelings, and after the two left, Lena’s mother said to Lena’s father, “Old Li, what do you say about this young man, I think he is good.” Lena’s dad replied, “Well, I feel that too, but ah, kid, let’s leave it alone.” ”

Fengzhi and Lina walked together, Lena introduced to Fengzhi, like a tour guide, very patient, when the two walked under the rows of fruit trees, a fruit fell, Fengzhi picked it up casually, I didn’t understand what kind of fruit it was, I had never seen it, turned to Lina and asked, “What kind of fruit is this, it looks so ugly, can I eat it?” Lena said, “Of course, you can eat it, but ah, Gu said that this fruit tree was left by the creation god of the year, it is very rare, you see that other fruit trees have no fruit, only this fruit tree is considered this, only a total of two, and this fruit is only met with people with fortune, ordinary people have no reaction after eating, and people with fate eat this fruit, he will have a skill, so this fruit is still particularly magical.” ”

“Those fruit trees are not actually fruitless, but when people hear this legend, they rush to pick and eat, but as the fruit gradually decreases, no one has skills, or special functions, but you can try.” As soon as Kazeji heard Lena’s words, he thought to himself that it would be no harm to try it. After eating this fruit in one bite, his body did not change much, and Fengzhi did not pay attention to it, and said to Lena: “It seems that I am not the person who has a fortune, let’s continue walking, take me around the island to see, I want to find some wind shells to drive my baby.” Lena wondered, unable to understand for a while.

Lena tentatively asked Xiang Fengzhi, “What kind of baby, is it convenient to tell me?” Fengji smiled playfully, he couldn’t imagine that this Lena was so curious, and he couldn’t tell her directly, “This baby!” It’s a good baby, but I won’t tell you what kind of baby it is, hahaha…” Lena immediately said angrily when she heard it, “Annoying, annoying, don’t pay attention to you anymore, it’s all bad.” “At this moment, the girl’s heart rose.

Fengzhi followed Lena silently, walking step by step, slowly the house disappeared, the hawking stall disappeared, walking for a long time, Lena stopped and said to Fengzhi, “We arrived, the front is, but there are heavy guards here, Fengbei doesn’t look very good to take, or let’s buy some with the Belitos.” Feng Zhi looked at the situation in front of him, in front of him was a large iron gate, the iron gate was surrounded by a transparent wall, and there were patrolling people walking alternately inside the wall, and there was a circle of guardrails in the middle, and the inside of the guardrail should be where Feng Bei was. Thinking about it, Kazeji said to Lena, “You wait for me here, I’ll come when I go.” Lena said worriedly, “I’ll go with you, I’m scared here.” ”

Fengji said, “Don’t be afraid, there is danger ahead, I can’t take you over, you can honestly stay here, don’t run around, call me if something happens, I’ll be there immediately.” When the words fell, Fengzhi jumped left and right at great speed, and the movements under his feet were very light and light, and he tiptoed to the edge of the wall and lay down. Fengzhi was looking for an opportunity, he had just calculated in his mind the gap between their alternates, and decided to take advantage of that time to sneak in, Fengzhi was not sure how many people were inside, and did not dare to take risks. After a long time, when the opportunity came, Kazeji jumped up, climbed into the wall, dodged, ran, jumped, found a cover, lay down, and waited for the opportunity. Just when Fengzhi was hiding, the conversation between the two men made Fengzhi hear it word for word. “Greedy Wolf, tell me why we were assigned from the Heavenly Dragon Clan to guard the wind shell here, this thing doesn’t seem to be important.” The greedy wolf said, “How can it not matter, do you know that these wind shells are used to provide energy for naval ships.” The man asked puzzled, “Powered by the Navy?” How did the Navy pass through here? The greedy wolf said, “The instructions of the Draco Clan are highly secret, and I don’t know why the navy passed here. The man said, “Oh, that’s the case, so why not put the wind shell in a safer place, wouldn’t it be too conspicuous to put it directly here.” ”

The greedy wolf said: “You don’t understand this, the most dangerous place is the safest place, the most important purpose of placing it here is to let those pirates in the secret to destroy, we can take this opportunity to get rid of them.” Feng Zhi thought to himself, “It’s too much that such a vicious idea can be made.” “Fengzhi took advantage of everyone’s lack of attention, quietly approached the two people led by the greedy wolf, trying to get rid of the violence Anliang, just when Fengzhi was about to start, a person ran out of the house and quickly ran towards the direction of the greedy wolf, Fengzhi hurriedly hid and waited for the opportunity.

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