Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 113 Yamato vs. Hancock! Famous lines reproduced!

The moment the Golden Flying Dragon broke through the sea and rushed onto the surface of the new world, the deck of the big ship boiled instantly.

"Is this the sea?"

"The sunshine on the sea is warmer than Fish-Man Island!"

"That's the real cloud, that's the real sea breeze! It's different, everything is different!"

"We are finally at sea!"

Whether it was the gangsters from Fishman Street or the immigrants from Fishman Island, most of them had tears in their eyes at this time.

The yearning for land, sunshine, and sea breeze must have been engraved in the bones of the residents of Fish-Man Island from about a hundred years ago.

It's a pity that Joeyboy from eight hundred years ago broke the promise.

So at this moment, the fishmen and mermaids who came to the sea were so excited that many even jumped directly into the sea, swimming happily on the sea and dancing with the fish in the water.

"is it necessary?"

Violet pouted.

Everyone swarmed onto the deck, and the originally empty deck where planes could be docked instantly became crowded.

"Of course it's necessary."

Ian leaned on the side of the boat and looked down at the mermaids and mermaids having fun on the sea below with a chuckle, "This is freedom."

Freedom is the most important thing in this world.

In this vast ocean, no one should be restrained.

Although fishmen and mermaids seem to have a vaster deep sea than the world on the sea, fishmen and mermaids are also human beings, and they cannot live in the bleak, cold deep sea. They can only be protected by the Yangshu Eve. The only place they can survive is near the sheltered Fishman Island.

They had been imprisoned in that narrow area.

That's why the fish-men and pirates in the sea have been restrained repeatedly, and their yearning for freedom can never be eradicated.


Violet paused for a moment.

She has been free since she was a child, and all her family members are very good to her. She has never felt the lack of freedom before.

But now, she can understand it somewhat, because she met Ian, and then was coerced by this guy to join the Beasts Pirates.

She somewhat understands what it means to be unfree.

What freedom is this guy still talking about?

Violet immediately cast a contemptuous look at Ian.

Ian didn't take it seriously and just laughed.

I can do whatever I want. This is my freedom as a strong person.

"But don't let anything happen to them."

Ian tilted his head, "Jack."

Jack was practicing boxing on the deck not far away.

He has abandoned the sword and learned boxing.

Because Ian suggested that he learn the fish body technique.

So during this period of time, he has been learning from the teachers who know the fish body technique among the fish-men gangsters who joined the Beasts Pirates.

"What's wrong? Brother Ian!"

Hearing the call from his most respected eldest brother, Jack stopped even boxing and ran over in a hurry.

Ian pointed at the sea, which was restless due to the activities of the merfolk, "How are you getting along with the murloc troops?"

"very good."

Jack said solemnly, "They all listen to me now."


Ian raised an eyebrow.

I didn’t know for all these years that this little guy still has this kind of talent?

"I beat them all up."

Jack said honestly, "Then tell them that I will kill anyone who dares to disobey, and then they will respect me very much."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Ian laughed.

Very good, very Beasts Pirates style.


Ian looked at his little brother with admiration.

It is a matter of course that he brutalizes the fish-man troops. Now that Tiger and Jinbe are gone, there is no one stronger than him in the entire fish-man island.

"Then let your little brothers take action."

Ian said, "Let them maintain order. Don't let any surprises happen at such a happy moment."


Jack nodded solemnly, and immediately walked to the side of the ship and shouted down, "Hey! Bastards! Listen up! Everyone, go to the outermost edge of the crowd to be on guard and pay attention to any abnormal situations!"

The next moment.

"Yes! Boss Jack!"

The murloc troops who were having fun with the ordinary residents on the sea immediately responded loudly, and then swam to the outside without hesitation.

This should be fine.

Ian saw this and patted Jack's leg. He could only take pictures here, "Well done, Jack."

Orders and prohibitions, Jack, do you still have the talent to be a general?

Jack's face was distorted with excitement, and he smiled as brightly as a sunflower, "This is what I should do!"

I am very happy when I am praised by Brother Ian!

"Lord Ian!"

Just at this moment, Hancock rushed out of the cabin with a look of joy on her face, pushing a dining cart, "I've prepared afternoon tea for you!"

