Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 107: The Battle of Nine Snake Island! The Fist of the King! (Subscribe please!)

"Hehehehe! Are you sure? Ian! Are you sure you want to go down?"

In the hot air balloon floating in the sky, Morgans was chattering like an idiot and laughing strangely. He looked at Ian as if he were seeing a little boy's priest, "The one below is Pluto Rayleigh."

In the previous phone call, after the two confirmed that the other party was also going to Nine Snakes Island, they naturally chose to go together.

Ian wanted to rub Morgans' hot air balloon and let him lead the way.

Morgans simply felt that if Ian also participated in the next war on Nine Snake Island, it would be more explosive.

This is the self-conduct of a journalist. If there is no explosive point, then create explosive points.

Although Ian was in the hot air balloon at this time, he still entered the orc form. He was pumping his fist slowly but firmly.

Keep pumping his fists.

This kind of action has been going on for quite some time, and now, there is even heat rising on the surface of his body.

"Since we bumped into each other by chance, I have to say hello."

Ian chuckled, "That's Pluto Rayleigh!"

"That's right!"

Morgans also looked like he was itching all over. "I really want to go down and interview him! Pluto Rayleigh! The adventures of the Roger Pirates back then were really itchy and unbearable! No! I want to go down and do an exclusive interview with him." !”

"Don't say stupid things,"

Ian said calmly, "I'm not sure if there will be a fight."

"Isn't it more appropriate to go down?"

Morgans' breathing became rapid, "Hehehehe! Being able to witness the battle between Burning Sky's Ian and Pluto Rayleigh with your own eyes! Even if you die, it will be worth the price of admission!"

Are you also a bloodthirsty viewer?

Ian twitched the corner of his mouth.

In fact, it's not just Morgans.

There was another person in the cage of the hot air balloon, who was also looking at Ian with burning eyes.

"Too dangerous,"

Ian said, "You guys are waiting for me up there."

If I really had to fight Rayleigh, I should be able to escape unscathed by relying on my nearly completed King's Fist.

But it would be different if Yamato was added to the mix.

"Ian, stingy!"

The girl made faces at Ian.

"I'll let you have fun later when we get to Nine Snakes Island."

Ian left these words, then turned over and jumped from the hanging basket, diving directly towards the small boat below.

"Clap it, shoot it!"

Morgans jumped directly to the edge of the hanging basket, took out the phone bug and patted it down.

"But why does Pluto Rayleigh appear here? Does he have any connection with Nine Snake Island? Hehehe! It feels like it's big news again!"

Yamato also walked to the hanging basket and looked down.

The girl's eyes looked worried for the first time.

Pluto Rayleigh, even she knows this name.

The right hand man of the Pirate King, a real monster.

On the boat below.

The woman, Xia Qi, the former king of the Kingdom of Nine Snakes, blew out a smoke ring lightly, "Oh! I'm down."


Lei Li was also a little curious, "He actually came down."

"If you don't come down, you won't be able to talk, right?"

Ian flapped his wings and landed, floating in front of the boat, looking straight at the two of them.

Of course, he kept pumping his fists.

"I don't think we have anything to talk about, boy,"

Rayleigh sighed, stood up, and put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, "Although the Roger Pirates have been disbanded, Oden and Toki are still my friends."

One of his two friends was killed by Kaido, this boy's teacher.

One was forced to commit suicide by the Beast Pirates.

The loss of these two lives is inseparable from this boy.

Although he has retired from the world, friends are still friends after all.

"Don't get excited, Senior Rayleigh. Since you have retired, how about leaving the matter of revenge to the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Ian smiled, but in fact his muscles were tense and the rhythm of his fists was slower. "The more important thing now is the safety of Nine Snake Island, right?"

Reilly paused.

"Boy, what do you want to say?"

Xia Qi spoke calmly.

"As Senior Rayleigh said just now, the Roger Pirates have been disbanded. Even though the name of Pluto Rayleigh can still shock the world, but,"

Ian said, "It's no longer enough to protect Nine Snakes Island, right?"

Rayleigh frowned slightly.

"Are you questioning Lao Lei's ability?"

