Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 100 Violet! Porter Teacher Kai

A few days later, on the coast of Greenbit.

The Golden Dragon quietly docked here.

The little Tontata people sat quietly on the side of the big ship, one of them holding an apple that was a little exaggerated for them, staring at Ian who was punching and retracting on the coast below.

Ian's skin was red at this time, with a faint steam rising from the surface of his body, just like the straw hat boy turned on the second gear, with a weird sense of elegance.

But his breathing was very stable, and every punch was the same as the previous one. There was no difference in the posture, strength and time of the punch. He was as stable as a robot.

This punching has lasted for nearly an hour, and Ian stood here and punched continuously.

This is the King's Fist learned from Elizabelo II.

To be honest, this move is not that difficult.

The essence of the King's Fist is to accumulate strength.

This accumulated power is certainly not muscle power, but a very special kind of physical energy, which is basically the embodiment of physical strength.

Since we already have willpower, it is not difficult to add some physical energy, as long as the two do not merge into chakra.

Of course, this is not a move that anyone can use, but only a guy like Elizabello who is born with a strong body can use it. If ordinary people use it, they will not have time to store enough energy, and they will probably drain their bodies.

Of course, Ian meets this condition.

In the past few days, Ian has easily learned this move through Elizabello's words and deeds.

And now, it's time to experiment.

The surging energy surged in the body, and the body could no longer block it. At this time, the body energy turned into steam and seeped out from the pores.

Luo also stood at the side of the ship, just watching quietly, but he was thinking in his heart, is this funny move really serious?

A move that requires an hour of warm-up before it can be used?

This won't be useful in a fight.

But anyway, the energy has been stored, and Ian is ready to punch.

He took a deep breath, put his right fist to his ear, spread his feet apart, turned his body to the right, and tightened his muscles like a bowstring.


Luo's eyes widened instantly.

The air in front of Ian seemed to solidify instantly, and the water mist visible to the naked eye spread, and in the center of the water mist, a hole was punched!

The air was distorted, no, it looked like the space was distorted by this punch.

A streak of light!

A streak of light that was like a laser roared out instantly, and in an instant it had crossed the sea and disappeared directly at the end of the sea.

This streak of light that crossed the sea tore the sea apart, leaving a mark on the sea surface that had not dissipated for a long time.

Take back what I said!

Luo's pupils trembled.

It's too exaggerated!

This powerful move is completely worth it even if it takes an hour to store energy!

After a short silence.


"Ian Lando!"

The little guys watching the excitement on the side of the ship cheered instantly.

Each one was even more excited than Yin En himself.

Ian slowly let out a sigh of relief, and sweat was already on his forehead.

A large amount of physical energy was punched out in one breath, it was impossible to say that he was not tired.

However, the power of this blow was indeed considerable.

It was much stronger than the strongest punch he could throw in the orc mode.

I dare not imagine how powerful the King's Fist would be after using the ability. Maybe one punch could stun Teacher Kai.

The only drawback is that the charging time is too long, one hour, basically you can only prepare before the battle, and then give the enemy a hard blow.

If it is an encounter, it will be useless.

As for Ian's previous idea of ​​using the ball-shaped defense to resist the beating and warm up at the same time, it basically failed after he really understood this move.

The warm-up movements are not really about accumulating energy, but about forcing out the energy hidden in the body and then locking it in the body.

Once the warm-up movements are interrupted, the energy will either dissipate or return to the body, and the previous preparations will be in vain.

Even if the ball form is more resistant, it is impossible to ensure that the movements will not be interrupted.

Unless there is a way to forcibly retain the energy of the body? Even if the warm-up movements are interrupted, the accumulation of energy will not be interrupted.

Ian thought, life return or something like that?

But in that case, the accumulation of energy will become very slow.

It will always be interrupted by others. Even if the energy will not dissipate, it will take a long time to store the energy.

After all, it is not very practical.

I will think about how to modify it later.

Now there is another thing to do.


The white-haired girl jumped off the Golden Dragon, excited, "Can we go play?"

It has been docked on the shore of Greenbit for several days, and Yamato has long been impatient.

Now that Ian's training has been declared successful, it means that he can finally go out and play.

Looking at the girl's wet expectant eyes, Ian nodded, "Let's go and have fun in Dressrosa."


After all, Dressrosa is a well-known tourist country. Once you come, there is no excuse not to go shopping.


In the flower field outside Dressrosa, Ian and the two were walking among the flowers.

