Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 128 Attack! Roaring beast!

"I'm going to trouble you here, Uncle Jin."

In Jiuli Forest, a clearing has been temporarily opened here. It is a fairly open clearing. A fence has been built around it, and there are pirates from the Beasts Pirates patrolling outside.

A huge pillar stood in the clearing.

The height is twenty meters, and the diameter is also more than ten meters. Just standing here is like a tall building, so huge that people can only look up.

Ian stood next to this huge pillar and gently stroked it with his hands. The cold feel of the special metal made him quite happy.

This is the machine that makes the seeds.

Gaji was on the side directing the members of the Beast Pirates mobilized by Ian to build a factory to house this machine.

After that, the seeds will be produced in this factory.

Then the little humans will plant the seeds on the nearby farm for cultivation.

The construction of the farm is crucial, but now Ian has something to do, so he can only invite the most reliable man in the entire Beast Pirates, the respected Uncle Jhin.

In fact, Uncle Quinn was originally more suitable for this job. After all, although he was not good at research on blood factors, he was still an outstanding scientist.

But everyone knows that there is a huge personal grudge between Uncle Quinn and Gaji. It is impossible for them to work together, otherwise Uncle Quinn may be killed directly by Mr. Gaji at some point.

"give it to me."

Uncle Jhin, who rushed over after receiving Ian's call, nodded slightly, "I won't let anyone get close to here. Anyone who dares to cause trouble will only have one fate, and that is death."

Jhin's voice was calm.

But Ian could hear the determination in his voice.

Ian knew very well that with this man's loyalty to Teacher Kai, he would definitely treat this matter with the strictest attitude. After all, he knew very well the importance of this farm to the entire Beast Pirates.

You know, this uncle just came back.

Before, he went to the G-14 base and waited for the pirate group's fleet to take over the entire base.

Then he took the fleet to the two countries that were removed from the government, and almost effortlessly gained the allegiance of those two countries.

After all, they have lost the protection of the World Government and the Navy. If they refuse the Beasts Pirates' solicitation, the only outcome waiting for them will be destruction.

After settling all these things, Uncle Jhin returned to Ghost Island.

But before he even had time to rest, Ian called him over.

This is the ashes of Yan disaster!

The conscience of the Beast Pirates!

"It's you,"

Uncle Jin glanced at Ian, "Do you really not need more support?"

"No need,"

Ian smiled, "Anyway, the worst outcome is that Wang Zhi himself is hiding in the fleet, preparing to surprise me."

He paused for a moment and said calmly, "And if it's just Wang Zhi, then there shouldn't be any need for support."

Just what Wang Zhi said?

Uncle Jin looked at Ian with a somewhat complicated expression.

Wang Zhi, who was once a major leader of the Rocks Pirates, is now one of the very few pirates on the sea who can be called a legend. Among all the living pirates, the man with the fourth highest bounty is worth more than 20 Billion, there is no doubt that he is a real monster.

However, this guy Ian said that he was just Wang Zhi.

Jin couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Ian's growth rate is indeed beyond everyone's imagination.

"Then go ahead."

Uncle Jin said, "No matter who the enemy is, we are behind you."

Ian raised the corners of his mouth, "Of course."

Our Beasts Pirates' main focus is unity.

So, the Golden Flying Dragon set sail again.

When setting off from the ghost island, Runti cried and asked Ian to take them out to sea. Ian repeated his old trick and clicked on the little girl's forehead, and then said, "Next time."

The Golden Flying Dragon sailed away from Ghost Island.

However, he did not go to the submersible port. The huge elevator in the submersible port could not carry a behemoth like the Golden Flying Dragon.

But it doesn't matter, it's actually quite easy to bring it back to Qinghai.

When he was near the cliff at the edge of Wano Country, Ian soared into the sky, and the next moment, brilliant golden light bloomed in the sky.

A huge golden flying dragon stretches across the sky.

More than two years later, Ian's size has expanded again after transforming into a golden flying dragon. The length from head to tail has exceeded one hundred meters, making him a truly behemoth.

Ian flapped his wings downward and grabbed both sides of the ship with both hands. Armed domineering energy surged out, instantly turning the entire ship into darkness and directly hardening the entire ship.

