Pirates: Winged Dragon of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 138 The Friendship of Giants!

The Giant Pirates, a legendary group that dominated the world a hundred years ago, are all giant warriors from the Giant Kingdom. Their strength is quite amazing, and they once brought great panic to the world.

The two captains of the Giant Pirates, known as the Blue Oni and the Red Oni, are now in front of Ian.

"Hahaha! So big!"

Yamato looked at the giants in surprise, "Much bigger than my father!"

Isn't it?

Teacher Kai is only more than seven meters tall, only one-third of the two giants. In front of these two giants, he can only be described as petite.

"Blue demon Dongli and red demon Broki!"

The friends have also come out of the forest. Drake said in surprise, "Giant pirates with a bounty of 100 million a hundred years ago! They should have disappeared for almost a hundred years! How could they be here!"

"Eh? A hundred years ago?"

Yamato turned back in surprise, "Are they already over a hundred years old? But they look about the same age as Dad!"

Ian said lightly, "The life span of giants is three times that of humans. It is not uncommon to live to more than 300 years old. They are still in their prime."

Toli and Broki are now about 150 years old, which is about 50 years old in human terms. They are indeed the same age as Teacher Kai.

"Three times!"

Yamato looked surprised, "It's amazing!"

Is it amazing?

That's really amazing.

The blank hundred years eight hundred years ago sounds like a long time ago, but in the Giant Kingdom, it was only two or three generations ago.


When pure gold is found in the future, this life span will not be a big deal.

At this time, the two giants facing each other also noticed the arrival of Ian and others.

"Ga pa pa pa! Hey! Dongli!"

Brockie, who was more obese, laughed loudly, "Another guest has come to the island!"


Donli also laughed loudly, and he shouted to Ian and others, "It's been a long time since we last met! Hey! Guests, although it may be a bit presumptuous, did you bring any wine? We haven't had a drink for a long time!"

Donli's other laughter almost made Ian laugh out loud. Where did the Soul Hall elder come from?

He smiled and replied loudly, "Of course, if I can invite the blue ghost Dongli and the red ghost Broki to drink, then there will be plenty of wine!"


Broki slapped the shield in his other hand heavily with the giant axe in his hand, "Has the world not forgotten us yet?"

"It's really exciting!"

Dongli also clenched the sword and shield in his hand, "Then please wait for a while, friends! We will have a drink and talk about the ups and downs of this world later! And now!"

He looked at the enemy in front of him, his best friend, "Broki!"

"Come on! Dongli! The 65,231st battle!"

Broki had already rushed towards Dongli, "Let's start!"


Dongli laughed and fought back.

The next moment, the giant axe and the giant sword collided.

Boom! !

The air suddenly exploded, and the violent wind blew the giant trees in the forest bent down.


Drake's face changed, "So strong!!"

Is this just pure power?

Isn't it too exaggerated?

"So awesome!"

Yamato's eyes flickered, and he was eager to try. Ian didn't need to guess that she couldn't wait to fight the two giants.

"Is this the power of the giants?"

Jack couldn't help but marvel.

This power is too exaggerated! Just the aftermath of the fight shocked them.

Ian's mouth curled up.

Who could have thought of it?

The two giants who were humiliated by the third brother of the candle man in the small garden chapter made a gorgeous turn in the new world in an instant.

The one-shot tyrant country destroyed the Kidd Pirates.

The two people on the warhead island headed up against the wild boar Vouchuri, who was suspected to be the strongest of the Five Elders, and cut the sandworm Peter in half.

I can only say that this is the power of the version.

"Jack, go ask Babanuki to send some wine and food over."

Ian said, "The quantity must be enough."

"Okay, brother Ian!"

Jack did not hesitate, and instantly shot up, stepping on the air and heading towards the place where he came from.

The battle between the two giants continued, and the earth shook with every move.

The giant swords and axes kept clashing.

Shields kept colliding.

"Sun Saw!"

Almost in unison, the two giants swung their weapons vigorously at the same time.

The swords and axes collided, and thunder and lightning exploded in an instant.

Ian understood why they were humiliated by the third brother.

Donli, who was tricked into drinking a bomb and then was chopped down by Broki with an axe after being injured.

Although Broki was attacked by surprise, he was also taken down directly by Mr. 3.

This is probably because they are too slow.

