Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 126 Artificial Devil Fruit! Wang Zhi is in action! Judge and Quinn!

The Golden Dragon galloped on the vast expanse of the North Sea.

Just now, Judge called Ian and said that after two years of research, the research on artificial devil fruits finally yielded results. Just a few hours ago, the first batch of artificially cultivated devil fruits had matured. He couldn't wait to share the news with Ian.

So, Ian, who was originally preparing to return to Wano Country, turned directly to the direction of the Germa Kingdom without hesitation.

It should be said that it was a coincidence that the Germa Kingdom was in the North Sea at this time and did not go to other seas to serve as mercenaries.

Otherwise, it would be quite troublesome to find them.

Artificial devil fruits, finally succeeded.

Ian was still looking forward to it.

I don't know how it compares with the smile fruit made by Caesar in the original work.

Caesar's smile fruit is really a pit. The probability of gaining power after eating the fruit is only 10%. Once you don't get the power, you can only become a poor guy who can only smile foolishly for the rest of your life.

Even if the ability is obtained, the ability of the smile fruit is completely uncontrollable and cannot be restrained at all. One can only accept the reality that he has turned into various strange monsters.

With Judge's technology, it is impossible for it to be worse than Caesar's product, right?

When the Golden Dragon was flying on the sea, on the top of the Red Earth Continent, Mary Geoise.

The Five Elders gathered together and held a meeting.

"Zeffa was defeated without any chance of fighting back."

The bald and bearded Five Elders, Vouchuri, first set the tone for this meeting, "We can no longer turn a blind eye to the Golden Dragon and Ian of Burning Sky."

"That kid's strength is already strong enough to shake the world, especially since he is still in the Beasts Pirates."

The other Five Elders also nodded slightly.

Ian alone is strong enough, but more importantly, he is a senior cadre of the Beasts Pirates, and can even be said to be the successor of the Beasts Pirates.

This is a bit scary.

After all, this means that the strength of the Beasts Pirates has completely exceeded the standard.

There will never be any rivals in the New World.

This is definitely not the scene the Five Elders want to see.

"What should we do?"

The bearded Maz said, "Wipe out the Beasts Pirates directly?"

"This is not an easy task,"

The sword-wielding Five Elders, Nasu Juro, pushed his glasses, "If we can't wipe out the Beasts Pirates in one go, they will run to the sea and launch crazy revenge on us when it's hard for us to find them."

This is actually what the Five Elders have always felt a headache about.

These pirates can completely abandon their bases and wander on the sea.

Although the government has a well-developed intelligence system, it doesn't have a sky eye. It's not easy to find a group of pirates who deliberately want to hide in the vast ocean.

The World Government is a big family, but it is impossible to invest unlimited manpower and material resources in the search.

"What I mean is,"

Vochuri said softly, "Can you sow discord between Ian and Kaido? Ian is getting stronger and stronger, and the forces under his command are also getting stronger and stronger. In the past, Kaido could safely leave all the affairs of the Beasts Pirates to him, but now, or even in the future?"

"Ian will undoubtedly become stronger. By then, who will be the master of the Beasts Pirates?"

The other four Five Elders all looked thoughtful.

Yes, since the external offensive is not effective, why not just carry out internal destruction?

The Golden Dragon is actually a ship independent of the Beasts Pirates.

On the ship, Ian's direct forces are already too powerful.

Is Kaido, such a cold man, not a single thought?

"We can give it a try!"

"Then let's decide! I think we can do two things at the same time. On one hand, we can use external public opinion to guide the situation. On the other hand, we can send people to infiltrate the Beasts Pirates to provoke the conflict between the master and the apprentice."

Ian didn't know that the World Government was ready to intervene in the Beasts Pirates, but the means were somewhat unexpected.

He had already reunited with the rumbling moving land of the Germa Kingdom.

"Hahaha! Ian! Long time no see!"

Judge laughed and gave Ian a warm hug as soon as he came up.

"Two and a half years."

Ian also smiled warmly.

No matter who it was, as long as they could help him research artificial devil fruits, he would return a warm smile without hesitation.

It was indeed two and a half years since we last met.

The last time we met was when we first met.

The completed combat suits were all sent to Ian by Judge and sent to Wano Country by Umit.

Speaking of which, the timing of this research is really subtle.

