Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 130 Wang Zhi, withering!

During the past two years, Ian has made some changes to the King's Fist.

In simple terms, it is to use the return of life as a lock to seal the accumulated energy. In this way, even if the accumulation of power is suspended, the accumulated power will not dissipate.

Although it is still impossible to accumulate power quickly, there is no need to worry about the accumulation of power being interrupted.

So now Ian can complete the accumulation of power in advance, and then give the enemy an unexpected surprise as if nothing happened.

However, the storage time cannot be too long.

At this time, Ian laughed wildly and punched down.

There was an invisible force wrapped around his fist, and the space seemed to be distorted by this force, just like a black hole swallowing all the light.

Even Wang Zhi's sight could not help but be attracted by this fist, and he couldn't take his eyes off it.

Then, when this punch fell, light bloomed.

As if a supernova exploded, a strong light bloomed from Ian's fist, and in an instant it turned into a magnificent light column falling down.

Wang Zhi's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously wanted to dodge, but it was meaningless.

There was no need to aim, because the attack range was ridiculously large.

There was no need to predict, because the attack speed was amazingly fast.

Silently, Wang Zhi was swallowed up by the dazzling beam of light.

The beam of light that went straight down easily decomposed the ships below, and even before it could cause any explosion, it had directly annihilated them into nothingness.

Then there was the sea below, the sea water was very obedient to reveal a huge hole, allowing the beam of light that continued to go down to penetrate the seabed and go deep into the ground.

Rocks, soil, everything that blocked the way disappeared and was directly annihilated.

It was not until this time that the earth-shaking roar resounded through the sky, and the violent wind blew up waves after waves.

Even the pirates who were frozen to the ground by Yamato were pulled out of the ice by the strong wind and then blown up to the sky.

After a long time, the beam of light gradually dissipated, and Ian slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

It was great!

He looked down.

There is a huge hole at the edge of the island, so dark that you can't see the bottom. The seawater is constantly pouring into it, but no matter how much seawater enters, it can never fill it up, as if the bottom of this big hole leads directly to hell.

It's a really satisfying punch.

It's just a pity that the power increase of the King's Fist is not proportional to the increase in one's own strength.

It should be said that the stronger the strength of the King's Fist, the lower the multiple of the increase when using it.

When Elizabelo used it, he could burst out the power of the Three Disasters with his body, which can be said to be crossing the chasm.

But two years ago, when Ian used it against Akainu, he could only burst out the level of the Four Emperors' attack with the strength of the Vice Emperor. The increase in power is still amazing, but it is obviously not as exaggerated as Elizabelo.

And now, when Ian, who is at the level of an admiral, uses it again, the power of the increase may not even be used as "several times".

Ian thought for a long time and finally came to a conclusion.

As strength increases, physical energy does increase, especially for a gifted guy like Ian, whose physical energy grows even more.

But the problem is that the storage of physical energy is limited.

Otherwise, the King's Fist needs to be charged for an hour, and it can only be charged for an hour?

As the body grows and develops, Ian can indeed store more physical energy, but it cannot reach the level of qualitative change.

It is foreseeable that unless the quality of energy can be improved, the increase in this move will continue to decrease as Ian continues to become stronger.

But even so, the power of Ian's attack is already shocking.

It's hard to say how strong it is.

However, Ian looked at the bottomless hole below again.

He estimated that in terms of destructive power, it should be no less powerful than the Monkey God Spear that Nika Luffy used to smash Teacher Kai into the ground in the original work?

Maybe it's even stronger?


It's hard to judge without a reference.

Otherwise, go back and find Teacher Kai to test it? See if I can punch him into the underground magma?

When Ian was thinking, the pirates of Wang Zhi Pirates were already stunned.

"How is it possible!"

The giant eagle Jaeger, flapping his wings and flying in the sky, screamed in disbelief, "Boss Wang Zhi! Boss Wang Zhi!!"

His voice was so sharp that Ian turned his head, "Shut up."

The two flames in his eyes condensed into rays under the effect of life return, and instantly penetrated the wings of this guy.

Electric eyes are intimidating!

The giant eagle Jaeger fell.



The lion who had been staring at him suddenly jumped up and roared and swallowed this guy into his stomach.


He was punched into the ground by the gorilla, but it was not a big deal. At this time, the ghost sword Smod, who was struggling to dodge the gorilla's attack, looked up in horror and saw his colleague being swallowed by the giant lion.

He immediately sweated profusely.

Lord Wang Zhi was defeated, and Jaeger was killed.

He turned his head.

"Thundercloud·Black Dragon Kill!"

While retreating in panic, Claude, who didn't even have time to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, raised his hand and released a dark thundercloud dragon, and lightning jumped in the clouds.

But facing his enemy had no effect at all. Yamato just knocked away the dark clouds with two sticks and continued to bully him.

Claude gritted his teeth and rose into the sky, "Tornado Cloud!"

The funnel-like cloud suddenly appeared on the battlefield and turned into a huge tornado.

But Yamato just jumped up, "Hyang Zhu Zhan!"

The ice slash threw out a white wave, which immediately froze the entire tornado.