The power is indeed full.

But due to their size and weight, their reaction is slower than that of humans.

This is probably a common problem of giants.

"But then again, why would the two captains of the Giant Pirates, who were rumored to be close friends, fight here?"

Drake asked in confusion, "They didn't hold back at all in their attacks."

Aren't they afraid of killing the other side?

"Don't worry."

Luo said calmly, "Didn't I tell you before the fight started? This is the 60,000th battle. I'm afraid they have been fighting here for so many years. There has been no winner or loser for many years. I'm afraid it will be the same this time." ”

More than 60,000 times!

These two people disappeared about ninety years ago.

This works out to an average of two battles per day.

Really diligent.

How about working here year-round?

Just as Luo said, the strength of Dongli and Brockie can no longer be described as evenly matched. It is a serious 50-50 split, with no difference at all.

Even though the two of them fought with the determination to completely defeat their opponent, they were never able to cause any harm to the other.

Their strength is exactly the same. In the ninety-year fierce battle, they have become extremely familiar with each other. They can know what kind of shit their opponent is going to do next moment by raising their buttocks.

The two fought from afternoon to dusk, until both of them collapsed on the ground out of breath and tired, and the winner was still undecided.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie! The sixty-five thousand two hundred and thirty-first tie!"

Dongli laughed loudly, "Brochie, it seems that the outcome will have to wait until next time."

"Next time, I will definitely win!"

Brockie laughed too.

Obviously, in the previous battle, there was no doubt that every blow was a deadly blow, all aimed at killing the opponent.

But now, the two have become close friends again, looking at each other and laughing.

"Although it may disturb the atmosphere at this time, but,"

Ian walked over slowly and said with a smile, "The meat has been roasted. It is dinosaur meat hunted from the island, with a lot of spices added."

"All the wine on the ship has been brought over and put into huge wine glasses that were just melted. I also added ice cubes to it,"

He extended the invitation, "So, do you want to come to the party?"

The two giants looked at each other, and then.

"of course!"

So, in the center of the small garden, under the moonlight, the banquet began.


"Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

Brockie and Dongli, who had not drank for many years, their eyes turned red when they saw the drinks Ian prepared for them, and they started drinking without hesitation.

He drank a lot of wine in one breath like a whale. It wasn't until his cheeks were slightly flushed that he put down the huge wine glass that Ian had specially made for them, picked up the fragrant roasted meat and started to nibble on it.

"I haven't been this happy for a long time!"

While chewing the meat, Brockie looked at everyone in Ian, "Speaking of which, friends, don't you know your names?"

Does this call us friends?

Should we say that we are worthy of being a giant? Extraordinary boldness and heartiness.

"Ian, my name is Ian."

Ian smiled and introduced himself and his friends, "We are all pirates from the Beasts Pirates."

"The Beast Pirates?"

The two giants were stunned at the same time.

Never heard of it.

They are the real seniors in the sea. They were traversing the world a hundred years ago, and they came here to start fighting ninety years ago.

Let alone the Beasts Pirates, they probably don’t even know anything about the Rocks Pirates.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know,"

Ian raised his glass towards them, "Just drink to your heart's content."

The two giants laughed at the same time.

That's right!

Friends don’t need to understand each other so clearly. At this time, just enjoy yourself!

This is what the so-called pirates are!


Have fun adventuring!

Fight with all your heart!

It is enough to do these three things.


Black Maria asked with a smile, "Why are you two fighting here?"

Dongli and Brockie looked at each other.

Then he laughed again.

"Reason? That kind of thing has been forgotten a long time ago!"

Dongli said loudly, "It's not a serious reason anyway."


Luo's mouth twitched, "So, you don't even remember the reason, but you still worked here for ninety years?"

"It's enough to know that we should fight!"

Brockie laughed, "When you encounter an irresolvable dispute and no one is willing to give in, then use a duel to decide who is right and who is wrong!"


Black Maria lost her voice, "Is it because of this, the life-and-death struggle for decades?"

Brockie and Donli said in unison, "Isn't it enough? Fight, and then win! This is the glory of the Elbaf warriors!"

Yamato's eyes lit up instantly, "Indeed, we just have to decide the winner!"

Dong Li looked down at her with a smile, "Little girl, you understand very well!"

"Hey hey hey!"

