Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 109: Dialogue with the Five Elders! He is like a dog

Facing Ian's invitation, Sakaski just became furious, "Talk? What's there to talk about with a mere pirate!"

The violent domineering energy surged crazily, and those who didn't know thought he had awakened his domineering color under the stimulation.


"do not move!"

Rose snorted coldly and stepped hard, causing the Ghost Spider's cheek bones to creak. "Otherwise, we will kill them!"

Even someone as cold as Akainu hesitated at this point.

These people who were caught were not other people, but comrades who had followed him through life and death countless times over the years.

"You gotta figure something out, magma bastard,"

Ian's face became stern, "I'm not begging you now, but you are begging me."

The flying squirrel's face turned pale, and he could only apologize, "Sorry, Mr. Sakaski, it was us who held us back."

Ghost Spider was a little solemn, "Mr. Sakaski, that's the Beasts Pirates."

Not to mention that the mission has failed now, if we still force a war with the Beast Pirates, the losses will not be small.

Akainu gritted his teeth.

How to do?

With his current physical condition, it will be difficult to defeat this guy Ian if he continues to fight.

Even if he could win, he would never be able to keep him. This bastard also has the ability to incarnate flames that is almost impossible to interfere with.

Even if they continue to fight, they won't be able to hurt a single hair of the Beast Pirates.

On the contrary, the navy he brought with him will be completely destroyed!

Even the people on Nine Snake Island were able to calmly arrange their escape with the help of the two warships they brought.

There is no doubt that this operation has been a complete failure up to this point.


Do you want to bow to the pirates just like that?

What a joke!

Akainu suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashing fiercely.

How could I give in to evil?

What a joke!

Oh oh.

Ian sighed in surprise.

So cold?

Even if you reach this point, you still have to continue fighting. You really don't care about the lives of your subordinates.

"Since he is looking for death, then kill him!"

Hancock said coldly, "It has been weakened to this point. Even he will never be able to defeat so many of us joining forces!"

This is indeed true.

Anyway, the injured person is Akainu, Ian just needs to continue to maintain the ball shape and consume him.

What can he do when he is alone?

But, that’s not how it works.

If you really want to kill Akainu, it's actually very simple. You just need to call Rayleigh out.

In his current state, Akainu would never be able to withstand Rayleigh's swords.

But what about after killing Akainu?

"Can't do this!"

Groliosa immediately rejected Hancock's suggestion. The former Rock Pirates veteran shook his head, "What we seek is the security of the country. If we really kill this guy, there will be no change." ”

This man is a candidate for admiral of the Navy Headquarters! It is very important for the navy, or for the entire world government.

If we really want to kill him, even the Beast Pirates won't be able to save Kuja.

In other words, the Beast Pirates themselves cannot protect themselves.

"However, it is still possible to seize him and negotiate terms with the government."

The corners of Ian's mouth raised.

"Don't even think about it!"

Akainu also realized the current situation.

Now he has nothing to do with Ian, and with the addition of the Nine Snakes Pirates and Kaido's daughter, he might really be stuck here today.

Ian smiled.


If you really want to catch Sakaski, you don't know how much loss this guy will suffer in a trapped beast.

If you really want to push Sakaski to a desperate situation, it is entirely possible to explode with a burst of willpower and have a flashback.

Ian didn't want the Kuja Pirates to suffer much loss.

After all, the Nine Snakes Pirates will be the affiliated pirate group of their Beasts Pirates.

Ian doesn't want Yamato to take risks even more.

"Really? You think I can't negotiate terms with the government? Huh?"

Ian smiled and waved to Ross, "Phone bug."

Ross reacted quickly and immediately threw the phone bug in his hand to Ian.

Ian dialed a certain number slowly.

"Ian! What on earth do you want to do!!"

An angry roar instantly came from the other end of the phone.

Did you really know what happened here?

The first time he and Yamato appeared on the scene, there must have been a navy reporting to their superiors.

"Don't worry, old friend,"

Ian smiled, "Now it's time for me to question you, why does the navy dare to take action on the territory of our Beasts Pirates?"