Jack turned his head instantly and looked at Hancock, who was blushing.

It's a bit embarrassing to say that the moment he saw Hancock, Jack suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

Ian frowned for a moment.

"I prepared cakes and black tea."

Hancock opened the lid of the dining car with a smile, revealing that it was not very exquisite, but at least there was a decent stack of cakes and a pot of hot black tea.

It can be seen that he put his heart into it.

This is not the first time. Since setting off from Fish-Man Island, Hancock has always tried to use various means to please him.

To be honest, Ian wasn't too happy.

"Oh? Do you have any cake to eat? I happen to be hungry!"

Dressed in a leather jacket and leather trousers, with a pair of sunglasses on his forehead to pay tribute to the young teacher Kai, the cool and handsome Yamato walked over today and without hesitation picked up a piece of cake and stuffed it into his mouth.


"Wow! So sweet!"

Yamato bared his teeth, "It's too sweet!"

Hancock's eyes instantly stiffened.

The corners of Ian's mouth also stiffened.

"That's the food I prepared for Sir Ian!"

Hancock's face instantly darkened.


Yamato nodded and said in a matter-of-fact tone, "But Ian's things are my things, and my things are also Ian's things. It has always been like this."

This girl did it on purpose!

Because this is not the first time.

When Hancock was trying to be courteous, Yamato would always come out and interrupt.

Ian turned his head and looked at Black Maria not far away.

The giant blonde girl smiled and waved to Ian, opening and closing her mouth silently, as if to say, "Ian, don't be too carefree."

Well done to you, Maria.

When I overthrow Lao Shang and take the throne, I will appoint you as my bed-warming girl. I’ll see what you say then.


Hearing Yamato's words, Hancock's face instantly turned pale, and he looked at Ian with tears in his eyes, "Sir Ian!"

Ian felt a little sweaty.

"Hey, Ian,"

His elbow was suddenly poked, Ian looked back, Luo gloated and said with a smile, "Don't you say something?"

Ian grabbed the guy's head with his backhand and threw him away.

Luo Du was still laughing when he was thrown out.

This bastard is indeed becoming more cheerful day by day, but Ian misses the Sima-faced look he used to have even more.

Just when he turned his head, Ian saw Violet making an OK gesture with her hands, clasping them upside down over her eyes.

The girl's expression was a little excited. In this situation, everyone is silent and cannot use their ability to read minds!

Ian glared at her fiercely, and then the girl put down her hand in a dignified manner.

To be honest, Ian doesn't think Yamato did anything wrong, or rather, that's what she should have done.

Otherwise, Ian will have doubts about life, because that will prove that his own status in Yamato's heart is nothing more than this, leaving her with no possessive desire at all.

But Hancock is not easy to deal with here either.

She is really mortal.

This is the future's top three-disaster level combat force, and it is also related to Nine Snakes Island, and they have to rely on their help to capture the beasts.

Ian didn't know what to say for a moment.

But at this time, Jack lowered his head.

Brother Ian is troubled!


How dare these two stinky women bother Brother Ian!

Jack was angry.

However, no matter how angry he was, he did not dare to get angry at his third respected elder sister, Yamato.

So, Warrior Jack thought of a way.

"Don't you see that Brother Ian is worried?"

Jack said loudly, "If you have to fight, let's use our strength to show off!"

Ian's face turned dark instantly.

He also saw Jack nodding slightly towards him, with a slightly smug smile on his lips, as if to say, leave it to me, brother Ian, just don't worry.

You are such a considerate little brother.

I'm so relieved.

I'm afraid the conflict isn't intense enough, right?

Hancock's eyes lit up instantly.

Yes, Lord Ian said that the Beast Pirates are based on strength, and the weak will eat the strong!

Then, as long as she defeats this annoying white hair, will she be able to replace her and be sweet with Sir Ian?

"Just what I wanted!"

Yamato nodded in agreement even faster. She looked at Hancock with his chin raised slightly and his eyes stern. He was obviously stupid most of the time, but only at this time, he looked like the vicious female supporting character in a female channel novel who humiliated the little white-flowered heroine. Same thing, "Are you ready to get spanked?"

"I will prove it to Lord Ian,"

Hancock stood up straight. Although she was three years older than Yamato, she was actually a bit shorter in height, but this did not stop her from being aggressive, "Who is the better person!"