But at this moment, Claudius stepped closer and punched out with his right fist, "Haiyun!"

In addition to the island clouds, there are also sea clouds that make up the sky island!

This kind of cloud has the same properties as the sea, and fish can even live in it.

Therefore, it stands to reason that once a person with abilities is swallowed by such a cloud, it is no different than falling into water.

This is Cloud's strongest move against ability users!


"Roar thunder gossip!"

Yamato's domineering energy was absorbed by Takeru No. 2 in his hand, and then transformed into freezing air with domineering properties. At this moment, the freezing air on the surface of the iron rod had even condensed into white lightning and wrapped around the rod.


This was the sound of Claude's sea clouds condensing into ice and then being shattered by Yamato's stick. Then, the iron stick hit Claude's head without stopping.

The man's brain was instantly frozen into ice, and then exploded.


Smulders was going crazy.

The powerful and exaggerated boss Wang Zhi, and Claude, who was far stronger than him, were defeated so easily?

"Fragrant feet."

A cold voice came from behind, and Smodd turned his head subconsciously. The last thing he saw was the toe of the sharp red high-heeled shoes.

The next second, Smulder's head exploded into stone.

"Is there no stronger guy?"

Hancock said dissatisfiedly, "No matter what, he is stronger than the white-haired girl's opponent."

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if the enemy she defeated was weaker than that guy Yamato?

But there is no way, the Wang Zhi Pirates are not as good as the Beast Pirates after all. Apart from Wang Zhi, the captain, who supports the appearance, the strongest cadre is Claude who barely reaches the disaster level.

The other guys can only be described as not worth mentioning.

"Hehehehe! It seems that the overall situation has been decided!"

On a hillside behind the coast, Morgans laughed wildly, "Wang Zhi seems to be a little ignorant. He doesn't know that Ian has mastered a move called Fist of the King?"

"Hehehehe! It's such an exaggerated move, isn't it? If the blow just now spreads, this island may be sunk."

Around the world, people watching the battle fell silent.

What an exaggerated blow!

on the sky.

Ian was still looking down. Under the huge hole, the sea water finally began to rise. It was foreseeable that it would eventually be filled with sea water.

Ian couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, it was still impossible to blast out a hole that could not be filled by sea water like the weapon in the hands of the Tianlong people.


He suddenly raised his eyebrows.

He looked at the sea diagonally below.

A weird arc appeared at the corner of Ian's mouth.

He held his right hand, and a blazing flame spear condensed in his hand.

Then Ian threw the flaming spear towards the sea with his backhand.

The flaming spear trailed long tail flames, falling like a meteor, just like the meteor spear of the legendary god Odin!

The spear penetrated into the sea, and then.

boom! !

The blazing flames exploded into the sea water, and brilliant golden fire pillars rose into the sky. It was like a super volcano erupting under the sea, and the entire sea area instantly exploded.

Almost at this moment, a figure soared out from the flames that exploded on the seabed.

It's Wang Zhi.

At this time, the man had become extremely embarrassed, and the neat suit he was wearing was now hanging on his body like strips of cloth.

There was no intact skin to be found on the whole body, everything was a mess of blood and flesh.

Ian judged this guy's identity through his breath.

However, the injuries on the surface of the body were not the point. Wang Zhi was still vomiting blood at this time, and large mouthfuls of blood flowed out of his mouth. It was difficult not to doubt whether he would die soon due to lack of blood.

Internal injuries were also severe.

After all, Ian fired a penetrating shock wave, and the internal organs were the focus of the attack.

This man was staring at Ian when he died, with a sharp and terrifying look that was as if he wanted to cut Ian into pieces.

"Really, Senior Wang Zhi, you don't think you can escape by diving, do you?"

Ian sighed, "That's a little too disrespectful of me."

Even if you are not discovered by my Haki, the surrounding fishmen troops will never let you have the possibility of escaping.


Wang Zhi gritted his teeth.

Even his angry tone could not hide the look of panic in his eyes.

After the punch just now, he really thought he was going to die.

But how is it possible!

How could this kid have such power? Even Kaido and Whitebeard can't compare to it! !

It was precisely because of this panic that he chose to dive and escape from the bottom of the sea after just escaping by chance, not daring to confront Ian again.

But now after being caught by Ian, panic and shame were entangled, but an unspeakable anger was born!

Anger at Ian, anger at myself!

Angry Ian could actually injure himself to such an extent with one blow!

I was so angry that I tried to escape immediately and then got caught!

However, besides being angry, Wang Zhi couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Facing such a powerful kid, is there really any chance of winning?

Ian saw his confusion, so he smiled and said, "Don't worry, Senior Wang Zhi, I can only deliver that blow just once in a short time."

Hearing what Ian said, Wang Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and then the next second, the anger welling up in his heart became even worse.

Telling this kind of information without any scruples, this kid doesn't take me seriously at all!

"However, it is really amazing, Senior Wang Zhi,"

Ian couldn't help but want to applaud this man, "I thought that after this blow, you would definitely be dead."

Teacher Kai was hit by Nika's ape gun and was thrown into the lava. Why should this guy do it?

"Didn't your teacher teach you?"