"Stop treating me like a fool!"

The old friend on the other end of the phone, Mr. Goat from CP0, was furious, "You are provoking the navy! Provoking the world government!"

"You are the ones provoking the Beast Pirates."

Ian has never cared about oral pleasure, "I have to remind you first, old friend, the current situation here is that, except for Vice Admiral Sakaski, all the navy has The army was destroyed."


The goat was stunned and exclaimed in disbelief, "Are you kidding me! How could you possibly do such a thing!"

"Don't believe it?"

Ian smiled, walked to the flying squirrel, and handed the Den Den Mushi to the guy's mouth, "Come on, tell my old friend about your current situation, remember to be honest and objective."

The flying squirrel just looked at Ian in astonishment.

Is he really talking to CP0?

Or is he just making a random call to bluff?

"Five seconds."

Ian looked at the silent flying squirrel and said, "If he is still unwilling to speak after five seconds, Yamato, I will smash the ice sculpture in your hand."


Yamato, of course, doesn't care.

The flying squirrel suddenly shuddered, "I say!"

Now is also a good time to ask for help!

"I am the headquarters' Major General Flying Squirrel! Vice Admiral Sakaski was tricked by Ian and was severely injured by him. Now he can't do anything to them. I and the Spider Demon were captured by the Nine Snake Pirates, and Doberman was defeated and captured by Kaido's daughter. He was right. Except for Mr. Sakaski, everyone else was wiped out. Even."

He paused and looked at Sakaski, whose face was as black as coal, "Mr. Sakaski's situation is not good either. He was injured too badly."

Now blood is still oozing out of his nostrils!

The other end of the phone was stunned.

Ian raised his eyebrows, "Still don't believe it?"

So, he picked up the Den Den Mushi again and pointed it at Akainu, "Sakaski, you also say a few words, Major General Flying Squirrel doesn't seem to be famous, my old friend doesn't know him."

"If you don't answer, Yamato."

"Ready at any time!"

Yamato smiled and raised Doberman's ice sculpture high.

Akainu's face was ashen, and his body was emitting an astonishing temperature. Even the blood flowing from his nostrils was directly evaporated.

With great humiliation and embarrassment, the man finally spoke, "I was tricked by this bastard."


Ian sneered, "I hit him head-on with that punch."

Could it be that when Red Hair avoided Kidd in seconds, it was also tricked?

Akainu wanted to curse.

Who would have thought that this guy could suddenly burst out with such power?

"Vice Admiral Sakaski!"

The goat on the other end of the phone finally exclaimed, "How could it be!"

He simply couldn't believe it!

Such a thing actually happened on Nine Snake Island!

Even Kaido didn't go there, only Ian, who was burning the sky, went there!

"Ian, wait a minute!"

The goat shouted anxiously, "I'll report to my superiors!"

Then the phone was suddenly hung up.

The scene suddenly fell into a dead silence.

A few minutes later, the Den Den Mushi in Ian's hand chirped like crazy.

Ian raised his hand to answer it.

Den Den Mushi changed its appearance instantly.

It wore a small hat, had a pointed nose and a thick beard.

Ian raised his eyebrows, this look!

"Ian of Fentian, you are really brave."

Hearing this voice, Sakaski's face changed instantly.

"Five Elder Stars!!"

He lost his voice.

As a candidate admiral of the Navy Headquarters, he was certainly qualified to meet the five people who held the highest power in the world.

"Five Elders?"

Ian chuckled, "I'm really flattered. The world's highest power is here to negotiate with me personally?"

"Negotiation? Young man, don't take yourself too seriously."

The Five Elders on the other end of the phone, Satan said lightly, "There is only one outcome for threatening the government, and that is destruction."

"Then how about giving it a try?"

Ian still adheres to the principle of talking big, "We kill all the navy here, and then the Beasts Pirates and the World Government will officially go to war!"

"It's nothing more than giving up Wano Country and returning to a life of wandering on the sea. The Roger Pirates were a thorn in your eyes, but you couldn't do anything about them, right? We can also try. At the same time, in return, we will destroy the member states one by one!"