Then, he gently grabbed the ship.

"How strong is this guy!"

On the deck, Luo couldn't even feel any shaking. He raised his head and looked at Ian who grabbed the big ship above, and couldn't help but be speechless.

The size of the Golden Flying Dragon is exaggerated, several times longer than Ian at this time.

Its weight is naturally an astronomical figure.

However, when Ian picked it up, it was like picking up a small piece of cotton.

Even Luo could feel that Ian didn't even feel the slightest weight at all.

Even if it is a mountain, he can directly pull it up with brute force, right?

"This is Brother Ian!"

Jack laughed proudly.

"Ian! Even if he transforms, he is still so handsome!"

Hancock's eyes were red and his face was intoxicated.


Yamato is a man of action and jumped up directly onto Ian's back, "Let's fly to find Wang Zhi in one go!"

"Don't say stupid things."

Ian rolled his eyes, thinking of me as a means of transportation, right?

After gently placing the boat on the sea, Ian did not sail away immediately. Instead, he stayed in place and waited for the murloc troops to bring the sea beast army to join him before officially setting off for the expedition.

The target is the large fleet of the Wangzhi Pirates.

"Claude the Cloud Demon,"

On the deck of the Golden Flying Dragon, Ian found the wanted posters for all the big cadres of the Wang Zhi Pirates and spread them out on the table, "The bounty is 680 million beli. Wang Zhi's right and left hands are naturally related to this." Those with fruit abilities.”

"Natural type?"

Derek said softly, "That should be quite tricky."

The natural type may not be well suited to Haki, but this type of devil fruit has one of the biggest advantages. Natural type ability users can launch large-scale attacks like natural disasters with every move they make.

This is a huge advantage in times of war.

"If it's a cloud,"

Ian laughed and looked at Yamato, "Yamato, leave it to you."

Yamato slapped his chest as a matter of course, "Easy! I will beat him into ice cubes!"

After all, clouds are made up of condensed water droplets or condensed small ice crystals.

That Yamato is so professional and so relatable.

"Ian, won't you take action yourself?"

Black Maria was a little surprised, "Is there another stronger enemy?"

Luo picked up the wanted posters and looked at them, "In addition to Claude, the main cadres of the Wangzhi Pirates also include the swordsman who is good at the two-sword style, the ghost sword Smulder, and the giant eagle fruit user of the animal system. Eagle Jaeger, with a bounty of just over 500 million, shouldn’t be a great guy.”

As usual, the Wangzhi Pirates are also configured with one king and three generals.

In the Battle of Beehive Island that year, after the giant snake was killed by Ian, Wang Zhi recruited another large cadre and gathered three people.

But the remaining two guys are not on the same level as Claude.

Is this kind of guy still worthy of Ian's personal action?

"If these guys are the only ones here, then I really don't need to take action."

Ian said that to this day, killing these miscellaneous fish pirates has brought Ian no achievements.

"And if it's not just these guys who come, then my opponents won't have their turn either."

Luo frowned slightly, "Ian, are you saying that that guy Wang Zhi might be hiding in the fleet?"

"Who can explain such a thing clearly?"

Ian just laughed.

He just felt that Wang Zhi really dared to send just one of his top cadres to take revenge?

Ian doesn't think that this old man who has been around since the days of the Rocks Pirates is so stupid, right?

However, it’s just like what I said to Uncle Jin before.

It doesn't matter at all.

The Golden Flying Dragon continues to move forward.

Someday after that.

Ian received a phone call.

"Hehehehe, Ian! I'm really busy with things. I just had a battle with the former admiral of the Navy Headquarters in the North Sea, and now I'm about to start a war with Wang Zhi without stopping."

The voice on the other end of the phone was full of banter.

Ian took a deep breath, "Morgans, you should at least explain to me why Zefa appeared on Mignon Island."

"Hahaha, yes, why is this? Maybe it's because the navy's intelligence system is really amazing, right?"

Morgans said with a smile, "But Ian, isn't the result very good? Even the former general Zefa was easily defeated by you, and you even got a naval base and two prosperous franchise countries. You don't even think about it. What a loss.”

"It's just a pity that it's such big news, but I can't publish it in the newspaper."