Yamato bared his teeth and smiled like a Shiba Inu.

Hancock, who was sitting on the other side of Ian, curled his lips.

He even forgot the reason for fighting, but he still wanted to fight and kill his best friend.

Isn't this stupid?

What else is there to say about glory?

Ian just drank and ate meat in silence.

Didn't express his opinion on this.

This is Elbaf's tradition. How can he, an outsider, have any room to comment?

He just said lightly, "It's just a pity that the Giant Pirates, which was famous all over the world, immediately fell apart because of the disappearance of the two captains."

"Did those boys just disband the pirate group?"

Donli couldn't help but sigh.

Although this is the tradition of Elbaf, it is for the glory of the warriors.

However, it is really selfish to abandon your companions for the sake of your own glory.

"It's not just as simple as disbanding,"

Ian said, "The remnants of the Giant Pirates were later captured by the Navy and almost executed."


The two giant leaders shouted at the same time.

"Don't worry, that execution was stopped by one person."

Ian said, "Sister Carmelite, known as the Virgin Mary, stood up and stopped the execution."

"Oh! Really?"

Brockie said happily, "Gah bah bah! Then she is really a good person!"

Ian's mouth twitched.

Who could have thought?

The woman who is revered as the Virgin Mary by the world is actually a human trafficker behind the scenes.

Even Charlotte Linlin still misses her to this day.

"But, Donli, Broki, you probably don't know yet, right?"

Ian said calmly, "About forty years ago, two Titans who were once members of the Giant Pirates left Elbaf, and they wanted to confirm your safety."

"But they were deceived by the World Government, and it is said that they are still guarding the gate of Judicial Island."

"Their names seem to be, Casey and Oimo?"

Luo glanced at Ian.

Here it comes again.

Ian's unique and inexplicable broad knowledge.

He knows something about all kinds of inexplicable things.


Donli and Broki stood up together, "Ian, you mean Casey and Oimo!"

Those two guys were interns on the Giant Pirates' ship at the time, and they were little brothers that both of them took good care of.

Ian nodded gently, "It is said that the government deceived them that you were captured by the navy, and as long as they promised to guard the gate of Judicial Island for a hundred years, they would release you."

"Damn World Government!"

Brocki was instantly furious, "It's as despicable as ever!"

"No! We can't let Casey and Oimo continue to be deceived!"

Dongli gritted his teeth, "We have to save them!"


Yamato said in surprise at this time, "What about the duel agreement?"

Dongli and Brogi choked at the same time.


What should the duel be like?

It has lasted for ninety years. Does it really have to end before the winner is decided?

At this time, Ian smiled and said, "Then, how about changing the duel method?"


The two giants looked at Ian in surprise at the same time.

"There is no doubt that the two of you are absolutely evenly matched, otherwise it would be impossible for you to fight for more than 60,000 times without a clear winner."

Ian said, "But fighting each other is not the only option to prove your strength."

"For example, since we are going to save the two giants, why not compare who has contributed more in the process?"

"The one who contributes more, of course, is stronger, right?"

The eyes of the two giants lit up at the same time.


You can do this!

Since the fight cannot determine the winner, let's try another method!

Just in time to save Casey and Oimo.

Genius! This boy is really a genius!

"It just so happens that I have to go to the Water City next time, which is very convenient, so,"

Ian said with a smile, "Do you want to take my boat?"

"Can I?"

Broki was overjoyed.

Dongli also smiled happily, "That would be great! But would it be too much trouble for you!"

They don't have a boat.

The return ship prepared ninety years ago is no longer usable. After all, who could have thought that this duel would last so long?

Ian just smiled, "Nothing, it's on the way anyway, but I have to go to a few other places on the way, I hope you don't mind."

"Ga Ba Ba Ba! There's nothing to say about the people who take the boat."

Broki smiled, "Besides, since it's been forty years, there's no need to rush."

"Then I'll trouble you next! Friend!"

Dongli laughed.

"You also said it,"

Ian said seriously, "We are friends, isn't it natural for friends to help each other?"

"Ga Ba Ba Ba!"


Amid the strange laughter, the banquet continued.

It was so simple that Ian gained the friendship of the giant.

With the Giant Pirates as a guide, he can then gain the friendship of the entire giant race.

The Giant Kingdom is recognized as the world's number one power.

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