Several seagulls flew over Urki's head, using their sharp beaks to catch fleas. The harassment of the seagulls did not disturb the monk's waiting. When Urki felt the fishhook moving, he opened his eyes and felt a mysterious feeling.

Just as Urki took back the fishhook and smiled, a high-tech submarine suddenly surfaced to his surprise. The streamlined hull caused many people to scream.

"Is this a ship that can sink into the sea?"

As a Sky Islander, Urugi was not really aware of the existence of submarines. Many people around him were also attracted by the Kubi submarine.

Under the onlookers, the cover of the submarine was opened, and a sturdy man who was no smaller than Urugi jumped out. He looked around with fierce eyes, giving people a sense of majesty without anger.

The sturdy man was wearing a black military uniform, and his burly tendons were stronger than Urugi.

The man didn't care about the pointing and talking of the people around him, and walked towards the island on his own. His burly body and serious expression, the terrible momentum made the weak shudder.

"Who is this person? It gives me the feeling of facing a large sea king."

"I don't know either, but I feel like I've seen him somewhere before."

Seeing the powerful presence of the newcomer, Urouge, as a member of the Sal Pirates, immediately asked

"Who are you and what is your purpose for coming to Dinghai Island? Don't you know that you need to register before you land on the island?"

Seeing that someone dared to hinder him, the intruder immediately looked up at the guy in front of him. Although Ulki had good physical strength, his aura was too weak, which made the man look disdainful and ignore Ulki's existence again.

Seeing that the intruder actually passed him and continued to move forward, Ulki, who guessed that the other party was an enemy rather than a friend, roared and rushed over

"Stop, if you don't answer I will treat you as an intruder, the iron fist of cause and effect."

Without any hesitation, the thick fist went straight to the intruder's head, but before the fist hit the target, a fist of the same size had already hit Ulki's head, and the powerful force knocked him out.

"Rumble, rumble, rumble.

Ulki crashed through a warehouse and rolled for dozens of meters. His face was bleeding from the blow. As the remaining blood spurted out of his nose, Ulki's eyes widened in shock.

"What a strong force, this is no weaker than that monster Jack."

The intruder ignored Ulki and just left two words.

"The defeat of the newly joined supernova made many pirates retreat a few steps, and some even drew their weapons and pointed them at the invaders. Over the past few months, Sal's actions have made the Sal Pirates very cohesive.

Although the guns were pointed at the enemy, the supernova, who was close to the strength of the headquarters' vice admiral, was killed in an instant, which made them dare not take the initiative to attack for a while, and they could only shout at the other party.

"Stop, this is the Sal Pirates of Pirate King Roger"

"Hurry up and inform all captains that a powerful enemy has invaded and that the supernova Urouge has been defeated."

As the invader took a step forward, the surrounding pirates involuntarily took a step back, and finally could only silently make way. It was really the invader's momentum that made them timid.

Just as the man was about to leave, Urouge's figure appeared in front of him again. This time, his 4-meter-tall body directly became 7 meters tall. The whole person was much taller than the invader, and his fists condensed the armed color domineering and turned black. With a high fighting spirit, Urouge's facial features that were broken showed an excited expression, and he pounced on the invader again without any hesitation.

"It really excites me. Sure enough, there are many stronger people than me in the new world. Karma, let me try your powerful fist again."

Facing Ulki who was flying over, the invading man's face became even gloomier. He hated wasting time on trash. His military uniform arm instantly turned black and he threw a straight punch.


After the sonic boom, the dark fist broke Urouge's fist and sank into the opponent's chest. The powerful force knocked Urouge away again, but this time it was different from the previous time. Urouge, who had crashed into many buildings, fell unconscious and his nose and ears kept bleeding.

The intruders attacked one after another and finally some old pirates recognized who the other party was. They pointed at the intruders and shouted in fear:

"He is the descendant of the devil, Douglas Barrett."

This made everyone present shocked and frightened. Douglas Barrett. Although Barrett's name has been silent for 21 years, his strength comparable to that of an admiral caused chaos in the past. He forced Sengoku to take action alone while Garp watched.

And his strength is comparable to his brutality. If he disagrees with someone, both the navy and the pirates will be defeated.

Some people who have only a vague understanding asked:

"Isn't Douglas Barrett a member of Captain Roger's crew? Is he here to join the leader?"

"Hahaha, the addition of a strong man comparable to an admiral will definitely make the Sal Pirates much stronger."

Perhaps it was the content of their conversation that really caught Barrett's attention. A terrifying domineering aura suddenly erupted, directly shocking most of the people present.

Barrett looked at the remaining people with a ferocious expression and roared

"I don't need companions. This time I'm here to challenge Roger, and even to destroy his pirate group that's playing house again."

Although the remaining pirates had resisted the shock of the Conqueror's Haki, they all felt weak, and showed fear after hearing Barrett's words.

"What? He is not here to join us, but an enemy?"

"Run! We are definitely not your opponents."

The remaining people scattered instantly. They would not risk their lives to take Barrett's fist. Let's leave this monster to the big shots on the island.

Barrett took a step forward. He was so angry that he would not easily forgive these rubbish.

Just as Barrett was destroying the surrounding pirates, a familiar man's voice interrupted his action.

"Barrett, stop it."

The sudden voice made Barrett lose his momentum and turned around to look. He saw a middle-aged man with long blond hair not far away, locking him with his momentum.

Seeing an acquaintance, Barrett grinned and responded in a low voice.

"Rayleigh, you old man are here too."

Then a momentum that was not inferior to the opponent burst out, and the confrontation of momentum caused a strong wind to blow around.

During the confrontation, Barrett's fierce eyes shrank slightly, because Rayleigh in front of him was too young, like when he first joined Roger's pirate group.

He used these few months to recover his peak condition, and then went out to sea to challenge Roger, his obsession.

Although he did hear rumors of rejuvenation during the journey, he thought it should be false.

It was beyond his expectations and Barrett lost his voice.

"Rayleigh, how did you become younger?"

"Haha, you are also surprised, I was also shocked to see you restored to about 40 years old. Roger gave me two longevity pills to make me young again. Do you want to ask Roger for them? After all, he used to admire you very much."

Rayleigh became lost when he said this. Of course, although Barrett has a weird personality, he is also a good guy with unlimited potential in Roger and him. After meeting each other again for more than 20 years, he turned out to be such a bad man, and even his strength did not increase much.

The word"restore youth" made Barrett's eyes tremble. Being locked up for 20 years was also a waste of 20 years. This is a problem that Barrett has always been worried about.

However, this does not conform to his current obsession. What he pursues is the ultimate power. Even Roger, the former captain, cannot change his mind.

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