Ian feels a toothache.

Sure enough, office romance is a taboo among taboos, let alone involving three people.


Ian's eyes darkened.

Since you want to fight, let’s fight happily.

So, while the fishmen and mermaids around the big ship were having fun, an open space had been cleared on the deck of the big ship.

Two girls with peerless looks stood opposite each other, surrounded by a circle of people.

Ian sat on the side of the boat and just watched quietly.

"Hey, Lord Ian,"

Luo's slightly mocking tone came from the side, and the guy sat next to him, "How do you feel about two beauties dueling for you?"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'll throw you into the sea."

Ian said calmly.

"It's scary, got it."

Luo pulled his mouth from left to right with his hand, indicating that the mouth had been zipped shut.

But the smile on this guy's face never stopped.

He just stared at the two girls.

In fact, he is also a little curious, who is stronger between Yamato and Hancock at this time?

In the original work, both of them are the most outstanding female strongmen except Charlotte Lingling. Yamato who has mastered the tyranny should be stronger, but now, the thirteen-year-old Yamato and the sixteen-year-old Hancock , who is stronger.

"Don't expect me to show mercy!"

Yamato pulled out the iron rod from behind, and the rod body of Ken No. 2 instantly became crystal white as she injected power, and the biting cold air spread instantly.

This woman always harasses Ian. She is more annoying than the women on Nine Snakes Island and the mermaids on Fishman Island!

Fix her hard!

Thinking this, the uncontrollable violent momentum began to surge, directly crushing Hancock.

But at the same time.

"I will turn you into stone."

Hancock lifted her long, jet-black hair and spoke in a cold tone.

When facing people other than Ian, her attitude was always indifferent.

But what was different from her cold words was that the same surging momentum surged out of her slender body, colliding with Yamato's domineering look.

"Overlord color?"

Black Maria, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but lost her voice, "Is this guy there too?"

That is the kingly posture that only one among millions of people can achieve!

And now, three people own this ship?

Yamato could no longer hold back and ejected, "Thunder Bagua!"

"Fragrant feet!"

Hancock was not satisfied with his movements at all, he ejected and launched a flying kick.

The iron rod suddenly collided with Hancock's toes.

The difference is that Yamato's iron rod is completely white, while Hancock's toes are completely black.

There was an explosion, and Yamato flew back in embarrassment amid the howling wind.

"Yamato was repulsed?"

Luo's mouth, which was zipped shut, opened again, "This woman!!"

He knew Yamato's strength very well. Even with an out-of-standard guy like Ian as a comparison, her strength could be called a monster.

Except for Ian, no one on the Golden Flying Dragon was her enemy.

But now, Yamato was kicked away directly?

Ian was not surprised at all.

Hancock is strong.

In the previous battle of Nine Snake Island, he showed his ability to easily suppress the major admirals of the Navy Headquarters.

Of course, this strength was not honed after returning to Nine Snakes.

When he was in Mariejoia, he must have been used as a battle slave, right?

This strength was honed in fear and despair.

"You guys are pretty awesome!"

Yamato landed but was not angry, instead his eyes lit up.

If Hancock is the love brain, then she is the battle brain. She and Teacher Kai can be said to be of the same blood, and she likes this kind of powerful guy the most!

"Then I will try my best!"

The cold wind instantly spread on the deck, and the white werewolf made a grand appearance.

"Wu Attendant Bingya!"

Yamato opened his mouth and spat out. Under the influence of the power of returning life, the breath that should have been like mist was now condensed like a laser beam.

A fantasy beast?

Hancock took a deep breath, then come on!

The black-haired girl jumped up and while avoiding Yamato's breath, she tapped her lips with her left hand and immediately pulled out a big heart.

With a gentle pull of the right hand on the peach heart, the peach heart has turned into a crossbow ready to go.

"The prisoner's arrow!"

Densely packed peach-colored arrows fell from the sky, heading toward Yamato like a storm.

"Horse Phantom Blade!"

Yamato swung his mace, and ice slashes shot up into the sky.

However, when this white slash touched the falling arrow, it was directly turned into stone and fell powerlessly.

"Hey! Turned into stone!"