Judge, you've exposed your chicken feet, right?

"Yeah, it's been almost three years."

Judge let go of Ian, looking a little sighing, and then immediately cheered up, "But these two and a half years have not been wasted!"

"Come on, Ian, come and see my research results!"

Ian looked at the bright smile on his face and couldn't help but smiled and said, "So, it must be an amazing creation, right?"

"Hahahaha! You'll know when you see it!"


Judge led everyone to a shed deep in the kingdom.

There are only five plants growing in the rather spacious greenhouse.

Just like a miniature banana tree, lush and leafy.

On each plant, there is a fruit hanging.

They are larger than an adult's fist and come in different styles, but what they have in common is that the fruit has spiral patterns on its surface.

"Is this an artificial devil fruit?"

Luo, who had just eaten the fruits of the operation, walked curiously to these plants and looked at them carefully.


Gaji twirled his curly beard.


Jack instantly looked at Gaji, much more anxious than Ian, "What do you mean?"

"Every fruit here contains my special animal blood factor."

Gaji said, "After eating it, the bloodline factors contained in it will merge with the user, giving him the power of animals."

"So I think it should be similar to the concept of artificial devil fruits, right?"

Jack breathed a sigh of relief.

Drake couldn't help but praise, "Amazing!"

That's a devil fruit.

The most amazing power in the world.

"Can I experiment?"

Ian asked impatiently.

"There's already an experimenter."

Gaji said and clapped his hands.

Soon, the door of the greenhouse was opened and a man walked in.


The corners of Ian's lips curled up involuntarily, "It's so interesting."

"What a strange guy."

Yamato had already walked over curiously, looking back and forth around the guy, "It seems different from us."

It's indeed strange.

Just a man.

But he's not quite a man anymore.

His skin was bluish, a pair of horns grew out of his head, his nose was also a bull's nose, his feet turned into hooves, and there was a tail behind his butt.

It looks like a beast-man form, but more like a person with certain characteristics of a cow.

"He doesn't have the ability to transform."

Gaji said, "The moment you eat the fruit, your bloodline has been completely fused, and it will remain like this forever, unable to turn back into a human."


Yamato was immediately disappointed, "It's so ugly!"

"What about the increase?"

Ian didn't care at all.

It would be better to say that it is already much stronger than Caesar's smile fruit.

The appearance of the givers in the original work is called bizarre.

"Much weaker than real animal devil fruits,"

Gaji scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "But the increase in strength, stamina, and endurance is still obvious."

"Will anyone who eats this fruit also be hated by the sea?"

Black Maria had a sudden idea.

Gaji's face instantly became serious, and he said seriously, "You really asked a very crucial question! These fruits are very different from real animal devil fruits, but my answer is, yes!"

"Obviously he is a fake esper, but he looks like a real esper. He will lose his powers if he is submerged in the sea, and he will be suppressed by the Sea Tower Stone."

"When you touch the sea floor stone, these changes that should be irreversible will temporarily disappear."

Ian raised an eyebrow.

This is interesting.

"You know what this means, right? Ian!"

Gaji was extremely excited, "The blood factor technology is as if it has been cursed! This is really curious!"

"Don't get excited."

Ian is a pragmatist, and he is not interested in these inexplicable conjectures at all. He just said, "Gaji, I have another question."

"What is it?"

Gaji asked.

"Do the blood factors of different animals have an impact on the strength of the fruit?" Ian said.

"Of course."

Gaji said matter-of-factly, "Real animal-type devil fruits are divided into ordinary species, ancient species, and fantasy beast species. Even among ordinary species, carnivorous animals are stronger than herbivorous animals."

"The more powerful the animal is, the more powerful the fruits created by using their blood factors will be."

He suddenly remembered something and shouted in surprise, "Ian, do you want to say, the Beast Legion of the Beast Pirates?"

Ian smiled and said, "Do you think something is wrong?"

"Of course there is a head start!"

Gaji shouted loudly, "It's better to say, it's too provocative!"

Even he has heard about the power of the Beast Legion of the Beasts Pirates.

It is said that a top behemoth even has the power to single-handedly destroy a pirate group with a total bounty of hundreds of millions!

Using those giant beasts as materials, the artificial Devil Fruits created might actually have the power of real animal-type Devil Fruits!

