Now it seems like there is a devil's tempting voice constantly lingering in Aokiji's ears. As long as he sacrifices Momotosagi, he can become the marshal. Then he can realize his lifelong ambition and let the navy execute what he thinks is right and justice. On the other hand, if he rejects the Five Elders this time, the position of marshal will become confusing.

The atmosphere suddenly became much more solemn, and even the sea breeze could not blow away the haze in the hearts of the navy.

All the navy focused their attention on Aokiji.

He was the commander of this operation.

If Admiral Aokiji really wanted to start a war, then as navy members, they would definitely obey orders, even if it would result in heavy casualties.

What the navy is worried about is that there are too many variables, and there is no chance of victory.

Compared with the opponent's combat power, there is not an overwhelming gap.

If unexpected forces join in during the battle, then they, the navy, will be in danger.


Garp's shout shook Aokiji's body. He began to hesitate and decided not to start a war. His companions' lives were more important than the position of marshal.

When Thrall and others were watching coldly and the navy was in agony, a scream suddenly broke the solemn atmosphere.

A lava fist hit CP0 who was caught off guard, turning the instigator into ashes. A beautiful strong woman appeared in the middle of the stage.

As everyone was stunned, Akainu's heroic figure had helped the navy make a decision, and his cold voice spread throughout the army.

"This is a spy of the Revolutionary Army. His purpose is to make our navy fight to the death with the Pirate King Roger. Killing this man is my decision alone. If there is any impact afterwards, I will bear it all."

Akainu looked around the navy and continued in a decisive voice.

"I believe the World Government will not issue such an order. Vice Admiral Taotu is still in the hands of the other party. This is not in the interests of the World Government and the Navy. All navies are valuable partners and no partner can be abandoned."


The speech that was inconsistent with Akainu's previous plan made the scene eerily silent, but soon some marines could not help but cheer, their eyes full of admiration. Everyone wants a leader who cherishes his subordinates, and at this moment, the performance of Aokiji and Akainu was immediately different.

Garp watched as Akainu won back the hearts of the marines, and even the vice admirals who were the backbone of the navy were moved. As a veteran, he had anticipated that Akainu's reputation would rise to a higher level, as long as he could withstand the pressure from the Five Elders, it would be hard to say whether he would be able to become the marshal.

The figure in red clothes became pleasing to the eye, and Garp's mouth curled up a little, and he could not help but sigh.

"Hey, Kuzan, you are a step slower again, but I don't hate Akainu's change."

That's right. Originally, although Akainu's iron-blooded Garp did not object, he was a little disgusted. But that was only in the past. Garp admired the current Akainu. He is powerful, has a huge reputation and appeal, and cherishes his subordinates. Isn't this the former Sengoku? No, or it is even more perfect than Sengoku.

At least the former Sengoku did not dare to disobey the orders of the Five Elders, but Akainu directly regarded the unreasonable orders of the Five Elders as nonsense, and now he has scattered the ashes of CP0. Akainu, who was unpredictable, looked at Aokiji, who was also stunned, and said coldly

"Aokiji, the next thing is up to you. You are the commander of this operation."

Aokiji's mouth twitched. You just remembered who the commander was. You didn't care about the commander's feelings when you took action. But the other party's behavior did help him, and he didn't have to bear the main responsibility for solving the problem.

Aokiji looked at Tina in Sal's arms with an apologetic look and said seriously

"Roger, you also see that this is a conspiracy of the revolutionary army. Do you still want to fight a big battle and let those with ulterior motives succeed?"

"Since it is the conspiracy of Garp's son, I will let you go for Garp's sake."

Saar held Tina and retreated with an indifferent face, while Tina looked at the man who protected her with mixed feelings.

In fact, the development of things to this point was a bit unexpected for Sal, Akainu would go all out to kill CP0. Although she could gain the support of the navy, the cost of offending the Five Elders was much more serious than the benefits.

When Sal boarded his ship, he did not forget to mock Garp again.

"Karp, remember to tell your son not to do these shameful things in the future, otherwise I will help his father teach him a lesson."


Garp's face turned black, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching, just like he had Parkinson's disease. Roger, that bastard, kept talking about dragons, which was clearly meant to disgust him. But even if Garp was filled with anger, he just clenched his fists and made terrible noises. He couldn't cause any more trouble at this time.

Soon, the fleets of both sides left the scene. What was originally thought to be a fight between dragons and tigers ended in such a whimper.

The only victim was the CP0 who was crushed to ashes, both physically and mentally. The two Celestial Dragons on the navy ship cursed CP0. They had finally escaped from the tiger's mouth, but CP0 actually wanted to start another war and put them in danger.

On the other hand, Akainu's behavior would inevitably aggravate the gap between himself and even the entire navy and the World Government, and Thrall also ushered in his own storm.......

Lu Jiu stood in front of Sar and looked at the woman in his arms, especially her slightly bulging belly.

Even if Tina's face was not powdered, she was as beautiful as a lotus flower emerging from the water. Being pregnant made her even more maternal. Lu Jiu had to praise her.

"You are indeed a rare beauty in the world. No wonder you have attracted a certain playboy. It is someone who has caused you to suffer for the past month."

Tina was a little confused when someone nodded and commented.

"Who are you, lady?"

"Let the man holding you explain."

Lu Jiu's reminder made Tina realize that she was still in Sal's arms. She immediately broke free and asked Sal to introduce himself with a puzzled look.

The three of them stared at each other.


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