Yamato pulled back in surprise, avoiding Hancock's shooting. During the battle on Kuja Island, she came late and did not see Hancock use his abilities.

But her avoidance turned a large area of ​​the deck to stone.

The corner of Ian's mouth twitched.

Of course, Yamato didn't just dodge, he used it and his whole body flickered on the deck like a phantom.

Hancock couldn't aim at all.


As Yamato swung the bat vigorously, a sharp impact wave crashed towards Hancock in the sky.

"Fragrant feet!"

When Hancock landed, he kicked the incoming shock wave directly with a random kick.

But not waiting for her to land.

"Sacred Foot·White Snake Drive!"

Yamato has struck like lightning.

"Dalu's arrow!"

The heart in his hand swelled, and Hancock shot a giant arrow with his backhand, piercing the air like a missile.

Yamato could only change his moves before the battle, jumped up, and rotated the iron rod in his hand, "Jiang Sanshi·Yinnaraku!"

"Prisoner Shock."

Hancock pushed up the bow-and-arrow-like heart in his hand. The heart actually expanded the moment it flew out, turning into a huge heart and crashing towards Yamato.

Ian raised his eyebrows, is this still possible?

But then I thought about it, the sweet fruit's ability can be turned into arrows, what's wrong with sending out a heart to hit someone?


Tao Xin was instantly smashed to pieces by Yamato's iron rod, but at the same time, Yamato had already stepped on the air and swept away, fearing that he would be petrified.

"Big fragrant feet!"

At this moment, Hancock ejected from bottom to top and kicked Yamato.

Ian shook his head.

No idea, Hancock.

Yamato is waiting for you to get close.

You are good at close combat, but Yamato is better at it.

Sure enough, Yamato's eyes lit up instantly, "Thunder Bagua!!"

The iron rod and Hancock's toes finally collided again.

But this time it was different.

Hancock fell down like a meteorite, and the girl's face was very ugly.

What a great strength!

"Don't even think about running away!"

Yamato rushed over like a maggot on the tarsal bone, "Gundali Longsheng Army!!"

The iron rod turned into a rainstorm.

Hancock gritted his teeth, "Fragrant Kick!"

The toes against the iron rod, the confrontation between the two made the whole ship tremble slightly, and the strong wind generated made Ian's eyes narrow.

Hancock has fallen below.

A simple kick is not enough to petrify Yamato's domineering aura. Although Yamato can't freeze her, Yamato's power is much greater.

Moreover, although Yamato still doesn't know how to use Observation Haki, she is almost there. With her beast-like instinct, she is not afraid of fighting Hancock in a fast attack.

It happened suddenly.

"Oh! So that's how it is! I finally understand!"

Yamato suddenly laughed.

Ian opened his eyes.

But he saw that the iron rod in Yamato's hand was already stained with a hint of black.

Breakthrough on the battlefield, right?

You are the protagonist and I am the protagonist?

Ian remembered that he mastered the hardening of Armament Haki after fighting with Marco. He hadn't mastered it during the fight.

As Haki went further, the power of Yamato's iron rod increased suddenly.

"It's over!"

The white-haired girl smiled triumphantly, "Roaring Thunder Bagua!!"

You dare to say Roaring Thunder Bagua just because you have mastered Haki hardening, right?

If you learn the flowing Haki, wouldn't it be the Great Power Thunder Bagua?

Ian stared blankly.

Although it was a bankrupt version of Thunder Gossip, Yamato's attack was really powerful enough to directly knock Hancock out.

What's worse is that Hancock's right foot was directly frozen!

The black-haired girl landed on the ground, and before she could get up, the deck was instantly frozen by ice, and she was frozen to the ground.

Just when she was about to break the ice and get up, Yamato had already landed beside her, and the crystal iron rod was placed on her forehead.

"You lose!"

Yamato smiled.

Hancock's body stiffened instantly, and then her face turned pale.

Ian sighed when he saw this, and he had to do something, otherwise, Hancock would really die here.

So, Ian said,

"After that, those things will stop here, Hancock."

Hancock's body trembled, and the girl turned her head and looked at Ian blankly.

Ian said meaningfully,

"Admiration is the feeling farthest from understanding."

Famous line!

My fault, I had something to do today, so I was much later...

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