Luffy didn't understand this, but he was looking forward to the Pirate King teaching him, so he asked Ace, who hadn't yet recovered his manhood,

"Ace, is it possible that your father taught us?"

Ace was lying on a big rock, chewing a piece of grass, and answered casually.

"I don't know either, maybe it's him."

Thinking of Sal's arrival, Ace also had some expectations in his heart. In the past two months, thanks to Luju's unremitting efforts, he no longer resented Roger, and began to understand and face up to their parent-child relationship.

Nearly three months have passed, and with the company of his mother,"Roger" and many people, he has walked out of the haze of Whitebeard's death.

Ace raised his white arms, and under her concentration, they completely turned into jet-black armed color. The armed color domineering reached a rapid entanglement in just two months and has reached the intermediate level. The strengthening of the body and the comprehension of armed color domineering have made the stagnant strength advance by leaps and bounds.

He began to understand what Kaido once said, that only domineering is the strongest on the sea. When the fruit development progress is stuck and the body strength cannot be increased quickly, Haki is the only direction.

Moreover, the Haki of the top strong men makes him look forward to it even more. He and the Four Emperors also have the qualifications of Conqueror's Haki, but it's a pity that Rayleigh said before leaving that his Conqueror's Haki strength is still a little short.

But it doesn't matter. With so many teachers teaching, it is still possible to comprehend it. Moreover, Rayleigh said that"Roger"'s Haki is the strongest and the most extreme.

Luffy looked at Ace's delicate face and arms with envy from time to time. He still hasn't been able to entangle the armed color at will. Now he continues to return to the days of being abused by Ace in sparring, and it feels weird that his brother has become a sister.

In the group of six, not only the two of them have mastered Armament Haki, but even Bonnie has also mastered Armament Haki, although she is not as good as Luffy. But this is also something for Bonnie to be happy about, after all, her physical strength is several levels lower than Luffy.

As for Runti and the other two who were originally in the Beasts Pirates, they have already mastered Armament Haki, but during this period of time, they have increased a lot in the three aspects of fruit development, physical skills, and Haki.

Although Rayleigh's one-month course did not teach them advanced Haki skills, it also laid a solid foundation for them and broadened their horizons.

If Rayleigh knew what Sal once thought of his teacher, he would definitely disdainfully retort.

Only those who lay a solid foundation for students are good teachers. In front of his legendary teacher, Kaido is nothing, at most just a remedial crash course.

While everyone was talking, Luffy felt a floating force blessing him. Not only him, but all the six people present were floating in the air

"What happened? I was floating?"

"Is it a devil fruit ability?"

A familiar laugh from a distance interrupted the surprise of the six people.

"Hahahaha, you will be my masters for the next month. It is your honor to have me teach you little guys."

"Golden lion?"

"It's Golden Lion."

The other five people heard the laughter and knew who the person was. Only Luffy didn't know. When he saw the familiar blond figure of Golden Lion, he immediately asked as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

"Shiki the Golden Lion, why are you here?"

Luffy's information about the Golden Lion was still more than three months ago. He only remembered that the other party almost destroyed their pirate group.

"Gear 2"

Without any hesitation, Luffy entered his strongest state and wanted to take the initiative, but was stopped by Ace who knew the situation and explained for his silly brother.

"Luffy, don't mess around. Senior Golden Lion is our teacher for the next month. He is now.....It's my father's crew."

Luffy was stunned by the sudden information. No one had mentioned this to him for so many days. Moreover, he had just defeated the Golden Lion three months ago, but now he was the other party's apprentice?

Even if Luffy was not very smart, he knew that he would definitely be tricked.

Such a strange development was unacceptable to him for a while. Luffy immediately shook his head frantically to refuse.

"I don't want the Golden Lion to teach me. He wanted to destroy the East China Sea some time ago, and I defeated him."


Everyone was also shocked by what Luffy suddenly said. The navy did not publicize Golden Lion's defeat, so few people on the sea knew about Golden Lion's shameful record. Of course, people with strong intelligence capabilities like Kaido still knew about it.

They kept looking between Luffy and Golden Lion. The legendary pirate Golden Lion actually lost to the fledgling Luffy?

Eska Shell also knew about this for the first time. He only now realized the weird expression on Sal's face when he asked Golden Lion to be his teacher. It turned out that his"father" knew about the things between them. Luffy would be miserable in this month.

As expected by everyone, Golden Lion came down with a dark face. The appearance of Luffy in front of him was very annoying to him, but he did not explain too much about the defeat at that time. Losing is losing, there is nothing to explain.

"Hahaha, Straw Hat Boy Luffy, you don’t want me to teach you, but I will teach you anyway. You have no right to refuse here."

Luffy shook his head even faster.

"I don't want it. I absolutely don't want it."


The golden lion suddenly showed a strange smile, approached Luffy and said slowly, like an old fox setting a trap for its prey

"How about this, if you can hold out for 5 minutes under my hand, I will let you leave here, otherwise you have to accept my teachings obediently."

"Okay, if I lose, I will accept you as my teacher."

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