This is nonsense.

Of course, Ian's deal with the World Government is top secret. Once it is leaked, where will the government's face be put?

Although it was to save the navy led by Zefa, it was still a deal with pirates.

Once Morgans dares to publish this matter in the newspaper, there is no doubt that the government will never let him go.

Although this guy is crazy, he still feels that such a piece of news is not worth all his efforts.

"So, what exactly are you trying to say?"

Ian said impatiently.

"Hehehehe, the news about Beihai is gone, so, Ian,"

Morgans chuckled, "Don't let me down this time, I will let the whole world see this battle."

Ian twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Extremely boring."

"Hehehehe! In short, the fleet led by Cloud Demon Claude should go to Mittel Island next, and you should meet there. I wish you good luck in martial arts, Ian!"

Miter Island?

That's really not that far away.

Ian did not doubt the intelligence of this guy Morgans.

He is indeed serious about making big news.

Then move forward.

Ready to fight.

Miter Island.

This is not a deserted island. There are several small towns on the island, and there is no country.

At this time, the residents on the island are all worried.

The situation changes too fast.

At first, it was the Wang Zhi Pirates who occupied this place, and then the Wang Zhi Pirates were driven away, and the Beasts Pirates became the masters of the island.

A few days ago, the Beasts Pirates retreated, and now, the Wang Zhi Pirates have made a comeback.

Huge ships are docked on the coast, and the pirates are playing wantonly in the towns on the island.

The only thing that makes the residents on the island fortunate is that they are very poor. Even if the pirates of the Wang Zhi Pirates are good at sucking the marrow, they can't squeeze out any wealth, and even the food is pitifully scarce, so the pirates are too lazy to care about them. They have to bring their own food to eat and drink on the island.

Wang Zhi did not land, but stayed on the big ship on the coast. He didn't want to have any possibility of exposing his whereabouts.

So, when the sharp sound in the sky sounded, Wang Zhi raised his head immediately.

In the distant sky, iron birds were approaching rapidly!

"Here they come!"

Wang Zhi turned over, looking excited, and hid under a big umbrella, "Let everyone gather here, and Claude!"

"Understood, Boss Wang Zhi!"

The lower half of the body of the cloud demon Claude turned into a cloud and sprayed gas into the sky, and in an instant he had already flown into the sky.

He swung his hands, and his two arms turned into black clouds, and then he shouted, "Thundercloud field!"

The thick dark clouds spread like a tsunami, and in just a dozen seconds they had covered the entire sky above this sea area.

For a moment, the whole sea became gloomy.

"Climb to a higher altitude!"

Drake hurriedly said in the formation of bombers coming from afar.

If you really rush into this dark cloud, I'm afraid the ending will not be too good.

After all, in the thick dark cloud, the dazzling lightning is jumping.

The fighter plane climbed up and flew higher in the sky.

Drake frowned as he looked down at the dark clouds below.

If you can't see the scene on the sea and the island below, the bombing can't be carried out normally.

"Return home."

Drake said without hesitation.

So, the bombers turned in the air without hesitation and returned.

Wang Zhi just watched the iron birds fly away quietly.

He did nothing because he knew that this was just the beginning.

That kid is here!

Come on! Come on, Ian!

A big surprise is waiting for you.

On the sea not far from the island, the Golden Dragon is indeed approaching rapidly.

Ian stood at the bow, waving his fist silently, with white smoke coming out of his body, "Did you see anything?"

Beside him, Violet was trying to open her eyes wide, "I see! That's Wang Zhi for sure! He's on the deck of the battleship."

Ian's mouth corners raised.

He's really there.

It's just right, I can repay the favor two years ago.

The charging has been completed.

"Prepare to launch."

Ian said, "Let the furry kids go and say hello to them first."

The furry kids, five giant beasts are ready on the catapult.

Unlike the beasts on the ship before, these five beasts are the most powerful beast kings on Ruskena Island!

It can be said that each one is at the level of six sons.

There are only these five beasts on the entire Ruskena Island, and Ian brought them all out in one breath.


The catapult was launched, and the monsters with bared fangs and claws streaked across the sky like meteors, roaring and falling towards the island.

The battle has begun!

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