Xia Qi held the cigarette between her slender fingers, and she glanced at Ian lightly.

"There's no need to bluff, Rayleigh-senpai is indeed very strong, but,"

Ian smiled, "As I said just now, if Senior Rayleigh appears on Nine Snake Island at this time, the situation will only get worse."

"Will the navy let go of the Pirate King's left and right hands? Even if it can repel a navy attack, the next time it will be the demon-slaying order led by Garp and Sengoku."

Rayleigh was silent.

Xia Qi just smoked silently.


The corners of Ian's lips raised, "We can do it, our Beasts Pirates can do it."

Riley narrowed his eyes.

"As long as Mr. Kai lends the Beasts Pirates' flag to the Kingdom of Nine Snakes, everything will be fine."

Ian said.

Rayleigh is indeed strong enough.

But obviously not as strong as Teacher Kai.

Moreover, as a solitary person, the deterrence he can bring is indeed much worse than that of the Beasts Pirates.

More importantly, the Beast Pirates and the World Government have a cooperative relationship. Since there is cooperation, we can talk about it.

After all, is a mere Nine Snake Island a place that the World Government must conquer?

If the government really hates Kuja Island so much, how can this island survive for hundreds of years? The windless belt can stop the ship, but it cannot stop the strong men.

Whether this action was initiated by the World Government or not is a matter of debate.


Lei Li said, "Young man, what do you want to say?"

"Do me a favor,"

Ian said, "Let the Kingdom of Nine Snakes willingly accept our protection."

He looked at Xia Qi, "It shouldn't be that easy to convince the Nine Snakes Pirates with my empty words alone, but with the help of the former king of the Nine Snakes Kingdom, it will probably be much easier."

Both of them were slightly startled at the same time.

"You boy,"

Lei Li couldn't help but gasped, "How audacious!"

How dare you come here to ask for help?

Nine Snake Island.

Sakaski stepped on the shore of Nine Snake Island.

In front of him, the naval soldiers had already launched a charge towards the depths of the island like a tidal wave.

Farther back, naval battleships were roaring, using fiery cannonballs to open a path forward for the naval soldiers.

Cannonballs streaked across the sky with sharp winds, and fell like raindrops in the forest. Many even hit the huge mountain wall of Nine Snake Island directly, and a series of huge explosions shook the world.

In just a few minutes, the forest on Nine Snakes Island had already ignited with raging flames, and the devouring tongues of fire seemed to be spreading to burn everything on the island.

This scorching temperature did not make Sakaski feel the slightest discomfort. Rather, it made the cold man's mouth slightly raise.

That's it, sin, they should be completely burned with flames!

He raised his head, looked through the treetops in the forest, and landed on the front of the mountain in the distance, where he saw the huge nine snakes.


The Vice Admiral, who had the most fiery abilities but the coldest heart, sneered and raised his right hand.

The entire right arm melted instantly and turned into billowing magma with black smoke.

"Big fire!!"

With a wave of his right arm, a huge fist of magma that looked like a hill suddenly spurted out and hit the mountain with a thunderous roar.

The next moment, the two collided, and the sky shook with loud noises, and the ground shook with violent collisions.

The magma fist hit the mountain, and the terrifying impact directly shattered the surface of the mountain. As the magma splashed, the mountain peak also began to collapse.

The nine snake-shaped sculptures that symbolized the Kingdom of Nine Snakes suddenly collapsed, and the entire upper half of the mountain collapsed. Dust was flying and the sound was loud.

"You bastard! What have you done!!"

Angry roars came from deep in the forest.

Sakaski raised his head, and in the forest in the distance, a large number of arrows shot up into the sky in an instant, covering the navy here like a heavy rain.


Sakaski raised his hand and grabbed an arrow. The slender arrow was entangled with invisible waves.


This was the reaction when another arrow landed on a big tree nearby, and a big hole was directly blown out of the surface of the tree.


The Iron-Blooded Vice Admiral of the Navy sneered.

These arrows are all wrapped with domineering energy, and their power is far more amazing than that of muskets, almost comparable to cannons.