Ian wears a black pullover sweatshirt on his upper body, a pair of loose dark blue casual pants, a peaked cap on his head, and a pair of brown sunglasses. He looks casual and comfortable, and can also conceal his identity.

If you don't put on some disguise, I'm afraid it will be chaos just after entering Dressrosa, so what's the point of playing?

Compared with him, Yamato, who has not been wanted so far, does not have this trouble.

The girl also wears a brown cap, a large red and white baseball uniform on the upper body, lined with a white T-shirt, and a pair of light blue slim jeans on the lower body. She is also full of youth and vitality.

There were only two of them. Jack and the three of them were not interested in playing. Jack and Luo wanted to practice more, especially Luo. After the life crisis was over, not only did he not slack off at all, but he became even more diligent.

Because he has a future!

Black Maria prefers playing with the little humans than going shopping. She likes these cute little people very much, and now she has been awarded the title of Maria Lando among the Dontata clan.

Ian briefly wondered why it wasn't Brando.

"so beautiful!"

Even a rude person like Yamato couldn't help but be shocked by the beauty of this gorgeous flower field.

The sunflowers all over the mountains and fields dyed everything in front of them golden, making the two of them feel like they were in a sea of ​​gold.

Gorgeous and magnificent, dreamlike and intoxicating.

"If you like, we can open some flower fields in Wano Country."

Ian's tone was calm.

What’s the point of opening a few flower fields?

Do you understand the value of the King of Wano?

"don't want."

Yamato shook his head and said with a smile, "Having seen it is enough! There is no need to own it."

Ian was stunned.

This girl can occasionally say thought-provoking words.

"Come on Ian! Let's go see the city!"

Yamato held Ian's hand and ran through the flower field, leaving behind a string of clear laughter like the sound of a clear spring.

The architectural style of Dressrosa is biased toward the Spanish style that Ian remembered from his previous life.

Bright colors and strong personality.

Compared with Wano Country, it can only be said that the difference is very big.

The two of them felt a bit like country bumpkins entering the city at this time, so they looked east and took a closer look.

Yamato was even more excited and ran to this store to see what they were selling, and immediately wanted to try the snacks in that store.

But Ian is more interested in the ladies of this country.

The nickname of the Land of Love and Passion is really no joke.

There are basically few ugly-looking ladies on the street. They all have pretty faces and neat makeup, and are slim and graceful. What’s even more interesting is that you can basically meet men and women dancing in the street within a few steps.

There is no shyness, they are calm and relaxed, and they enjoy it.

In one word, the romance of riding a horse.

Yamato was eager to try, and she looked at Ian with burning eyes.

"There's really nothing I can do about you."

Ian bowed slightly and politely extended his right hand towards the girl.


Yamato happily grabbed Ian's hand and put his other hand on Ian's shoulder, while Ian also gently hugged the girl's slender waist.

Neither of them has ever learned to dance, but they have never eaten pork and have never seen a pig run, right?

With the two of them having life-returning level of body control, just watching the people around them dance is enough.

There wasn't even music, and Ian danced with Yamato in his arms.

The two people who were dancing for the first time showed an amazing tacit understanding and the resulting moving dance moves.

Even the people around them were attracted by the two of them and couldn't help but cast admiring glances at them.

"They are all looking at us."

Yamato raised his head, his golden pupils shining brightly.

Ian chuckled and looked down at her. After entering the growth stage, he was already half a head smaller than Da He Gao. "Then let them watch."

"Because it's us."


Both of them stopped talking and were silently immersed in the dance.



Suddenly there was a scream.

The atmosphere of the dance disappeared instantly.

Ian turned his head in surprise.

Not far away, he saw a beautiful woman pressing a man to the ground and stabbing the man's chest with a sharp knife. Blood was already flowing all over the floor.

However, no one around him stepped forward to stop him.

Ian couldn't help but gasp.

Are the folk customs so simple?

Dressrosa, also known as Texas, right?

"How dare you cheat! Go to hell! You bastard!"

The woman roared loudly.

Love killing?

Ian thought, and then he saw the surrounding residents of Dressrosa casting approving glances at the woman.

Are you not approving of something?

Then he suddenly remembered that the ladies of Dressrosa were very radical in their approach to love.

Radical means that they fall in love easily and then devote themselves wholeheartedly to it, completely living up to the nickname of the country of love and passion.

But at the same time, they often take very drastic actions after being betrayed. It seems to be commonplace to assassinate the betrayer on the street.

What Uchiha.

Ian commented.

"That's it! Cut his throat!"