Of course, Wano Country cannot be abandoned, Pluto is there.

But the Five Elders don't know.

This is a boast with information asymmetry.

Sartan's tone suddenly changed, "Are you threatening me?"

Ian sneered, "You threatened me first."

The Five Elders are not only Celestial Dragons, but also political leaders.

The secret of politics lies in compromise.

Is it really worth sacrificing a candidate admiral and going to war with the Beasts Pirates for a mere Nine Snake Island?

Ian believes that the Five Elders know how to choose.

At this time, Hancock stared at Ian's back in a daze.

The Five Elders are the highest-ranking Celestial Dragons, right?

"What do you think, Five Elders? Will this call end here?"

Ian continued, "If so, we will kill all the navy on the island right away."

"Who do you think I am!"

Akainu finally couldn't hold back, "Five Elders, ignore the bastard's nonsense! I'll kill them now!"

"Shut up! Sakaski! You stupid dog!"

On the other end of the phone, Satan's anger instantly poured out towards Akainu, "If you can really do this kind of thing, there won't be this call! Isn't it embarrassing enough?"

"That's right, shut up, stupid dog,"

Ian smiled, "Didn't you hear what your master said?"

Akainu's cheek muscles trembled, his teeth were almost bitten to pieces, and his fists were almost bleeding.

"What a poor dog, even your master doesn't help you."

Ross also chimed in.

"Ian, what do you want?"

Finally, Sartan spoke.

Ian curled his lips.

Rose and Groliosa behind him were extremely excited.


This boy really did it!

The expressions of Akainu and the two rear admirals changed instantly.

"My request is simple,"

Ian said, "Nine Snake Island has been the territory of our Beast Pirates since ancient times. Now, let the navy get out of here, and then don't disturb the people here again!"

"Since ancient times?"

Sartan sneered.

The Beasts Pirates were established not even thirty years ago.

"In return,"

Ian added, "The Nine Snakes Pirates will stop taking action in the future, so that you can at least have a decent face. It can be said to the outside world that the Nine Snakes Pirates have been wiped out. How about that? Is that enough to give you face?"

Rose's expression changed. She wanted to say something, but Groliosa quickly held her hand.

Sartan on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment, "Okay."


Ian raised the corners of his lips, "Humans are easy to talk to, unlike dogs who only want to bite people."

Sakaski stared at Ian.


Sartan sneered again, "At least the dog is obedient."


He raised his voice, "Take your people and go back to the Navy Headquarters! Think carefully about how to take responsibility for this failure!"

call ended.

"Did you hear that?"

Ian put away the phone slowly and looked at Sakaski with interest, "Go back."

Akainu had a sullen face and said nothing.

He just looked straight at the ghost spider and flying squirrel who were still trampled.

"We will help you send the others to the warships at the rear,"

Ian said with a smile, this is to prevent Sakaski from jumping over the wall in a hurry, "But you have to go through it yourself."

Sakaski stopped talking and walked straight into the depths of the forest.

Yamato looked at his back and suddenly said, "He looks like a dog."

Ian emphasized, "Remove the image."

What a dog.

Sakaski suddenly turned around, his eyes like a rabid dog, eager to devour anyone.

"What? Do you still want to do it?"

Ian chuckled, "Do you want me to call again?"

Akainu's body shook violently.

Finally, he turned around and continued to move forward, but his body became much more rickety.

Well, more like it.

No, there is no image.

A dog is a dog, and he dares not do anything until his master speaks.

Later, on the coast behind Nine Snakes.

Ian watched the two naval warships move away quickly, as if they were fleeing.

He couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

This is the end.


Behind him, the female warriors of the Nine Snakes Pirates were already cheering.

They finally protected their country!

Although, with the help of others.

The female Nine Snake warriors who were cheering turned their heads and looked at Ian with a fanatical look.


Ian turned back in surprise.

The next moment, he was overwhelmed by a group of women rushing towards him.

"Lord Ian!!"

The girls cheered.

It’s a bit late today, but I still shamelessly ask for monthly tickets.

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