The naval soldiers who were hit were instantly dead, and even the unlucky ones hit by the domineering explosion would be blown away directly.

In just an instant, the naval soldiers who landed had already suffered heavy losses.

"Ghost Spider! What are you still hesitating about? Get someone to help me!"

Sakaski stood still and raised his hands to the sky, "I'm here to support you!"

"Meteor volcano!"

Bang bang bang bang!

Just like setting off fireworks, huge magma bombs soared into the sky one after another, directly dyeing the entire sky red.

In the navy queue in front, a man holding knives in both hands and with black hair on his back holding six knives like arms shouted loudly, "Come with me!"

The navy began to charge.

Meanwhile, deep in the forest.

"what is that?"

The captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates, a woman holding a snake-turned-longbow in her hand, Rose looked up at the sky in astonishment.

The sky was already dark red, as if it was burning and boiling.

Then, the meteorite fell!

Huge magma bombs fell with long tails of flames!

"It's Sakaski!"

The former emperor Groliosa screamed, "Alternate Admiral Sakaski of the Navy Headquarters! The Navy actually sent this monster here!"

"Get away! Get away everyone!!"

Rose screamed.

This is not a move that the warriors of Nine Snakes can resist with their weapons.

But fortunately, the warriors of Nine Snakes are not only good at armed color, but also the power they possess.

A group of female warriors showed amazing agility at this time, flying through the forest to avoid meteorites falling from the sky.

Boom boom boom boom!

The meteorite fell, and the depths of the forest were smashed to pieces in an instant. The splashing magma completely ignited the dense forest, and the thick poisonous smoke choked everyone so much that they dared not breathe.

"Go out!!"

Rose ordered loudly, "The Nine Snakes Pirates, follow me to stop that Sakaski! The National Guards, stop the other invading navy!"

The National Guards are equivalent to the subordinate organization of the Nine Snakes Pirates, responsible for maintaining the security of the island, but it is also a position that can only be held by warriors who have mastered the domineering.

Rose lowered her head and looked at her senior, "Guruliosa, what mother-in-law, I'm going to fight!"

"At this point, what else can I say?"

Guruliosa took a deep breath, and her originally short figure seemed to have become a little taller.

The Nine Snakes Pirates, charge!

Just like a man with eight arms like a spider, the Navy Headquarters Rear Admiral Ghost Spider is rushing through the forest quickly.

Having never encountered an enemy, this bloodthirsty man feels a little unhappy.



A dark shadow flashed in the forest.

Ghost Spider's eyes suddenly lit up, "Is it finally here?"

He waved his knife to meet it.


"Don't block the way!"

What greeted him was a pitch-black spear.

The surface of the spear was surrounded by invisible waves.

Ghost Spider was struck by lightning, and the amazing power of the spear blasted him away directly.

After the spear flew away Ghost Spider, Rose did not stop at all, and continued to charge forward without stopping. Soon, the dark red figure appeared in her eyes.

"Damn Navy! Die for me!!"

Rose roared, jumped up, and stabbed Sakaski with the spear in her hand.

"Don't know whether to live or die."

Sakaski just sneered, "Dog bites red lotus!"

The right arm blasted, and the huge dog-headed magma roared out, biting towards Rose like a vicious dog from hell.

But at this moment,


A loud shout came from the front, and a pitch-black arrow shot out, wrapped with a powerful and domineering arrow that directly blew up the dog-head magma.

Sakaski couldn't help but look down and saw Guroliosa holding a bow not far away, and behind her, more members of the Nine Snake Pirates rushing over.

"Old woman group?"

Sakaski sneered, "Your era has long ended."

"You are the first one to end!!"

Without the obstruction of magma, Ross's spear fell.

"It's ridiculous."

The man gathered power in his left arm, "Hell Dog!"

His ability is called the natural magma fruit, which not only gives him the same blazing temperature as magma, but more importantly, he also turns into a volcano, and his every move is like the explosive power of a volcanic eruption!

And at this moment, the volcano erupted!

The magma fist is also wrapped in domineering, and in an instant it hits Ross's spear with an unstoppable force.