"Gaji, come back to Wano Country with me."

Ian said, "Go collect some materials."

"No problem at all!"

Gaji did not hesitate,

He paused, "Just in time, I also want to see that boy Sanji."

Gaji already knew about Sanji's awakening of the blood factor.

This made him feel very complicated.

"Then let's go and go back to Wano."

Ian is looking forward to it.

At this time, the Beast Pirates already had a monster legion.

But the brainless beasts are still a little behind the imagined beast army.

So we have to rely on Gaji.

As a result, the Germa Kingdom rumbled towards Wano Country.

On the way, Judge briefly introduced Ian to the principle of artificial devil fruits.

In Judge's words, it is easy to extract and modulate bloodline factors, but it is too difficult to directly fuse animal bloodline factors with humans.

It is much more difficult than what Judge originally did to modulate several children in the embryonic period.

He pondered for a long time but could not find a solution.

Finally, it was a sudden inspiration.

He bought several animal-type devil fruits, crushed them, decomposed them, and observed them, hoping to get inspiration from the real devil fruits.

It took about a year and a half to barely get some results, and finally got the technology of fusing bloodline factors in devil fruits.

The final result is the fruits that Ian saw.

What I have learned is just the fur, the mystery of devil fruits is still too profound.

Judge also said with emotion that his technology is just a copycat, and it is really far behind the creator of devil fruits.

He also said with jealousy that if it was Vegapunk, he might be able to get close to that level.

Ian comforted him at this time, it was safe enough.

After all, I can't ask Vegapunk to help.

When they returned to Wano Country, time went back to an earlier time.

New World, Beehive Island.

"Damn kid!!"

The well-dressed Wang Zhi was furious, and he tore off the expensive tie tied around his neck, and his neatly groomed hair became messy, "How dare you do it!"

Wang Zhi was undoubtedly aggrieved.

Everyone is expanding their power, and they don't interfere with each other. Why are you, a stinky kid, so domineering that you defeated all the fleets I sent out?

It hasn't even touched the border line of your Beast Pirates!

The damn Whitebeard didn't say anything!

"Boss Wang Zhi, what should we do?"

A cadre under Wang Zhi couldn't help asking, "Should we be patient for the time being?"

That's the Beast Pirates!

Two years ago, if it weren't for the Wang Zhi Pirates, the Beasts Pirates would have almost defeated the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Be patient?"

Wang Zhi paused.


"What a joke!!"

The well-dressed man slapped the armrest of the chair and broke it, "Do you want me to swallow my anger?"

The whole world is watching the battle for monster hegemony in the New World.

The Beasts Pirates, Big Mom Pirates, and Whitebeard Pirates are all expanding in an orderly manner. Only I was beaten up by that bastard kid. How can I have the face to gallop in the New World?

Face is sometimes very important.



Among the four great pirates in the New World, he is the only one who has not been called this.

Wang Zhi's heart has long been raging with anger.

"Gather the troops!"

Wang Zhi roared, "I'm going to teach that stinky kid a lesson!"

He wants to let the world know that he is also the king of the New World!

The big cadre hesitated.

We need to teach Ian a lesson, not the Beasts Pirates.

Wang Zhi Pirates are ready to start the action.

Soon after, the Germa Kingdom rumbled towards Wano Country.

They didn't need to go to the submerged port at all. The giant snails carrying the entire kingdom can even climb over the red earth continent. What are the cliffs of Wano Country?

They climbed up calmly along the high walls that protected Wano Country. As for the palaces carried on their backs, the Vinsmoke family had already considered it well when they created this sea kingdom. They had already changed their direction under the action of the mechanism, still facing upwards, so that everyone would not roll in the palace.

Soon, the entire Germa Kingdom climbed directly to the inland sea of ​​Wano Country, and directly to the back of Onigashima.

Even the Golden Dragon was brought up. This big ship was the first time to come to the inland sea of ​​Wano Country.

This is indeed quite convenient, making Ian want to raise some of these giant snails.

When I took Judge to the port.

"Judge! You bastard, you really dare to come here!!"

The ground was shaking, and the huge brachiosaur rushed over, roaring angrily.

Judge's face suddenly changed, "Quinn!!"

Ian raised his eyebrows, almost forgetting that Uncle Quinn and Judge had a big conflict.

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