Wang Zhi vomited blood and sneered, "Don't you want to use your power in a scattered way?"

Ian nodded understandingly.

Indeed, the range of the shock wave just now was indeed wide enough, and the effect was indeed dazzling, but as Senior Wang Zhi said, the power was dispersed.

If he punched Wang Zhi directly, then this guy's life would probably not be enough to kill him.

However, it doesn’t matter anymore.

It just takes a little more effort.

Ian smiled and flapped his wings and moved forward, "Let me just ask, Wang Zhi,"

"Surrender, or die."

"My lord, are you old?"

Wang Zhi roared angrily and rushed towards Ian.

Ivan shook his head, "There's really no other way, so I'll let you watch something interesting."

Bear! !

Brilliant flames rose from his body, and in the next second, he directly expanded from an orc form more than three meters tall to a hundred meters long golden flying dragon.


Life is returned! !

Life Return is a technology that infuses one's own will into every part of the body, thereby achieving perfect control over the body, and can even use this to change body functions.

So at this time, relying on the return of life, Ian began the second stage of transformation.

The body shrank by a large circle, and the missing mass was transferred to the arms and legs.

The arms became thicker, the legs became longer and straighter, and even the body became a little thicker.

Overall, Ian has become closer to his orc form at this time.

Ian tentatively calls this form.

"Winged Dragon of the Sun God-Change Form-Combat Form!"

With a pull of his right hand, a huge flaming sword appeared out of thin air.

Compared to the Sun God, Ian at this moment is more like the giant Surtur who stands at the end of the world, wielding the magic sword of destruction, and burning all the world trees!

"I'm coming, Senior Wang Zhi!"

The beast form is the most powerful, but it is much slower than the beast form.

But it doesn't matter, it's enough to face Wang Zhi who was hit hard at this time.

The magnificent huge sword slashed down with a crash.

The blazing temperature had already changed Wang Zhi's face before the sword blade fell completely.

How much stronger has this kid become in the past two years! !

If it were in full condition, he might still be able to dodge, but now Wang Zhi only has one choice.

Forcibly moving the broken body, condensing domineering energy into his right arm, he punched loudly!

boom! !

Flames exploded in mid-air.

The huge flaming sword stagnated in the air for a moment, and then fell down like a powerful sword.


Wang Zhi cried out in pain.

His domineering power is already so strong that it is not at all what a fifteen-year-old can possess!

But the power is even more exaggerated!

Wang Zhi was very sure that even in his prime, his power could only be described as insignificant compared to this brat.

He realized something terrible.

Even without the blow just now, the strength this kid showed at this time was enough to fight him in his heyday.

But now, this broken body was unable to fight against him at all. After the moment of confrontation, he was chopped into the sea with a sword.

The shoulders were directly chopped into pieces!

The flesh, flesh and bones were almost evaporated by the high temperature, and even the cheeks that were just brushed by the sword were burnt.

The sea water surged up and exploded into huge waves.

Wang Zhi, who fell like a meteor, even created a vacuum in the sea, making it impossible for the sea water to flow back for a while.

Ian inserted the flaming sword with his backhand.

Wang Zhi's pupils shrank.

will die!

He mustered up all the remaining strength and rushed into the water. While dodging the blow, he ejected and punched Ian with all his strength.

It's just that it's too slow.

Ian backhanded him.

The terrifying force instantly bent Wang Zhi's arm.

Even Ian smashed directly into the sea, and this huge fist pushed Wang Zhi and blasted him into the seabed below.

The sea water was exploded again, and Wang Zhi was punched into a deep pit in the ground by Ian.

This time!

The sound of boiling was endless, and the sea water could not even get close to Ian. It was directly evaporated by the flames on his body in the distance.


At the bottom of the pit, Wang Zhi groaned.

He broke countless bones with this punch, and what was worse was the terrifying heat from the fist, which almost burned all the flesh on his body.

No way.

It was impossible to win.

Wang Zhi looked up and looked at the golden giant.

Is it going to end here? Die at the hands of this kid.

In the new world, there is no ship that can carry me?

That kind of thing is fine.

Wang Zhi opened his mouth with difficulty.

I don’t want to die yet...

I don’t want to die here like this!

At least live another ten years.

He wanted to speak.

Hey, can we reconcile?

Ian said with some appreciation, "Great, you are still scolding me until now?"

"Then let me give you a grand death, Senior Wang Zhi."

Ian flapped his wings and turned into a huge dragon of fire in the next moment.

Hey, wait!

Wait, kid!

I changed my mind! I can surrender!

Wang Zhi tried to open his mouth to speak, but his vocal cords had been destroyed by Ian, so he couldn't make any sound. He could only watch Ian put his hands, which had turned into flames, in front of his chest.

A red fireball condensed between Ian's hands.

He pushed down.

It's called the Pterosaur Combat Form, so this move should be called-

"Giga Death!"


A red beam of light fell from the sky and instantly penetrated the gathering seawater.

All Wang Zhi saw in the end was this scarlet.

Damn kid!

Why can't you read minds?


The brilliant flames exploded, and a gorgeous scarlet flower bloomed on the sea.

Wang Zhi, withered.

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