Not even a fraction of a second was enough to stop it. The snake that turned into a spear hissed, its hard body softened, and trembled violently.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Rose rolled in the air and dodged quickly.

But even so, when she landed, her right shoulder was severely burned.

What was even more miserable was her snake, whose lower half of the body had been completely melted and had lost its life.

Rose couldn't help but show some sadness in her eyes as she watched the snake that had always been with her die.

"Rose! Be careful!"

There was a scream from Guroliosa behind her.

Without hesitation, Rose turned over and retreated. The next moment, a heavy lava fist hit the ground, directly blasting a huge hole in the ground.

Sakaski raised his body and said calmly, "Wouldn't it be better to just die honestly like this?"

"The one who is going to die is you!"

Rose took a deep breath.

Behind her, the warriors of the Nine Snakes Pirates were ready to go.

However, further behind, the navy had already surrounded them.

"As long as we get rid of these guys, it's over, right? Mr. Sakaski."

The spider demon came walking over.

There was another man walking side by side with him, wearing a gray suit, a purple mohawk, and Major General Flying Squirrel.

"Guroliosa, let's deal with this magma bastard!"

Rose shouted, "Others, kill those navy men!"


Without any hesitation, the pirates of the Nine Snakes Pirates rushed towards the navy men.

And the two Nine Snakes emperors also rushed towards the strongest enemy.

"Fragrant kick!"

Boa Hancock rushed to the front of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

The girl's eyes were filled with rage.

Damn it! These navy men should all die!!

Without hesitation, she kicked the navy soldiers in front of her into gravel all over the ground.

The girl shuttled through the crowd with amazing agility, and after a few kicks, there was already a pile of gravel on the ground.

"Power user! Be careful! That woman is a power user!"

The navy men exclaimed.

Even the pirates of the Nine Snakes Pirates couldn't help but exclaim, "Hancock, you're so awesome!"

"I'll deal with this woman!"

Major General Flying Squirrel volunteered and swung his sword, "Don't get close to her!"

The ability to turn into stone if touched is not something that ordinary navy can handle.


"Big fragrant foot!"

Hancock's slender right leg turned into a spear and thrust forward instantly.

There was a loud bang.

The flying squirrel who blocked the attack was kicked out.


Ghost Spider couldn't help but frown.

Flying squirrel, what are you doing?

How could he know that the flying squirrel was speechless.

Not only the ability, but also the domineering of this woman is exaggerated!

Hancock looked at Ghost Spider fiercely.

What kind of life do you think we live in Mary Geoise?

We are struggling on the line of life and death all the time. In order to please those celestial dragons, we fight every day with our lives.

I have been persecuted for four years. Now you dare to step into the Nine Snake Island. You are seeking your own death! !



Accompanied by two screams of pain.

Hancock turned his head in astonishment.

In just this short period of time, Captain Ross and the mother-in-law were already beaten out and fell heavily to the ground. Their bodies were covered with burns.

"It's time to end."

The man with magma rolling all over his body stepped forward.

What made Hancock even more furious was.

"No! Don't come over here!!"

Her two sisters seemed to be afraid that they would be caught by the navy again. They were so scared that they sat limply on the ground, hugged each other, and looked up at Sakaski who was approaching with great fear.

"Mary! Sonya!!"

Hancock screamed, and her slender body rushed out like a cheetah.


Sakaski raised his fist, and magma rolled out, "Pirates, you deserve to die."


Amid Hancock's heart-wrenching scream, the magma fist swung out.

But, at this moment, a brilliant golden light fell from the sky.

"Heroes are here!"

Sakaski's eyes suddenly widened, and his fist seemed to hit the seastone. Although he repelled his opponent, he did not cause any damage at all.

This guy is!

Brilliant gold!

Ferocious and majestic body!

Wide wings that seem to cover the sky!

"Ian of Fentian!"

He said the name.

Ian of Fentian smiled brightly, "Surprise! Mxxxer Fxxker!"

He punched.

"Fist of the King!!"

After more than an hour of practice, I just want to ask if you are afraid?

It's the end of the month, please give me some monthly tickets!

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