While Ian was thinking, Yamato had already approached the woman and loudly gave advice, "Pierce his heart!"

The woman did as she was told, then looked up and thanked Yamato, "Thank you for your support."

"You're welcome!"

Yamato said with a smile, "Betraitors should die!"

Although I know this is teacher Kai's words and deeds, but girl, why do I always feel that you are implying something?

"well said!"

The woman with blood on her face showed a coquettish smile, "Little sister, you have to remember that love never allows betrayal."

Ian's eyes twitched and he felt a little embarrassed. He quickly grabbed Yamato's hand and walked out, "Let's go shopping somewhere else."

side of the street as they hurried away.

A girl with short brown hair was suddenly stunned and looked at their backs blankly.

"What's wrong? Violet?"

Next to the girl, a pink-haired woman asked with concern. In her arms was a small baby with the same pink hair as hers.

"Sister, I have something to do, please go back first!"

Violet gritted her teeth and chased after him.


Her sister was left with a puzzled look on her face.

The country has a problem.

The fourteen-year-old Princess Violet realized this after her father left in a hurry that day.

She is the second daughter of King Riku, and she is also a superhuman stare fruit user.

One of the powers she possesses is clairvoyance.

So that day, she subconsciously used her ability to see what her father was doing.

Then she saw brother-in-law Cyrus, who was easily defeated by the white-haired girl, and her father who bowed his head in front of the black-haired boy.

After that, it was time for my father to come back in a hurry and lead the troops to Greenbit to bombard the forest.

Because the clairvoyant could only see pictures but not hear sounds, Violet didn't know what happened specifically, and she didn't dare to ask her father and brother-in-law. Both of them were tight-lipped about it and told their families nothing.

But of course the girl's heart was filled with worries.

So at this moment, after seeing the two boys and girls, Violet was ready to do something.

In addition to being clairvoyant, her glaring fruit can also read minds!

Just by getting close to the two of them, you can read their thoughts! And these two people won't even notice anything.

She wanted to know what the two men were trying to do.

With this thought in mind, Violet hurriedly followed the two people around the corner, but before she could activate her ability, the two of them turned again and turned into an alley.

Violet gritted her teeth slightly and followed again.

However, when she also entered the alley, she found that the alley was empty.

"how come?"

The girl didn't understand.

She subconsciously wanted to use her ability to search.

"Are you looking for us?"

The sound comes from above.

Violet looked up in surprise.

The boy and girl stepped on the air and floated in the sky. At this time, they fell lightly and landed in front of her.


Violet's heart skipped a beat.

My heartbeat is about to stop.

Because she knows that these two guys are exaggeratedly strong!

Especially the black-haired boy, Ian from Fentian, whose name she knew!

The critical moment brought out the girl's potential. She scratched the back of her head and pretended to be stupid, "I just want to go home. Did you misunderstand something?"

"is that so?"

Yamato looked at Ian in surprise.

But Ian just smiled and said, "Princess Violet, don't think of me as a fool."


Violet stiffened.

He knows himself!

No reason?

How did he know?

Is this something strange?

After all, after spending so many days in Dressrosa, is it strange to send someone to collect information about the royal family? Especially, knowing the abilities Violet possesses.

Ian looked at the girl who was instantly frightened.

Staring at the fruit is also an ability of considerable strategic value.

I originally said I would find her when I left, but she ended up showing up at her door.

If I don't send you an offer from the Beasts Pirates, wouldn't this fate be in vain?


Ian called Violet, who was one year older than him, a girl, "Have you ever considered joining the Beasts Pirates?"


Violet was stunned for a moment, and then shouted incomprehensibly, "What did you say?"

"I said, if you don't join the Beast Pirates,"

Ian smiled and was very kind, "I will destroy Dressrosa."

The girl's face instantly turned pale.

"Hahahaha! Ian! You're here again!"

But Yamato laughed and patted Ian on the shoulder, "Do you like threatening others so much?"

"Because it's useful."

Ian chuckled.

As I said, good guys being threatened by bad guys is a unique feature of pirates and you have to try it.

the next day.

Greenbit, by the coast.

"Here! Here!"

Yamato waved happily towards the sky, "Dad! We are here!"

In the sky, above the clouds, the giant slowly lowered its head, and its slender body was looming in the clouds.

"Kid, you are so brave to order people around!"

Ian laughed, "There is no other way, except for you, Mr. Kai!"

Is there anyone in the Beasts Pirates who is more suitable for carrying than Mr. Kai?

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